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Throughout their existence, Kievan Rus’ and the Old-Russian Principalities often had to face the incursions of their nomadic neighbours. Their relationship was characterised by many contradictions but down to the appearance of the Mongols no nomadic tribe or confederation meant a real menace for the political independence of Rus’ and the Old-Russian Principalities. The present study is giving an analysis and evaluation of the ambivalent attitude of Old-Russian chronicles towards their nomadic foes. As the relationships between the different Old-Russian Principalities and the nomadic tribes were of various character, the standpoints of the chroniclers widely differ. For the early period one can gather information from the Povest’ Vremennyh Let, for the later period the regional chronicle-writing, e.g. the Galician-Volhynian or Vladimir-Suzdalian chronicles, provide material. The summary of the conclusions drawn from these data is that there is a special duality in the chronicles as far as the evaluation of the steppe nomads is concerned. On the one hand, they have a negative approach based on the Christian-non-Christian antagonism, on the other, an attitude of tolerance can also be observed. The reason for the latter aspect lies in the interests of the courts of the princes that often entered into alliance with different groups of the nomads.
–19 304 338 Wozniak 1984 = Wozniak F. E. Byzantium, the Pechenegs and the Rus’. The Limitations of a Great Power’s Influence on its Clients in the 10th-century Eurasian Steppe
unique. The Avars were ambushed while loaded with booty (Michael Syrian 10. 21 and 361). Around 913 a German army fell upon “heavy-laden” Magyars ( Gesta 39). In the late 1000s Hungarians attacked Pechenegs returning home after raiding ( Gesta 63). In
Mixobarbaros – mixobarbaroi •
A mixobarbaros melléknév jelentése Anna Komnéné Alexias című kortörténetében
„paristrioni (vlach > román) államalakulat” melletti érvelésbe és a kialakított történeti narratívákba. Könyvészeti adatokkal a kérdéskör egyik alaptényezőjéről: A. Paroń: The Pechenegs: Nomads in the Political and Cultural Landscape of Medieval Europe. (ECEE
академия наук, Институт славяноведения и балканистики . Noonan , Thomas S . 1992 . ‘Rus’ , Pechenegs, and Polovtsy: Economic Interaction along Steppe Frontier in the Pre-Mongol Era.’ Russian History 19 / 1–4 : 301 – 326 . Paul , Jürgen 1998 /2011
heritage of Pechenegs, Uzes, Cumans and the Jász) . Studia ad archaeologiam Pazmaniensia 2 . Budapest . Price , T
' Vremennych Let) compiled in the 1110s. The chronicle draws a clear chronological distinction between them (Heraclius's reign on the one hand, and the time of the Pechenegs on the other). Nevertheless, the passages mentioning these Ugrians were accorded a