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In the poetry of the late Republic and the age of Augustus, a gradual expansion and Romanisation of the role of Magna Mater can be observed. In Catullus, she appears only as a goddess from Asia Minor linked to Attis’ repulsive act. In Lucretius, Cybele is identical with Rhea, which remarkably changes her position as she becomes the mother of all Olympian gods. In Vergil, in addition to being the mother of all gods, she is also the Chief Goddess of the Trojans, who plays an active role in shaping Aeneas’ fate. The most thorough picture of the Goddess is provided by Ovid, who covers every detail of the cult, placing emphasis on embracing the cult. He goes to great lengths to attribute Roman origin to its apparently foreign features, i.e., he tries to Romanise the already embraced cult as much as possible. All this must have taken place under the aegis of and in accordance with Augustus’ religious policy.
This chapter aims to reconsider an inscription from Consilinum (3rd century CE), in which we find the problematic mention of a mundus Attinis. This inscription has been almost neglected by scholars: it has been analyzed in a systematic way only in an article in Latin language back in 1978. It is not easy to explain what mundus exactly represented to the ancient Romans, but we can assert for sure that it was a holy place in connection with the worship of the gods of the underworld. The connection between Cybele, Attis, and the underworld is well known, but this is the only mention we have of a mundus Attinis i.e. Attidis. It might be connected to the (mystic?) rites in honor of the dead Attis, symbolized by a pine, who, during the Hilaria, was carried in an underground chamber for lamentations, before his new life. In my opinion, we might also think of the mundus as a sort of reversed womb, related to the figure of the Magna Mater, in which birth and death come together and overlap.
Roma népesség és oktatástervezés
Roma Population and Education Planning
Összefoglaló. A tanulmány népszámlálási és kutatási adatok segítségével a roma tanulókkal kapcsolatos oktatási kérdések értelmezésére, az esetleges oktatáspolitikai beavatkozások megalapozására tesz kísérletet. A szerző azt állítja, a romának gondolt tanulók jelenléte önmagában nem kellene semmilyen nyelvi-etnikai kihívást jelentsen, hiszen az esetek zömében – a népszámlálási adatok tanúsága szerint – szintén magyar anyanyelvű népességről van szó. Az igazi kihívást a roma populáció társadalmi szerkezetben elfoglalt helye jelenti: mivel az alsóbb társadalmi rétegekbe, gyakran társadalmon kívüli élethelyzetekbe szorulva élnek, ez visszahat az iskolai eredményességükre, illetve társadalmi integrációjukra is.
Summary. Based on census and research data the study tries to analyse the educational situation of Roma students, and it intends to describe some educational policy interventions. According to the author the school presence of the Roma students is not an ethnic or linguistique question as Hungarian language is their mother tongue. The real challenge is the social situation of the Roma population: as they live in lower social strata, often in underclass situation, this has an impact on their school performance, and finally on their social integration.
Augustus' approach to cults of foreign origins has recently undergone much reconsideration. Until the late 20th century, scholars largely regarded the emperor's religious policies as deeply conservative, maintaining that Augustus was mostly preoccupied with the ‘restoration’ of ancient Italian religion and discouraged the worship of foreign gods. In the last three decades, however, scholars have identified a rather different trend, noticing, in fact, Augustus' openness towards the ‘foreign’. In this paper, I explore Augustus' position about ‘foreign’ rites that were highly popular in contemporary Rome, and specifically, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Egyptian rites, the cult of Mater Magna, and the cult of Apollo (although, as I clarify below, the last one cannot be strictly labeled as ‘foreign’). I offer a survey of ancient literary sources – giving an interpretation of them as comprehensive as possible considering the nature of this contribution – and argue that Augustus was not only receptive of ‘foreign’ practices but was also able to shape the ‘foreign’ to his own advantage and self-promotion, transforming it into a vital feature of the new imperial reality.
R. G. Khoury (ed.): Urkunden und Urkundenformulare im Klassischen Altertum und in den orientalischen Kulturen Peter Anreiter: Die vorrömischen Namen Pannoniens Atti del Seminario Internazionale di Studi Letteratura scientifica e tecnica greca e latina (Messina, 29-31 ottobre 1997), a cura di Paola Radici Colace e Antonio Zumbo Roman Gold and the Development of the Germanic Kingdoms. Aspects of technical, socio-political, socio-economic, artistic and intellectual development, A.D. 1-550. - Symposium in Stockholm 14-16 November 1997. Editor: Bente Magnus
A number of 1145 sets of kinetic parameters derived in our earlier papers from TG curves have been worked up. The apparent activation energy and pre-exponential factor values have been found to obey a linear compensation law (isokinetic relation) if the thermal decomposition begins in the same temperature interval, irrespective of the nature of the chemical reaction. The isokinetic temperatureT i has been found to be very close to the mean value of the temperaturesT 0.1 at which the conversion becomes equal to 0.1 and atT i the rate constant has been found to be approximately equal to 10−3s−1 in allT 0.1 intervals investigated. It is concluded that the kinetic compensation effect observed in heterogeneous non isothermal TG kinetics is not a true one.
* Il presente studio è stato preparato per gli atti del convegno internazionale Matthias Rex 1458–1490. Hungary at the Dawn of the Renaissance (Budapest, ELTE , 20–25 maggio 2008), con l’appoggio finanziario No. K 75693 dei Programmi
The precipitation processes in a Cu–1.0 at.%Co–0.5 at.%Ti (Cu–1.5 at.%Co2Ti) alloy were studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and microhardeness measurements. The analysis of the calorimetric curves from room temperature to 900 K shows the presence of two exothermic reactions attributed to the formation of CoTi and Co2Ti particles in the copper matrix. On the basis of enthalpy calculations, it was found that the decomposition begins with the precipitation of CoTi, followed by the formation of Co2Ti particles. The activation energies calculated using the modified Kissinger method were lower than the ones corresponding to diffusion of cobalt and titanium in copper. Kinetic parameters were obtained by a convolution method based on the Johnson–Mehl–Avrami (JMA) formalism. The values obtained for the parameter n were indicative of a particle nucleation process from preexistent nuclei. Microhardness measurements and TEM micrographs confirmed the formation of the mentioned phases.
. Deželjin 2005 = Deželjin Vesna: L’elemento italiano come segno di interculturalismo nelle traduzioni ragusee di Molière. In: Korzen Iørn (ed.): Lingua, cultura e intercultura: l’italiano e le altre lingue . Atti del VIII Convegno del SILFI. Copenhagen, 22
. Locatelli, P.: Estenzione del principio di St. Venant a corpi non perfettamente elastici, Atti. Accad. Sci Torino, pp. 75-76., 1940. Love, A. E. H.: A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Cambridge University