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, & Hengstler, 1992 ). Low persistence is therefore regarded as a risk factor of dropout. When students who are properly integrated in the educational and social system of an institution of higher education reduce the risk of drop out ( Astin, 1993 ; Tinto
correlations of the subjectively self-assesesed risk of dropping out in the case of the students from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Oradea, compared with the situation at the other two universities participating in the PractiPASS project
Lemorzsolódási kockázat az orvostanhallgatók körében
Dropout risk among medical students
: 13. 4 Arulampalam W, Naylor RA, Smith JP. Hazard model of the probability of medical school drop-out in the UK. J Royal Stat Soc. Series A 2004; 167
Learning Alone – a kapcsolati beágyazódás vizsgálata a távolléti oktatás alatt
Learning Alone – The Study of Student Relationships during the Emergency Remote Teaching
Összefoglaló. A COVID–19-pandémia oktatásra gyakorolt hatását 2020-ban a kutatók rendkívüli gyorsasággal kezdték el vizsgálni. Jelen kutatás összehasonlította a hallgatói kapcsolatoknak a vészhelyzeti távolléti oktatás (emergency remote teaching, ERT) előtti és alatti állapotát és ezek összefüggését a hallgatói eredményesség alakulásával. Kérdőívünket 677 válaszadó hallgató töltötte ki (172 férfi és 505 nő) összesen 29 magyarországi felsőoktatási intézményből. Eredményeink rámutattak az oktatók tanítással nem szorosan összefüggő szerepköreinek nélkülözhetetlenségére, valamint arra, hogy a hallgatói kapcsolatok gyengülése összefüggésben áll a tanulmányok melletti kitartással, a tanulmányi aktivitással, a bizalommal és az elégedettséggel. Mindezt a virtuális egyetem koncepciók kidolgozásánál is szükséges figyelembe venni.
Summary. Researchers have begun studying with utmost haste the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching already in 2020. In the present study, we compared the states of the student relationships before and after the emergency remote teaching (henceforth ERT). Our questionnaire was filled by 677 students (172 males, 505 females) from altogether 29 Hungarian higher education institutes. Our results raise attention to the important dimension of the role of faculty members which are not in close relation to knowledge transfer, furthermore, the results point that the strength of the institutional relationships is in correlation with the persistence related to student persistence, student engagement, the trust, and the satisfaction. All of this should be taken into consideration when working out a concept for a virtual university.
the difficulties in both identifying students who drop out and calculating the levels of student departures ( Carlhed, 2017b ; Quinn, 2013 ; RANHLE, 2008 ; Thomas & Hovdhaugen, 2014 ; Vossensteyn et al., 2015 ). The level of
Theoretical Background Generally, young people choose a field in higher education according to their interests, and with the hope of the best professional training and employment opportunities. Dropping out of higher education
Nem lineáris életutak a felsőoktatásban, avagy hogyan kerüljük el a lemorzsolódást?
Non-Linear Life Paths in Higher Education, or How Do We Avoid Dropping Out?
Irodalom/References 1 Brunsden, V. & Davies, M. (2000) Why Do HE Students Drop Out? A Test of Tinto’s Model. Journal of Further and Higher Education
Lemorzsolódási kockázatok a felsőoktatásba kerülés előtt
Dropout Risks before Enrollment in Higher Education
(NJ) Wiley. pp. 1–78. 4 Cardoso S. & Tavares, O. (2018) Students’ Drop Out, Higher Education. In: P. Teixeira & J. Shin (eds) Encyclopedia of International
policies that can effectively reduce dropout and increase completion is limited ( Quinn, 2013 ). This paper focuses on what national policymakers can do to improve student study success. It draws on the Higher Education Drop-out and Completion in
into the non-adherence ( n = 77) and control (those who did not begin any at all treatment, n = 17) groups. The high number of drop-outs made it impossible to analyze any post-treatment evaluation in Phase 3. Table 3 shows the number of