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1 INTRODUCTION The study of Vulgar Latin has increasingly focused on geographically defined corpora and their specifics, such as an area and city. 1 In this wake, my paper searches to establish a grammar of the Vulgar Inscriptions of Trier, one of
Style and Inscription
Inscriptions in classical and early humanist capital letters cut in stone in Hungary in the age of King Matthias and the Jagiellos
–XVI. századi magyarországi művelődés köréből [Studies on culture in Hungary in the 15–16. century] , (Humanizmus és reformáció , 28 .), Budapest , 2002 . Ágnes Ritoókné Szalay : A római föliratok gyűjtői Pannoniában [Collectors of Roman inscriptions in
The aim of the project entitled “Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age” ( ) is to develop and digitally publish a fundamental computerized historical linguistic database that incorporates and treats the Vulgar Latin material of the Latin inscriptions from a specific group of the European provinces of the Roman Empire in the first phase. This will, on the one hand, allow for a more thorough study of the regional changes and the diversity of the Latin language of the Imperial Age. On the other hand, it could also serve as a basis for subsequent international co-operation, in the course of which further work on the computerized historical linguistic database may be executed. This paper intends to present the past and the present, as well as the future possibilities of this Database.
REFERENCES Aydin Erhan , Risbek Alimov and Fikret Yildirim 2013 . Yenisey-Kɪrgɪzistan Yazɪtlarɪ ve Irk Bitig [Yenisey, Kirghizistan inscriptions and the Irk bitig ] . [Ed. Mehmet Ölmez ] Ankara : BilgeSu Yayıncılık . Bai Yudong 白玉冬
Prof. J. L. Moralejo, linguae Latinae peritissimo, octogesimo die natali donum dedi. 1 Introduction Aberrant spellings involving the phoneme /y/ are widely attested in the Latin inscriptions of the Roman Empire. These spellings basically comprise (1
REFERENCES Ali , Daud & Diana Shuheng Zhang 2022 . ‘A New Inscription of the Pāṇḍuvaṃśins of Dakṣiṇa Kosala. Philadelphia Museum of Art Copper-Plates of Nannarāja 1, Year 7.’ Indo-Iranian Journal 65 : 305 – 339 . Anurak Depimai
could be due to the inability of the inhabitants of Sardinia to perceive the opposition between the long and short counterparts of the phonemes. For this reason it is interesting to verify whether the Latin inscriptions from the island foreshadow this
, Erhan 2008 . ‘Ongi Yazıtı Üzerine İncelemeler [Studies on the Ongi Inscription].’ İlmî Araştırmalar 25 : 21 – 38 . Aydin , Erhan 2012 . Orhon Yazıtları (Köl Tegin, Bilge Kağan, Tonyukuk, Ongi, Küli Çor) [Orkhon Inscriptions (Köl Tegin, Bilgä
bene are found in inscriptions, at least from the first century CE, 1 as well as in non-literary sources such as the Bu Njem ostraca and the Albertini tablets. 2 Such confusions are traditionally explained as being due to a fricativization of /w/ and
been published on the disappearance of the neuter with a focus on the inscriptional material. Yet with this material one could describe the main features and trends of this change in a systematic way, provide precise information on how it occurred, and