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Peregrination in Germany

Bódog Somló at the Universities of Leipzig and Heidelberg (1896–1897)

Acta Juridica Hungarica
Iván Halász
Gábor Schweitzer

The literature dealing with the life of Bódog Somló (1873–1920), one of the most outstanding authors of jurisprudence in Hungary in the last century, does not pay special attention to his study-tour in Germany. Somló spent the fall semester of academic year 1896/97 at the faculty of humanities of the Leipzig University, while the spring semester int the law school at the Heidelberg University. Somló’s peregrinatio academica, which is equally remarkable for both historical and cultural aspects, can be reconstructed on the basis of his correspodence. He was influenced by the lectures and seminars of K. G. Lamprecht and W. Wundt in Leipzig, and later by O. Karlowa and E. E. Bekker in Heidelberg. Because of the preparations of his acceptance as a lecturer in 1899 at the University of Cluj, the grand tour in Germany had a great importance in Somló’s life.

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, ‘Prima Philosophia Iuris: a Sketch of Bódog Somló’s Legal Philosophical Oeuvre’ in Cserne , Péter , Szilágyi , István H. , Könczöl , Miklós , Paksy , Máté , Takács , Péter and Tattay , Szilárd (eds), Theatrum Legale Mundi. Symbola Cs

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’ ( Virtue and Science. An Outline of Bódog Somló’s Intellectual Career ) ( 1981 ) 12 Világosság 764 – 72 . Navracsics , Tibor , ‘Somló Bódog államelmélete (1898

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. Szabadfalvi , József , ‘The Role of Bódog Somló the Revival the Hungarian Legal Philosophy’ ( 2007 ) 4 Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 540 – 50 . Szabó , Miklós

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