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Balogh, S. (1988): Magyarország külpolitikája, 1945–1950 [The foreign policy of Hungary, 1945–1990]. Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó. Balogh S
magyarság vallási életéből , 75 - 229 . Budapest-Pécs, L'Harmatan-PTE Néprajz - Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék. (Studia Ethnologica Hungarica 15). Molnár , Gyula 1995 Magyar Énekek éneke. A sükösdi jelenség [Hungarian Song of Songs. The Sükösd
. Antal , A. ( 2017 ): The Political Theories, Preconditions and Dangers of the Governing Populism in Hungary . Czech Journal of Political Science 24 ( 1 ): 5 – 20
:// journal/10/2) and Élet és Irodalom (April 3, 2015, in Hungarian). The main text of this expanded version is identical with that of the paper published in Capitalism and Society. The footnotes attached to the original text appear here as endnotes and have
Csathó, P., Árendás, T. & Németh, T., 2005. Testing various fertilizer recommendations: the Hungarian fertilizer advisory systems. IMPHOS Phosphate Newsletter. 23. 8
LTAD. Thus our country, as a centre of World Aquatics, could not lag behind them and it was important to have a unified and directive training system. The LTAD program developed for Hungarian swimmers also divides preparation into seven stages. In the
Ábel, I., Polivka, G. (1998): A bankpiaci verseny MagyarorszÁgon a kilencvenes évek elején. (Bank Competition in Hungary at the Beginning of Nineties). KözgazdasÁgi Szemle, No. 6: 534
Serbia ( Zadravec et al., 2019 ; Petrović-Obradović et al., 2020 ). In 2020, the ragweed leaf beetle was collected in Hungary in a southern district of Budapest (Soroksár), far from the known occurrences in the neighbouring countries ( Horváth and
Testament paraphrases that appeared in Hungary in the 16th century belong to the category of wisdom books and historical books. Georg Purkircher (Georgius Purkircher) of the Book of Wisdom, 10 Péter Laskai Csókás (Petrus C. Lascovius) of the Song of Songs
Ellenberg and Mueller-Dombois ( Ellenberg and Mueller-Dombois 1967 ) as we aimed to adapt this system to the Hungarian flora. We have chosen this system because it is an internationally well-known life form system due to publishing its key as an appendix of