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in the training and development programmes of organisations is not yet pervasive, even though there are many options ( Hamburg, 2021 ). However, damage to the texture of the previous normality causes reflexivity in relation to previous practices, so

Open access

and use: Lexical richness in L2 written production . Applied Linguistics , 16 ( 3 ), 307 – 322 . . Linnarud , M. ( 1975 ). Lexical density and lexical variation - an analysis of the lexical texture of

Open access

: Will it be keeping alive East European research? Scientometrics , 36 ( 2 ), 247 – 254 . Breschi , S. , & Cusmano , L. ( 2004 ). Unveiling the texture of a European Research Area: Emergence of oligarchic networks under EU framework Programmes

Open access

Experiences of soil physical measurements with laser diffractometer and their application possibilities in soil water management research

A lézerdiffraktometriás talajfizikai mérések tapasztalatai és ezek alkalmazása a talaj vízgazdálkodási kutatásban

Scientia et Securitas
András Makó
Magdalena Ryżak
Gyöngyi Barna
Cezary Polakowski
Kálmán Rajkai
Zsófia Bakacsi
Hilda Hernádi
Michał Beczek
Agata Sochan
Rafał Mazur
Mihály Kocsis
, and
Andrzej Bieganowski

diffraction compatible with standard soil texture determination methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 83. No. 4. pp. 1244–1252.

Open access

same message expressed in another code. Translation is change of codes. 12 With two basic questions to be answered at the end of any legal procedure that of facts and that of law, two lines of translations, must be spun into the texture of the case

Open access

. , Graziano , V. , Johansson , J. , Mondon‐Navazo , M. , Murgia , A. , & Trogal , K. ( 2021 ). COVID‐19 as a breakdown in the texture of social practices . Gender, Work and Organization , 28 , 190 – 208 . Derrick , J. ( 2020 ). ‘Tacit pedagogy

Open access

). These and future cases may provide the CJEU with further occasions to increase its engagement with the ECHR and relevant ECtHR case law. We will surely see whether the CJEU grasps these opportunities where the texture of EU law is ‘thinner’ compared to

Open access