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. Located on the west bank of the Rhine at the confluence of the River Main, Mogontiacum was of primordial strategic importance for defence and offensive operations against the Germanic peoples east of the Rhine. The second stage starts with Domitian
Indogermanischen Grundsprache. Akten des Freiburger Kolloquiums der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft , Freiburg , 26.-27. Februar 1981 . Amsterdam-Philadelphia 1984, 113-153, hier 123 (und THIER, K.: Language and Technology: Some Examples from Seafaring [Germanic
. Bech , Kristin and George Walkden . 2016 . English is (still) a West Germanic language . Nordic Journal of Linguistics 39 . 66 – 100 . Borer , Hagit . 1984
population. One inscription provides linguistic evidence for this process, 18 its deviations from Classical Latin being explained by the influence of a Celtic substrate. 19 Besides Celtic and Christian influences, the Germanic element as evidenced by
The inhabitants of the steppes around the Black Sea and the nearby areas of the wooded steppe must be recognised as having played a special role in the events that occurred during the transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. These populations were known not only by their peculiar living conditions but also various cultural models, even though the pastoral nature of their economy and the continuous movements related to it were of fundamental importance. The steppe was also an extensive link that facilitated contacts with the nomads present beyond the southern course of the Volga and Ural rivers, in the vast territories of the Central Asian zones up to the border with China. Toward the end of Late Antiquity, the ethnic make-up of the inhabitants of those territories changed. The Indo-European nomads were replaced by the groups of Turks-Mongols that arrived in subsequent waves from the Asian steppes. These included the Huns, who in 375 had destroyed the state of the Goths on the Black Sea and, having settled after 420 in the woods and plains crossed by the river Tisza, continued to go beyond the Pannonian limes to strike the areas closer to the border. The intensity of these incursions increased after 434 whenAttila unified the nomadic tribes under his command, creating a vast empire of the steppe whose centre was located between the Tisza and the middle region of the Danube. The Huns also cooperated with the subjugated communities, first and foremost the rest of the Goths, Gepids and other Germans who had remained in their residential areas, but also theAlani and the Jazigs. It was only after the defeat of 451 on the Catalaunian Plains, the failed Italian expedition of 452 and the sudden death of Attila in 453 that the Hun Empire completely fell apart. The final blow was struck on the Nedao River in southern Pannonia by the forces united under the command of the Gepids in 454 or 455. What triggered a new shift of Germanic populations, considered the final phase of the period of the “Great Migrations” of peoples, was the ingress of the Langobards into Italy in 568. This alliance of Germanic tribes had appeared at the beginning of the 6 th century on the shores of the Danube and, taking full advantage of the collapse of that sector of the limes in 526, began to occupy Pannonia. In the face of the danger represented by the Avars, and the new nomads who began to occupy the entire plain crossed by the Tisza, the Langobards decided to abandon Pannonia, leaving it to the Avars on the basis of a peace treaty.
. Germanic obstruent lenition: Some mutual implications of theoretical and historical phonology. Doctoral dissertation, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Honeybone, Patrick 2005. Sharing makes us stronger: Process
The present paper draws the reader's attention to the lexical influence of Scandinavian languages on the languages of the Eastern Slavic bloc as well as to the „reverse side of the coin” i.e. the Eastern Slavic lexical influence on the Scandinavian languages. The following points are discussed in the study:1)Russian words of Scandinavian origin.-As it is widely known, in the case of Russian, the influence of the Scandinavian languages began with the emergence of the Rurikovich-dynasty. The changes resulting from it have had their linguistic consequences in Russian, among others, in the form of some loanwords of Scandinavian origin. (About the historical background see Font 1995: 6-42, Pátrovics 1997: 109-116, and ?????????? 1978. Be reminded furthermore that in the case of Polish, the Scandinavian lexical influence can be minimized to inter-state relations to a much lesser degree than in the case of Russian. About the Scandinavian-Polish lexical contacts see Jurkowski 1993: 18-25, Pátrovics 2000: 221-226). 2)Words of Eastern Slavic origin in Scandinavian languages such as Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Icelandic. 3) Analysis of two etymologies: shelk (silk) and chmel' (hops). 4)'Sovietisms' in the Scandinavian languages. 5)Two Russian toponyms of Scandinavian origin. 6)Epilog and conclusions. 7) References.-I hope that this two-directional approach puts the matter in different new light and the linguistic data will help to understand the intricate question of interrelation of Eastern Slavic and Scandinavian languages.
Milan Kundera a fait son entrée sur la scène littéraire européenne en chevauchant l’âne du malentendu. Le malentendu n’est pas seulement un thème fondamental dans son œuvre, il plane également sur la réceptions de son œuvre à la fois en République Tchèque et à l’étranger. La publication en France et en Grande Bretagne de son premier roman, La plaisanterie (1967), coïncida avec l’invasion russe de la Tchécoslovaquie. Les circonstances politiques, la préface rédigée par Aragon pour l’édition française et les choix éditoriaux fait par l’éditeur britannique déterminèrent la réception de Kundera, en soulignant la nature politique du roman, en renforçant le stéréotype d’un « auteur de l’Europe de l’est ». Depuis Kundera n’a cessé d’essayer de corriger cette image erronée, notamment dans ses paratextes. Paradoxalement les tentatives de s’expliquer ont eu pour effet de renforcer les préjugés : de nombreux critiques considèrent que les interventions de Kundera constituent une violation de leurs droits de critique et q u’elles imposent une seule lecture correcte, à savoir celle homologuée par l’auteur. En analysant les relations complexes entre La plaisanterie, ses paratextes et sa réception, je montre que tel n’est pas le cas et que le malentendu qui entoure l’œuvre est un résultat quasi inévitable du fonctionnement du champ littéraire en Occident.
After the demise of apartheid, the ANC government in South Africa elevated nine African languages to the status of official languages, on a par with the two official languages during the apartheid regime (1948–1991), Afrikaans and English. With eleven official languages in this vast country, the home of some 50 million people, one may expect a high level of translational activities, as is seen in, for instance, the EU, with 23 official languages - one of which happens to be English. However, although English plays an important role in the European media, it has an all but dominant role in South African media. To the extent that translation is found in South African media, it tends to be either between English and Afrikaans or from an African language into English, not from English into an African language. This paper establishes a theoretical framework distinguishing between varying degrees of visibility in (media) translation, and exemplifies various translational phenomena typical of the special conditions found in South Africa, with the local use of English as a de facto lingua franca reinforced by the global success of Anglophone culture.
Lusitania from Spain. I also included the two Germanic provinces, Germania Inferior and Germania Superior, 10 with the aim of establishing whether or not these provinces (co-administered with Belgica for some time in terms of financial administration