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A new determination equipment combined with the time interval analysis (TIA) has been developed for the simultaneous determination of concomitant alpha–emitting nuclides, such as Pu, Am, Cm and natural alpha–emitters in dust samples. This discrimination technique for the determination of artificial alpha–nuclides is based on the selective subtraction of natural alpha–nuclides contribution to the total pulses by analysing the time interval distributions due to the successive alpha- and beta decay events within millisecond or microsecond orders.

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An attempt was made to apply a delayed coincidence method for the absolute determination of trace quantities of the thorium series. This method is based on selective counting of the relatively short lived nuclide216Po (half-life 145 ms) in the thorium series members. For this purpose, a list mode time analyzing system combined with a liquid scintillation counter was assembled by means of a conventional microcomputer. A multiple time analysis was employed in the processing and data compilation of delayed coincidences to distinguish them from the true coincidences due to random events.From a time spectrum, the decay component of216Po (145 ms) can be selectively measured. Absolute activities of its progenitors,224Ra and228Th as well as220Rn, can be determined even in the presence of the background radiations of the almost equivalent activity-strength of concomitant uranium series.

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Two kinds of feldspars, such as microcline and albite, were irradiated with g-rays of 250 Gy in 77 K and followed by ESR-measurements at 77 K. First ESR-spectra showed an Al-Oh+ center peak at a centeral part and hydrogen radical peaks having hyperfine (HF) splitting width of 50.2 mT. Second ESR-spectra measured after warming up to room temperature once showed eleven absorption peaks owing to an Al-Oh+-Al center, together with complete disappearance of H0-radicals. The Al-Oh+-Al signals in ESR-spectra showed similar dose response curves in both feldspars, giving almost linear relationships up to several hundred Gy and saturation behavior beyond 1 kGy. Thermal treatment of the feldspars induced an interesting appearance of two new hydrogen radicals in the ESR spectrum, which possess broader HF splitting in the ESR-spectra and relatively stable property at room temperature. The correlation of Al-Oh+-Al centers and the BTL intensities around 180 °C peak showed linear dependency. As a result, it is concluded that the Al-Oh+-Al centers should be main BTL-luminescence centers around the 180 °C peak in the feldspars.

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High specific activity ratios of tissue-bound3H to free water3H were reported for foods in Europe und USA during 1970s and 1980s. To examine these high specific activity ratios, small number of some recent food samples imported from European countries were previously analyzed in our laboratory. The specific activity ratios obtained were around unity, and not so high as those reported by other investigators. To confirm our results, additional food samples were collected during 1988–90 and analyzed for3H. The specific activity ratios in the food samples were found to be around unity, and the previous results was confirmed.

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Red-thermoluminescence (RTL) dating was applied to quartz grains from a flat roof-tile of “Shin-Yakushiji” temple, Nara, built in Japan, probably 1258 years ago. Based on overlapping patterns with other roof-tiles, one flat roof-tile was separated into several zones. The equivalent doses were accurately evaluated to be 4.4–5.1 Gy for each zone. The evaluation of annual doses has been done under the consideration of overlapped numbers of roof-tiles and soil layers under the roof-tiles. Evaluated RTL ages were in good agreement with the construction date of the temple. The present evaluated age was the youngest one within several ages we previously have been deduced from the RTL dating.

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Time interval analysis (TIA), which has been verified to be suitable for the selective extraction of correlated successive α-decay events within a liquid scintillator, was further developed by combining pulse shape discrimination technique and simple chemical analysis. A β-emitter nuclide,225Ra, which is suitable for the use as a yield tracer belonging to Np-decay series, was also found to be detectable by the TIA-method after a certain standing period when the radium-extractant (RADAEX) was added small amounts of HDEHP [di (2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid], which was proved to keep the equilibrium state between Ra and its descendants. The present counting system (TIA analysis incorporated α-LSC/PSD) has been verified to be applicable to the simultaneous determination of three (including Th, Ac, and Np) decay series, if the chemical purification of radium fraction was applied to the environmental samples using an extractive scintillator in addition to utilization of an α-peak itself at lowest energy for the determination of226Ra in uranium decay series. This radioanalytical method was practically applied to the determination of natural radionuclides belonging to three decay series in environmental samples and compared to the alpha-spectrometric results using a Si-surface barrier detector (SSB).

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More than 200 samples of marine products have been collected and analyzed for plutonium and almost 100 samples for americium around Hitachi, Tokai and Oarai in the pacific coast of Ibaraki prefecture. The data have shown that the concentration factor (CF) values for plutonium were 330 for bivalve, 770 for abalone (muscle) and 610 for brown algae. For americium, the CF was calculated as 2400 for bivalve, 1000 for abalone (muscle) and 420 for brown algae.

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Some improvements of the detection sensitivity in pulse time interval analysis (TIA) based on selective extraction of successively - correlated decay events within millisecond order from random or background events, were established by the utilization of PSD, to reject /-pulses from -ones and a simple chemical procedure of radium separation, together with the use of well resolved scintillator. By applying the PSD, the contribution of -decay events was completely eliminated in both the -spectra and the TIA distribution curves as well as the improvement into clear energy resolution and the enhancement of detection sensitivity for the TIA. As a result, the TIA and -spectrometric analysis of226Ra-extract showed the existence of223Ra (Ac-series) and /-correlated events with correlated life (due to 0.16 ms due to214Bi() 214Po()) along with a singly well resolved -peak to be useful for the determination of226Ra (U-series). The difference of half-lives (145 and 1.78 ms) due to216Po and215Po (direct daughters of224Ra for Th-series and223Ra for Ac-series, respectively) was also proven for the possibility of the simultaneous determination of both correlated events by using the TIA/PSD combined with chemical separation and liquid scintillation counting method. Finally, the simultaneous determination of three natural decay series, which include U-, Th- and Ac-series nuclides, have been conveniently carried out for some environmental samples using the present method combined with225Ra yield tracer (Np-series).

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Chlorobis/-diketonato/ oxotechnetium/V/ complexes [TcOCl/-dik/2, -diketone=acetylacetone, benzoylacetone and dibenzoylmethane] were newly synthesized using macroamount of99Tc. These complexes were further separated into geometrical isomers. Furthermore, an improvement of the yields for the syntheses of tris/-dike-tonato/technetium/III/ complexes [Tc/-dik/3, -diketone=acetylacetone, benzoylacetone and 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone] was examined using Tc/III/-thiourea complexes as a starting material.

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