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Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
D. Jones
M. Lawson
This paper was inspired by a monograph by Bratteli and Jorgensen, and the work of Kawamura. We introduce two new semigroups:
a wide inverse submonoid of the polycyclic inverse monoid, called the gauge inverse monoid, and a Zappa-Szép product of an
arbitrary free monoid with the free monoid on one generator. Both these monoids play an important role in studying arbitrary,
not necessarily transitive, strong actions of polycyclic inverse monoids. As a special case of such actions, we obtain some
new results concerning the strong actions of P
2 on ℤ determined by the choice of one positive odd number. We explain the role played by Lyndon words in characterising these
repesentations and show that the structure of the representation can be explained by studying the binary representations of
the numbers \documentclass{aastex}
{p}, \ldots \frac{{p - 1}}
\end{document} . We also raise some questions about strong representations of the polycyclic monoids on free abelian groups.
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
Mark Lawson
We characterise the maximal proper closed inverse submonoids of the polycyclic inverse monoids, also known as Cuntz inverse semigroups, and so determine all their primitive partial permutation representations. We relate our results to the work of Kawamura on certain kinds of representations of the Cuntz C*-algebras and to the branching function systems of Bratteli and Jorgensen.