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The methods of expressing obligation in English, Hungarian, and Polish statutory instruments
A comparative analysis of selected aspects of deontic modality
Polish–Hungarian and Polish–English translation . Across Languagesand Cultures 11 ( 2010 ): 67 – 81 . KACZMAREK–MATULEWSKA–WIATROWSKI 2008 KACZMAREK K
The paper discusses the treatment of proverbial wisdom in Polish graffiti by drawing upon nearly 100 paremic structures collected on Polish Internet sites in the last decade. Proverbs in mural writing are classified as existential graffiti inscriptions due to their general rather than individualized reference. Graffiti writers challenge the potential of universal application of proverbs, paraphrazing the original forms, creating anti-proverbs in the process, with an eye to exposing the limited application of paremic wisdom or rejecting proverbs as entirely unsuitable in the context of modern Polish society. The paper explores the ways in which humour is employed in the use of proverbs in Polish murals.
development of the Slavic verbal aspect as a whole, apply to the development of the Polish verbal aspect, too. 1 In Modern Polish, like in other Slavic languages, prefixation as pisać ‘to write’ → na pisać ‘to write down’ (perfectivation) and
The term coniuncta appears in some Gregorian, and occurs sporadically in theoretical sources in the second half of the 14th century, and on a wider scale during the 15th century. Related texts are to be found in Polish collections. This group contains a number of anonymous texts preserved in manuscripts held in the Biblioteka Jagiellońska in Kraków, and the University Library and Ossoliński Library in Wrocław. These manuscripts are examined. The treatises provide detailed information concerning the notational and performance practice connected to the coniuncta in cantus planus that they sometimes seem to be situated further towards the “practice” side than the “proper” musical records presented in graduals and antiphonals. All the instructions and guidelines relating to the transposition of melody, or the introduction of mutation and the use of appropriate intonation, are particularly worthy of scrutiny. They provide the evidence that the modification of the pitch system was closely related to a careful revision of the chant repertory.
and incorporated into the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth gaining, however, an exceptional and very privileged position. After the second 1793 partition of Poland, Gdansk was incorporated into Prussia, and in 1920 in compliance with the Versaille Treaty
1. Introduction The analysis of the Polish constitutional achievements from the period of the First Republic of Poland 1 leads to the conclusion that Poles are supporters of democracy and appreciate its values
, Jonathan . 2000 . The ins and outs of contextual allomorphy . University of Maryland Working Papers in Linguistics 10 . 35 – 71 . Bondaruk , Anna and Bożena Rozwadowska . to appear. Heterogenity of states in Polish stative passives . In W
PQs with count plurals, while their other uses remain somewhat neglected (but see Moltmann 1997 and Korat 2016 ). In this paper, I will investigate non-trivial semantic differences between various types of PQs in Polish, which indicate that the
Polish Born Globals . Journal of International Studies , ( 8 ) 1 : 9 – 21 . Barłożewski , K. – Jarosiński , M. ( 2017 ): Zmiany strategii działania polskich przedsiębiorstw na
Concentration of 38 elements in size-fractionated brwon and hard coal ash from two Polish power plants have been measured by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Based on the enrichment factors calculated relative to iron and average crustal rock composition, the elements are grouped into three classes: Group I elements show little or no enrichment in the small fraction; Group II elements increase their enrichment with decreasing particle size; the behaviour of Group III elements is intermediate between those of elements in Groups I and II.