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Isothermal calorimetry and chemical shrinkage measurements are two independent techniques used to study the development of hydration in cementitious systems. In this study, calorimetry and chemical shrinkage measurements were combined and simultaneously performed on hydrating cement paste samples. Portland cement pastes with different water to cement ratios and a cement paste containing calcium sulfoaluminate clinker and anhydrite were studied. The combined calorimetry/chemical shrinkage test showed good reproducibility and revealed the different hydration behavior of sealed samples and open samples, i.e., samples exposed to external water during hydration. Large differences between sealed and open samples were observed in a Portland cement paste with low water to cement ratio and in the calcium sulfoaluminate paste; these effects are attributed to self-desiccation of the sealed pastes. Once the setup is fully automatized, it is expected that combined calorimetry/chemical shrinkage measurements can be routinely used for investigating cement hydration.
; then its expression is 0.319 α + ( w/cm )/(1− V f ). The degree of hydration (α) was calculated as the ratio of heat evolved ( Q t ) at 12, 24, and 48 h ( Table 3 ) to the total (and theoretical) heat of hydration of the Portland cement Q ∞ (468 J
techniques suitable for the heat of hydration evaluation monitoring solution calorimetry and isothermal calorimetry has been selected. Solution calorimetry is convenient for long-term monitoring of the heat of hydration and also, e.g., for rapid determination
Calorimetry in the studies of cement hydration
Setting and hardening of Portland cement–calcium aluminate cement mixtures
Calorimetry was applied to an investigation of the early hydration of Portland cement (PC)–calcium aluminate cement (CAC) pastes. The heat evolution measurements were related to the strength tests on small cylindrical samples and standard mortar bars. Different heat-evolution profiles were observed, depending on the calcium aluminate cement/Portland cement ratio. The significant modification of Portland cement heat evolution profile within a few hours after mixing with water was observed generally in pastes containing up to 25% CAC. On the other hand the CAC hydration acceleration effect was also obtained with the 10% and 20% addition of Portland cement. As one could expect the compressive and flexural strength development was more or less changed—reduced in the presence of larger amount of the second component in the mixture, presumably because of the internal cracks generated by expansive calcium sulfoaluminate formation.
In this study, the calorimeter was applied to follow the hydration of special cement mixtures exhibiting expansion or shrinkage compensation. The shrinkage-less and expansive binders were produced by mixing of Portland cement with an expansive additive produced by sintering and composed of calcium sulfoaluminate (yeelimite), calcium sulfate (anhydrite) and lime. The studies were focused on the synthesis of this aluminate—sulfate—lime additive (temperature of burning process as a parameter controlling the relative activity of components) from the materials being the by products and subsequently on the mixture proportions to ensure the hydration process resulting in non-shrinkage or expansion effect. In the experiments the proportions of expansive mixture and cementitious materials were variable. The investigations with aim to find the relationship between the volume changes and composition of initial mixtures in cement pastes and mortars (with sand) were also carried out. The phase composition and microstructure of products were characterized. The expansive additive in the environment of hydrating cement transforms into ettringite and gives an increase of volume when the plastic material transforms to the more rigid matter but before the ultimate hardening takes place. Proper, moderate setting and hardening in strongly modified mixtures is achieved when the calorimetric curve corresponding to the heat evolution on hydration is analogous to that for the basic Portland cement. The rate of heat evolution data are well compatible with the other results related to the other methods of hydration kinetics assessment (e.g. chemical shrinkage) and discussed in terms of the phase composition of hydration products.
Calorimetry was applied to follow the hydration of special cement mixtures exhibiting expansion or shrinkage compensation. The standard, common cements show generally less or more visible shrinkage on setting and hardening but mixed with and expansive agent, usually of aluminate and sulfate nature, they can exhibit the increase of volume. The calcium aluminate cement CAC 40 was ground together with special sulfate–lime sinter to produce an expansive additive to Portland cement (CEM I 42.5R). The expansive additive in the environment of hydrating cement transforms into ettringite at “right time” to give expansion before the final setting and hardening takes place. In the experiments the proportions of components of expansive mixture and basic cement were variable. The rate of hydration versus time for common cements is commonly known and reflects the moderate setting and early hardening during the first days after mixing with water (two peaks and the induction period between them). The aim of measurements presented in this study was to show the course of heat evolution curve and the heat evolved values, equivalent to the acceleration/retardation of hydration, in case of the paste with the expansive mixture, as well as the pastes produced from Portland cement and the components of expansive additives added in variable proportions. It was possible to see how the calorimetric curve and consequently the hydration process itself declines from the controlled setting/hardening. These measurements were supplied by the examples of phase composition studies by XRD.
The influence of three mineral additives, i.e. fly ashes from pulverized combustion and from fluidized combustion of hard coal as well as Portland cement, on early hydration (up to 28th day) of calcium aluminate cement was investigated. Cement pastes containing 0, 5 and 25 wt% of additives were studied by the use of calorimetry, thermal analysis and infrared spectroscopy methods. It was confirmed that hydration of calcium aluminate cement is closely dependent on the type of addition and its amount. The influence of additives of different properties on cement hydration was discussed basing on received results and other literature reports.
1. Mostafa , NY , Brown , PW 2005 Heat of hydration of high reactive pozzolans in blended cements: isothermal conduction calorimetry . Thermochim Acta 435 : 162 – 167 10.1016/j.tca.2005
were generated [ 17 ]. At the same time, as the heat of hydration declined with the rise in the replacement ratio, setting times were also found to rise with a decline in early age workability and mechanical strength, although the latter effect tended
The calorimetric data of blended shrinkage-compensating binders with different compositions were measured at 25C at different water-binder ratios using an isothermal calorimeter. The hydration characteristics of shrinkage-compensating binders were evaluated and their influence on the expansive properties of blended shrinkage-compensating binders was determined. Composition and w/b ratio significantly affect the hydration rate and degree of shrinkage-compensating binders, as well as their expansive and mechanical properties. The total heat of hydration of binders decreases with w/c ratios. Its final hydration degree also decreases with w/c ratio. The ternary binders composed with Portland cement, mineral admixture and expansive agent show low hydration heat and rate of heat evolution, but their total heat of hydration increases continuously and surpasses that of binary binder in later period at low w/b ratio.