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This paper examines the iconolographical origin of Johannes Sambucus’ emblem dedicated to Carlo Sigonio, which – according to its title – displays the difference between grammar, dialectics, rhetoric and history. I focus on the central female figure whose innocent nudity represents the truth and whose connection with the ideal historiography standing – balancing together with Dialectics and Rhetoric – on the head of the young virgin Grammar. The special relationship between History and naked truth also defines its symbolic connection with the costumes of the other two figures: Dialectics in rough working clothes and Rhetoric in her long luxury dress. Three symbolic animals also belong to the three female figures: a sphinx to Dialectics, a chimera to Rhetoric and a winged dog to History. Contextual examination of the emblem reveals the possible source of the strange winged dog symbol is Plutarch’s short story of Osiris and Isis. In addition, the paper draws attention to an ironic twist of History in connection with Carlo Sigonio that shows that its nudity is not always so innocent.

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Carboxymethyl chitosan, (CMC), and N-lauryl-carboxymethyl chitosan (LCMC), have been prepared as water soluble derivatives of chitosan. These biodegradable chitosan derivatives were characterized and investigated for nuclear imaging and body distribution. They were labeled with 99mTc to use them as targeted delivery to some organs in vivo for nuclear imaging and to follow their biodistribution within the body. The factors controlling the labeling efficiency have been investigated. The percent labeling yield was determined by using ascending paper chromatographic technique. In vivo biodistribution studies of radiolabeled chitosan derivatives were carried out in groups of female Wistar rats, the body distribution profile in rat was recorded by gamma scintigraphy and the biodistribution of 99mTc-labeled compounds in each organ was calculated as a percentage of the injected dose per gram of tissue (%ID/g). It has been found that the biodistribution of the two compounds and the pattern of their liver uptake were markedly different. The present study demonstrates a high potential approach for liver imaging using 99mTc-LCMC. An intriguing finding of this study was that the three samples were excreted rapidly via the kidneys because of the water-soluble nature of chitosan derivatives. This suggests that water-soluble chitosan derivatives are good polymeric carriers for radioactive element that overcomes accumulation in the body. Moreover, the easy and inexpensive availability of chitosan could be beneficial for applications in scintigraphic imaging.

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Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Nicholas Spiers
Beatriz Caiuby Labate
Anna O. Ermakova
Patrick Farrell
Osiris Sinuhé González Romero
Ibrahim Gabriell
, and
Nidia Olvera
Open access

Császi Lajos: A média rítusai (OSIRIS, MTA-ELTE Kommunikációelméleti Kutatócsoport, Budapest, 2002)

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Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Nicholas Spiers
Beatriz Caiuby Labate
Anna O. Ermakova
Patrick Farrell
Osiris Sinuhé González Romero
Ibrahim Gabriell
, and
Nidia Olvera


This annotated bibliography comprises 49 texts concerning psilocybin mushroom practices developed by Indigenous peoples. The books and articles have been selected for their academic rigor, relevance, and historical significance, and to foreground overlooked research and subject matter. This includes research on a plurality of contemporary practices and evidence of historical uses, from cultural traditions in Mexico and other regions of the world. The curated texts are sourced from various disciplines, including anthropology, history, archaeology, ethnolinguistics, and ethnomycology. Employing diverse methodological and analytical frameworks, the texts explore the diversity of ways Indigenous cultures have related with, utilized, and conceptualized psilocybin mushrooms and the effects occasioned by their consumption. The annotations include brief summaries of the texts, contextualization of the research, and more critical appraisals. The aim of this annotated bibliography is to offer the reader a diverse overview of the research to date and provide an accessible resource for further exploration of historical and contemporary Indigenous psilocybin practices. The team of psychedelic researchers behind this annotated bibliography hope it will contribute to more nuanced dialogue around Indigenous people and practices in the context of the so-called psychedelic renaissance.

Open access
Tímea Budai
Károly Varga

Csepeli György: A szervezkedő ember (OSIRIS, Budapest, 2001, 356 o.);  Kulcsár Kálmán: Nyugatról Keletre: Útirajzok a két Amerikáról, Ázsiáról és Afrikáról (Balassi Kiadó, 2001, 344 o.)

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Locke, John: Értekezés az emberi értelemről. Osiris Kiadó, Budapest, 2003 Kant, Immanuel: Prekritikia írások. Osiris Kiadó, Budapest, 2003 Heidegger, Martin: Útjelzők. Osiris Könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2003 Boros Gábor: A mozgástörvényektől isten értelmi szeretetéig. A morális univerzum kitágulása a mechanikai filozófiában. Áron Kiadó, Budapest, 2003 Neumer Katalin (szerk.): Kép, beszéd, írás. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest, 2003 Horányi Özséb (szerk.): A sokarcú kép. 2., módosított kiadás. Typotex Kiadó, Budapest, 2003 Sternberg, R. J.: Psychology. 4. kiadás. Thomson és Watsons, Belont, 2004 Horváth-Szabó Katalin-Vigassyné Dezsényi Klára: Az agresszió kezelése. Tanári kézikönyv. Szociális és Családügyi Minisztérium, Budapest, 2001 Pléh Csaba (szerk.): A pszichológiaoktatás kérdései. MAB-MPT, Budapest, 2003 Pikó Bettina: Fiatalok pszichoszociális egészsége és rizikómagatartása a társas támogatás tükrében. Osiris Kiadó, Budapest, 2002

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Szelenoészter-származékok daganatellenes és rezisztenciamódosító hatásának vizsgálata epidemiológiailag releváns daganatsejt-modellrendszerek felhasználásával

Evaluation of selenoester derivatives as antitumor and multidrug resistance-reversing agents on epidemiologically relevant cancer cell lines

Márió Gajdács

resistance modifiers and apoptosis inducer 12H-benzo[alpha]phenothiazine. Anticancer Res. 2002; 22: 2833–2836. 28 Molecular Properties Prediction-Osiris Property Explorer

Open access
Acta Oeconomica
Katalin Szabó
Jan Kettnaker

Book Reviews: (1) János Kornai: A gondolat erejével: Rendhagyó önéletrajz(By Force of Thought: Irregular Memoirs). Budapest: Osiris, 2005, 426 pp. (Reviewed by Katalin Szabó); (2) William J. Baumol: The Free Market Innovation Machine - Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism. Princeton University Press, 2002, 318 pp. (Reviewed by Jan Kettnaker)

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Kolosi, Tamás: A terhes babapiskóta. A rendszerváltás társadalomszerkezete. [The Pregnant Sponge Finger. The Social Structure of the Change of the System] Budapest: Osiris, 2000.; Róbert, Péter: Társadalmi mobilitás a tények és a vélemények tükrében. [Social Mobility as Reflected by Facts and Views] Budapest: Andorka Rudolf Társadalomtudományi Társaság - Századvég, 2001.

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