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References [1] Impact factor, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, https:// en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Impact_factor; retrieved 2016-10-06. [2] “European Association of

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Proficiency testing is one of methods for regularly assessing the accuracy of the analytical data produced by laboratories for particular measurements. In 2008 and 2010, we participated in the IAEA 2008 and 2010 worldwide open proficiency tests on the determination of natural radionuclides in water spiked with 226Ra, 234U and 238U for activity analysis and with 90Sr and 230Th for gross alpha/beta analysis. Feedback statistics from the IAEA final report showed that the radioactivities of all of the samples fell within an acceptable range according to the IAEA. For 226Ra analysis, our result showed that 229Th–225Ra is suitable as a chemical tracer, although there are doubts that different co-precipitation efficient between parent 229Th and its daughter nuclide 225Ra in published literature. The impact factors of the analysis results, such as the lower limit of detection, standard substances, the background and efficiency for daily determination, are discussed in detail.

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Dear Authors and Readers, The year 2005 was a specially remarkable year filled with much excitement, success, joy and sadness. The new format of the Journal proved to meet everybody's satisfaction. It is much easier to read, and the figures and tables are better positioned as there is more space to accommodate them. Not only did we change the appearance, but we have restructured the leading body of the Journal reorganizing the former Editorial Board and assigning Associate Editors according to main subject areas. With this solution proved to be a much more operational and practical one, and contributed to the increase of the scientific level of the Journal. It is a commonplace, that we live in a more and more specialised world. This trend is palpable in thermal analysis and we can experience it as we receive submissions dealing with very specialised topics. In order to strengthen our peer-review system, we hoped that the decision to divide the Associate Editors into main subject areas, will assist them in their work to establish and build a network of support reviewers from that particular field. After a year we can already see the result of this effort and we are very happy to look at the longer-than-ever list of reviewers we acknowledge for their scientific support (find the list of names on the next pages). Here I need to complement you all, as I am convinced that your enthusiastic and conscientious work is the foundation of our success, as it is reflected in the Impact Factor 2004 reaching the unprecedented height of 1.478 compared to 1.094 for 2003. Last but not least the novelty of 2005 was the introduction of the 'Online First' section on the electronic site of JTAC. We have fought for the opportunity to provide better service to our authors in terms of through-over-time for long and this solution finally offered the possibility to achieve it. It was a jubilation when we could publish the first papers in the 'Online First' section at the first time, and we felt that the most appropriate way to share our happiness is to publish the papers of the already finalized 'Celebration Issue' that was a surprise gift to us celebrating the 36th anniversary of the Journal with not less than 36 outstanding communications from the most prestigious scientists. I owe a special thanks to my long time friend and colleague Prof. Shmuel Yariv organising this Issue - this very moving gift - and for the excellence how he executed the collection and preparation of the papers. Last, but not least I need to express my sincere gratitude to all of those contributed with their high standard work to this December issue. We would like to acknowledge all those who had been working with us in the past years, and now giving space to new members in the line of Regional and Associate Editors. Special thanks to Prof. Gavrichev, Prof. Ray and Prof. Walter, Regional Editors, furthermore to Dr. Emmerich, Prof. Jones and Prof. Beezer, Associate Editors for their valuable work, and support. At the same time we have the pleasure to welcome the new Regional Editors: Prof. T. Usacheva for Russia, Prof. P. Thomas and Prof. D. Bessires for English and French speaking teritorries respectively. Our new Associate Editors are: Prof. G. Pokol, Prof. S. C. Mojumdar, Prof. E. Boldyreva and Prof. P. Budrugeac. I would like to provide a forum for new ideas and here I would like to call on to all Editors to contribute to this initiation. I am planning to write a mid-year editorial where we would share these new ideas, i.e. the issue of 'Short Communications' and similar topics of wide interest. This year was just as tragic as it was sucessful in losing many of our colleagues.We could hardly recover from the news of the sudden death of Prof. M. Richardson, Prof. Maria Kurzawa and our close friend and Associate Editor Prof. Lisardo Nuez Reguiera when we had to say our final good bye to our beloved teacher, a world wide acknowledged scientist and inventor Prof. F. Paulik. Finally, I would like to wish a prosperous new year, health and success in every aspect of your life to all of you.

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. Without their assistance the high quality of the journal would not have been possible to attain. The level of the Journal is reflected in its impact factor which has constantly been increasing with the latest reaching 1.752 for 2010. It is worth mentioning

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of 7 and an individual ISI impact factor of ~10. Relevant publications 1. Origin and stability of dipolar response in a family of tetragonal tungsten bronze relaxors; Andrei Rotaru, Donna C

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da Silva, Barbara Pacewska, Iwona Wilińska, Subhash C. Mojumdar, Konstantin Gavrichev, Valeri Drebushchak, Piotr Staszczuk, Dariusz Sternik, and Sindee Simon. The impact factor of the Journal is not bad but it could be better. In the previous

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demand for a more extensive data dissemination accelerated because most scientific evaluations account on ‘publicability’, which is rated according to the so-called journals’ impact factors (IF) and the authors’ citation feedback (responsiveness). 1

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nonwovens’ pore structure . Ind Text . 1 : 10 – 15 . 16. Tang , HP , Zhu , JL , Xi , ZP , Di , XB , Wang , JY , Ao , QB . 2010 . Impact factors of fractal analysis of porous

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non-toxic behavior of drug substance and degradation products, but these values alone may not be safety impacting factor. Hence, in-silico toxicity predictions need an additional confirmatory support by in vivo toxicity studies to declare the molecules

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