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References [1]. R. Patel C. V. Paya 1997 Infections in solid-organ transplant recipients Clin.Microbiol. Rev. 10 86 – 124 . [2]. S. Sarkio L. Halme L. Kyllönen 2004 Severe gastrointestinal complications after

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Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
Yosra Chebbi
Siwar Frigui
Anis Raddaoui
Dorra Belloumi
Amel Lakhal
Lamia Torjemane
Nour Ben Abeljelil
Saloua Ladeb
Tarek Ben Othmen
Rym El Fatmi
, and
Wafa Achour

Introduction Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) are currently the most common pathogens implicated in bacteremia in hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients [ 1 ]. The vulnerability of these patients to these commensal bacteria is

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Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
Ikram Ayari
Yosra Chebbi
Anis Raddaoui
Dorra Belloumi
Siwar Frigui
Rim Werhni
Tarek Ben Othmen
Nour Abedejlil
, and
Wafa Achour

procedures, CRE colonization, CRE infection and survival were collected from medical records. Microbiological study Our study included non-repetitive strains of CRE responsible for colonization in AHSCT recipients between January 2015 and December 2019. Our

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234 Bergmann, I. P., Böger, R. H., Marti, E.: Renal resistance index in renal allograft recipients: a role for ADMA. Am. J. Kidney Dis., 2009, 54 , 327

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Whole effluent toxicity is most often considered as a static parameter. However, toxicity might change as degradation processes, especially biodegradation goes by and intermediate products appear. These intermediates can even be more toxic than the original effluent was, posing higher risk to the ecosystem of the recipient water body. In our test series it was assessed how toxicity of a municipal wastewater sample changes during biodegradation taking into consideration different temperature regimes (10, 20 and 30 °C). Results proved our null hypothesis: after the high initial toxicity of the fresh effluent sample toxicity did show a further increase. Biodegradation resulted in toxicity reduction only after an approx. 2 week-period.

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single-lung transplant recipients, COVID-19 radiologic findings can be atypical. [ 1 ,  2 ] Transplanted lung exclusive involvement may suggest an individual predisposing factor to severe disease. Fig. 1 Computed tomography (CT) scan, axial section, on

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Orvosi Hetilap
Enikő Sárváry
Balázs Nemes
Zsuzsa Gerlei
Ibolya Gaál
Anna Blázovics
Dénes Görög
Gábor Czabai
Elek Dinya
Zoltán Máthé
Marina Varga
Imre Fehérvári
Ferenc Perner
Balázsné Sulyok
Zsolt Pallai
, and
Jenő Járay

: Descomps Oxidative stress in renal transplant recipients with chronic rejection: rationale for antioxidant supplementation. Transplant. Proc., 1999, 31 , 1310–1311. Maggi M. F

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Végstádiumú májbetegségben a teljes májátültetés mára világszerte elfogadott gyógymóddá vált. A hosszú várólisták és a kevés cadaver donormáj miatt azonban egyre inkább tért hódít a „split”-máj és az élő donoros májátültetés is. A donorok és recipiensek műtét előtti képalkotó vizsgálatai nélkülözhetetlenek a műtét tervezéséhez, a műtét utáni radiológiai vizsgálatok pedig nagymértékben járulnak hozzá a műtét sikeréhez. – A szerzők az élő donoros májátültetés recipienseinek műtét előtti és utáni képalkotó vizsgálatait ismertetik. Sorra veszik a pre-, intra- és posztoperatív vizsgálatokat, részletezik az UH-, hagyományos röntgen-, illetve CT/MR-vizsgálat szerepét, valamint felsorolják a kapcsolódó intervenciós radiológiai lehetőségeket.

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Jochen von Spiczak
Hanna Model
Robert Manka
, and
Hatem Alkadhi

correlated with a long, thin RCA with pathologic FFR CT values (0.68, threshold 0.8). The diffuse concentric narrowing of the RCA lumen was most probably caused by cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV) – a long term complication of heart transplant recipients

Open access

The influence of passage time of the transfer gun through the uterine cervix and body to the embryo insertion site on pregnancy rate was analysed in 248 recipient heifers (mean age: 15–17 months). Embryos (90 fresh and/or 88 and 70 frozen in glycerol and ethylene glycol, respectively, grades 4 and 5, stage 1 or 2) were transferred to the ipsilateral uterine horn on day 7. Two different transfer guns were used in this experiment: a sterilisable steel transfer instrument to be used without sheaths with a removable tip made of gold-plated stainless steel (Wörrlein Minitüb) or a transfer stylet with sheaths with a metal tip and a side opening (Cassou gun, IMV Technologies). The time of passage of the instruments through the uterine cervix and body to the site of embryo deposition in the uterine horn was measured in the study. In order to randomise the risk of errors, all manipulations were carried out by the same experienced operator. The average time needed for the insertion of embryos into the uterus was 50.6 seconds (s) and it was longer for the transfer gun with sheaths than for the metal-tipped transfer gun (60.1 and 40.8 s, respectively) (P < 0.001). The average conception rate was 45.6%. If the time needed to insert embryos into the uterus was 10-60 s, the conception rate was 53.4% (up to 20, 21–30, 31–40, 41–50 and 51–60 s − 57.7, 52.5, 50, 51.5 and 50%, respectively). In contrast, if the time needed to insert the embryo in the uterine horn was longer than 60 s, the conception rate was 20.4% (61–80, 80.1–120 and > 120 s − 28.0, 6.0 and 24.9%, respectively). Thus, it cannot be excluded that the type of the applied transfer gun may influence pregnancy rate in recipient cows due to its effect on cervical passage time.

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