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sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea , a parasitic fungal growth found on rye, barley, wheat and wild grasses. Publication of The Road to Eleusis enhanced the already distinguished careers of Wasson, widely acknowledged as the founder of ethnomycology, and of
A nemi szerepet konzerváló vezetői magatartás észlelt igazságossága a szervezeti kultúra és az észlelő szexista hozzáállásának a függvényében
Perceived fairness of gender role conserving and assessing behavior of the leader pending on the organizational culture and the perceiver’s sexist attitude
. P ryor , J. B. ( 1995 ). The psychosocial impact of sexual harassment on women in the U.S. military . Basic and Applied Social Psychology , 17 ( 4 ), 581 – 603 . R
Validation of the Hungarian version of the short form of Spiritual Connection Questionnaire (SCQ-14)
A Spirituális Kapcsolat Kérdőív rövid változatának (SCQ-14) magyar validálása
between this experience and values . Spirituality and Health International , 9 ( 4 ), 193 – 217 . Zinnbauer , B.J ., Pargament , K.I ., Cole , B ., Rye , M.S ., Butter , E.M ., Belavich , T.G ., Hipp , K.M ., Scott , A.B ., & Kadar , J
802 823 Rye, M. S., Loiacono, D. M., Folck, C. D., Olszewski, B. T., Heim, T. A. , & Madia, B. P. (2001). Evaluation Of The Psychometric Properties Of Two
constitutional symptoms or residual effects known to occur with ergot poisoning ( Woolf, 2000 ), making poisoning by ergot-infected rye bread less likely. The manifest symptoms were attributed to potions made by Tituba, a South American Arawak Indian or Caribbean
-like fungus ergot that grows on rye. The use of A. muscaria within the rituals of Dionysius and Apollo was secret and they were publicly portrayed as dangerous or ancient pagan practices to facilitate their cover-up. Even the manifestations in the ancient
parasite of grasses, ergot has been present in the anthropic environment ever since humans began to be interested in wild grasses, placing them in cultivation and transforming them by selection into cereals – barley, rye, wheat, etc. The ingestion of ergot