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. The prohibition of wild animals inside circus rings is one of the issues about which detailed information on different national policies is not readily available. In the present study, I focus on the Czech Republic, in which country some fundamental
( Dixon 2010 ). Among EU member states, the Czech Republic recorded the highest adult obesity rate at 19% in 2019, and it is forecast to reach 35% by 2030 ( MZČR 2019 ; OECD – European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies 2021 ). Landovská (2021
televize ( 2016 ): Cínské investice v Cesku se mají do ctyr let rozrust na 232 miliard . [China’s Investment in the Czech Republic is Expected to Grow to 232 Billion in Four Years].
( Tylš, Páleníček, & Horáček, 2014 ). During that time, the Czech Republic was one of the focal points of psychedelic research. First self-experiments with psychotropic substances were conducted and later reported by Purkyně in early 19th century
We have compared patenting propensity in the Czech Republic with eight EU countries: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Belgium, Ireland and Greece. In comparison based on the EPO and USPTO patents listed per million inhabitants, the Czech Republic ranks rather low. The Czech Republic also generated fewer patents per R&D employee than most other countries. The time series data have shown a decrease of number of Czech patents after 1990 with some revival after 1996. As our analysis indicated, the decrease was partially caused by dissolution or transformation of major patent generators, but the most important cause may lie in a little interest of local enterprises.
activities try to remain undetected. This study focuses on the cases of three Visegrad countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The Visegrad group is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary
999 Marík, P., Šnejdar, Z., Matušinsky, P. 2011. Expression of resistance to Ramularia leaf spot in winter barley cultivars grown in conditions of the Czech Republic. Czech J. of Genetics and
elections by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic: Beginning of a New Concept of “Protection of Constitutionality” ’ ( 2010 ) 4 Jurisprudence 43 – 70 . Kudrna , Jan
interest on housing loans. MID was applied in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, and Sweden. In some countries (Finland and the Slovak Republic), MID is reserved for young taxpayers under
postavení zemědělských domácností v České republice [Typology and Income Situation of Farm Households in the Czech Republic]. Politická ekonomie 53(4): 495–511. Doucha T. Typologie a