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Evliya Çelebi (1611–c. 1685), the Ottoman traveller (scholar, courtier, raconteur, dervish, musician, and linguist) journeyed the entire empire and beyond over the course of forty years and authored what is considered the largest travel account in history (ten volumes), providing a unique record of his times. This article focuses on his travels in the Circassian lands where he encountered vampire witches, polities with no rulers, vegetarian tribes, and “other jollities”. His travelogue replete with references to their population, settlements, and troops sheds light on the religious, cultural, and linguistic characteristics of the Circassians as well as their incipient Islamisation.

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Nontyphoid salmonella (NTS) serotypes can cause gastroenteritis, bacteriemia, and focal infections. However, these focal infections, including urinary tract infections (UTI), are occasionally observed; in particular, the presence of several predisposing factors, such as immunodeficiency and structural abnormality in the urinary tract, increase the possibility of the occurrence of infection. We present a case of UTI caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Virchow in an elderly and debilitated patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Administration of appropriate antibiotic treatment resulted in recovery of the patient’s clinical course.

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The Crimean Tatars who acted as Ottoman reinforcements on the Hungarian front during the 16th and 17th centuries had the task of making attacks and incursions on their enemy’s borders. The Turkish and Tatar sources hardly make any reference to the tools they had at their disposal and to how they collected information about the lands they had to attack and the armies they were likely to encounter. From the little evidence that we have one can only presume that the Tatars got their information directly from the theatre of war by forcing people of the conquered territories to spy and make guidance for the Tatar army. The knowledge that we present here has been gained from a report of 15 September 1663 made on the basis of the testimony of a captured spy working for the Tatars. From his testimony it becomes evident that the Tatars had an extensive spying network which had been organised by a German soldier in their pay, and that the Tatars paid the spies for their service and also rewarded them with a portion of their spoils. The captured spy’s testimony refers not only to the 1663 Ottoman campaign but also provides answer for an old historiographical problem. The Turkish traveller Evliya Çelebi reported on what he knew about the Tatars’ incursions and while doing so he attempted to give information on similar activities in far away territories like Brandenburg, Holland and even Sweden. Researchers agree that Evliya Çelebi never actually visited these countries, but one can suppose that he gleaned information from discussions with spies who worked for the Ottomans and Tatars.

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References Baranowski , Bohdan 1947 . ‘Dzieje jasyru na Gródku karaimskim.’ Myśl Karaimska 2 : 40 – 52 . Evliya Çelebi 2003 . Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi: Topkapı Sarayı Kütüphanesi Bağdat 308 Numaralı Yazmanın Transkripsiyonu

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-Петербург : Типография Императорскокого Академи наукь . Emecen , Feridun 2015 . ‘Osmanlıların Vahşi Sınırları: XVI. Yüzyıl Arşiv Kayıtlarından Evliya Çelebi’ye Akkirman-Bender-Özü Kesimi [The Wild Frontiers of the Ottomans: Akkirman-Bender-Özü Region according to

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.–Fodor P. 2009 ,,Ez az ügy fölöttébb fontos.” A szultáni tanács Magyarországra vonatkozó rendeletei (1559–1560, 1654–1565). História Könyvtár, Okmánytárak 6. Budapest. Evliyâ, C. S. 2002 Evliyâ Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi. Topkapı Sarayı

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. Bruinessen , Martin van & Hendrik Boeschoten (eds.) 1988 . Evliya Çelebi in Diyarbekir. The Relevant Section of the Seyahatname . Edited with Translation, Commentary and Introduction . Leiden : Brill . Johanson , Lars 2024 . ‘In memoriam

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–78. Ergenç, Özer 2001. XVI. Yüzyılda Ankara ve Konya [Ankara and Konya in the XVI. Century]. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Press. Evliya Çelebi 2008. Günümüz Türkçesiyle

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Timișoara, and of the Cimcime mosque ( Fig. 1 .3). 7 Valuable information which were gathered directly from the field can be found in the travel diaries of Evliya Çelebi who visited the fortress between 1559/1660–1664. Others can be found in the sketches

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17th Centuries . In: Bruinessen , M. van – Boeschoten , E. (eds): Evliya Çelebi in Diyarbekir. The Relevant Section of the Seyahatname . Leiden , E. J. Brill , pp. 29 – 44 . Ebû-l-Faẓl b. İdrîs (n.d.): Zeyl-i Heşt

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