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.” 45 The article also stressed the Travellers' contribution in music: Tom Munnelly , who worked with the National Folklore Commission
received her doctorate in folklore and was doing research on fairy-tales. She developed the Metamorphoses Therapy Method and published a book entitled Story Therapy. The topic of this book is not closely related to the subject of our research, but in
seen in the curriculum which mentions that through the B domain of the subject curriculum it will be possible to realize various extracurricular activities such as choirs, instrumental ensembles, orchestras, dance groups, folklore ensembles
kulturnim dobrima, 71/1994, 52/2011, 99/2011. 40 Cultural centers of national minorities are not constitutional or legal category, but in practice they usually seem to be the most important folklore association in a village or region. 41 Treaty between the
a threat to democracy or just political folklore? ’ ( 2005 ) 1 Sl. For. Pol. Aff. 49 – 62 . Lavagna , C. , Ricerche sul sistema normativo ( Giuffrè 1984 ). Leyland , P. , ‘ Referendums, Popular Sovereignty, and the Territorial Constitution
Michigan State Law Review 334 – 66 . Frazer , J. , Folklore in the Old Testament (Varda Books 2001
néprajz VIII’ (Mentality of noblemen. Hungarian folklore) < > and ‘ Chapter XIV The Decline of the Gentry and the Novel ’, < https