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. Spector, N. Gardiner, M. Fladeland, E. Sterling and M. Steininger. 2003. Remote sensing for biodiversity science and conservation. TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution 18: 306-314. Remote sensing for biodiversity science and
208 Gee, J.H.R., B.D Smith., K.M. Lee and S.W. Griffiths. 1997. The ecological basis of freshwater pond management for biodiversity. Aquat. Conserv. Mar. Freshwater Ecosyst. 7: 91
Levin, S. A. 1997. Biodiversity: Interfacing Populations and Ecosystems. In: T. Abe, S. A. Levin, and M. Higashi (eds.), Biodiversity: an Ecological Perspective , pp. 277-288. Springer-Verlag, New York
opportunistic, pathogenic yeasts”. The biodiversity of yeasts in foods can be investigated by culture-based and culture-independent methods. The application of culture-independent methods revealed a number of hitherto unknown microorganisms in naturally
Introduction The widespread availability of next-generation sequencing has led to an incredible growth in the number of biodiversity studies. This boom is most prominent in the analysis of microbiome samples originating mainly from soil, water and
1997 16 4 6 Dearden, P. (1996): Biodiversity in the Highlands of Northern Thailand: Some Research Approaches. In Biodiversity in
. Wardle and A.P. Kinzig . 2012 . Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity . Nature 486 ( 7401 ): 59 . Chapin III, F.S. , E.S. Zavaleta , V.T. Eviner , R.L. Naylor , P
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Baker, S. (2003): The Dynamics of European Union Biodiversity Policy: Interactive, Functional and Institutional Logics. Environmental Politics 12(3): 23–41. Baker S
recent approaches . Annu. Rev. Entomol. 51 : 495 – 523 . Chase , J.M. and Leibold , M.A. 2002 . Spatial scale dictates the productivity-biodiversity relationship