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1. Introduction and preliminaries Let 𝔄 be a complex Banach algebra with unit 1 and Jacobson radical ℜ . Recall that ℜ coincides with the intersection of the maximal modular left (right) ideals, with ℜ = 𝔄 if there are no such (and then
] Eshaghi Gordgi , M. and Ghobadipour , N. , Hyers–Ulam–Aoki–Rassias stability and Ulam–Gǎvruta–Rassias stability of the quadratic homomorphisms and quadratic derivations on Banach algebras , Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ( 2010 ), 978
Let A be a Banach algebra and ( A ″, □) be its second dual with first Arens product. The third dual of A can be regarded as dual of A ″ ( A ‴ = ( A ″)′) or as the second dual of A ′ ( A ‴ = ( A ′)″), so there are two ( A ″, □)-bimodule structures on A ‴ that are not always equal. This paper determines the conditions that make these structures equal. As a consequence, there are some relations between weak amenability of A and ( A ″, □).
In the present paper we have introduced Banach algebras
Let A be an algebra without unit. If ∥ ∥ is a complete regular norm on A it is known that among the regular extensions of ∥ ∥ to the unitization of A there exists a minimal (operator extension) and maximal (ℓ1-extension) which are known to be equivalent. We shall show that the best upper bound for the ratio of these two extensions is exactly 3. This improves the results represented by A. K. Gaur and Z. V. Kovřk and later by T. W. Palmer.