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Peregrination in Germany
Bódog Somló at the Universities of Leipzig and Heidelberg (1896–1897)
The literature dealing with the life of Bódog Somló (1873–1920), one of the most outstanding authors of jurisprudence in Hungary in the last century, does not pay special attention to his study-tour in Germany. Somló spent the fall semester of academic year 1896/97 at the faculty of humanities of the Leipzig University, while the spring semester int the law school at the Heidelberg University. Somló’s peregrinatio academica, which is equally remarkable for both historical and cultural aspects, can be reconstructed on the basis of his correspodence. He was influenced by the lectures and seminars of K. G. Lamprecht and W. Wundt in Leipzig, and later by O. Karlowa and E. E. Bekker in Heidelberg. Because of the preparations of his acceptance as a lecturer in 1899 at the University of Cluj, the grand tour in Germany had a great importance in Somló’s life.
Bildungskultur. Dies steht, wie in anderen Ländern auch, in direktem Zusammenhang mit der peregrinatio academica, der Einbindung in die republica literaria und mit den verschiedenen familiären Verbindungen, durch die neue Einflüsse in die adligen Familien
Kleinsammlungen. Bis zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts erhielt der intellektuelle Nachwuchs des Königreichs Ungarn und Siebenbürgens durch das System peregrinatio academica eine gesicherte Basis. 10 Seine Rolle wurde auch im 18. Jahrhundert nicht geringer, da der
they obtained. Peregrinatio academica was still vibrant, and students of all ranks took part in it. In the second half of the 19th century students from Croatia and Slavonia mostly studied in Vienna, Graz, Pest, Innsbruck (theology) or at the German
study theology with the purpose of laying the foundation for the career as a pastor. However, quite a few of them acquired legal or doctoral qualifications (as well). 12 Although the institution of peregrinatio academica has by now become one of the
). With this in mind, and also taking into account the contemporary rise of the peregrinatio academica ( Szabó – Tonk 1992 ), although we have only unreliable data regarding the proportion of law students involved, we are obliged to acknowledge that
royale ont eux aussi effectué un « Grand Tour » (il ne faut pas confondre ce phénomène avec la peregrinatio academica ) au XVII e siècle : Ádám Batthyány et ses fils, István Nádasdy ou Sigismund Széchenyi. 15 La Transylvanie ne faisant pas partie de l