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The modeling of soil erosion processes is affected by several factors that reflect the physical-geographic conditions of the study site together with the land use linkage. The soil parameters are significant in the modeling of erosion and also runoff processes. The correct determination of a soil's parameters becomes a crucial part of the model's calibration. This paper deals with a sensitivity analysis of seven soil input parameters to the physically-based Erosion 3D model. The results show the variable influence of each soil parameter. The Erosion 3D model is very sensitive to initial soil moisture, bulk density, and erodibility.
The impact of nitrogen-fixing blue-green algal (BGA) strains, namely Anabaena variabilis, Aulosira fertilissima, Nostoc muscorum and Tolypothrix tenuis , was studied at different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on specific soil parameters such as microbial populations, pH, EC, redox potential, chlorophyll, dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activity under a rice crop. The inoculation of the soil with BGA strains resulted in higher microbial populations (BGA, bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes) and had a significant influence on redox potential. A significant increase in soil chlorophyll, dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activity was observed during crop growth due to BGA application.
The former Toninia coeruleonigricans now represents three almost equally frequent species in Hungary. Toninia opuntioides, T. physaroides and T. sedifolia were investigated in the same locality for comparison of various parameters of their microhabitats. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the niche preferences of these species. More than two hundred soil samples were analysed in the respect of six soil parameters. Aspect and slope degree of the microsites, and the abundance of associated bryophyte and lichen species were also studied. ANOVA revealed that there are significant differences between the species in acidity, carbonate content, soil depth, aspect and slope degree.
1599 Meli, S. et al., 2002. Influence of irrigation with wastewater on chemical and microbiological soil parameters in a citrus orchard under Mediterranean condition. Science of
A történeti korokban élt emberek mindennapi élettevékenységét a háztartásrégészet egy adott emberi populáció hátrahagyott anyagi és építési kultúráján keresztül ítéli meg. A talajtanban alkalmazott talajkémiai és -fizikai paraméterek térhasználat elemzésben történő felhasználása ugyanezt a célt szolgálja, de természeténél fogva eltérő tevékenységek detektálására (is) alkalmas. A bemutatott vizsgálat két épületobjektum, talajtani alapokra helyezett, belső térhasználat elemzésének módszertani megfontolásait, illetve eredményeit foglalja össze. Győr–Ménfőcsanak-Széles-földek lelőhelyen feltárt kelta (La Tène kultúra, Kr.e. III. század második fele), illetve római kori bennszülött (Kr.u. I. század vége) épületobjektum belső terében, a teljes régészeti jelenségre reprezentatív horizontális mintavételi módszert alkalmaztunk, amelynek keretében 50×50 cm-es rácshálóból gyűjtöttünk antropogén üledékmintákat a két objektum belső teréből. A vizsgálat tárgyát képező objektumok méretben és felépítményben azonosságokat mutatnak. Az egyenként két ágasfás, félig földbe mélyített épületekből összesen 68 db mintán végeztünk talajtani méréseket [összes szervesszén-tartalom (TOC%), összes foszfortartalom (Pösszes), pH (H2O, KCl), CaCO3%, Arany-féle kötöttség (KA)]. Annak érdekében, hogy a régészeti jelenségekben megmutatkozó emberi hatást elkülöníthessük a környezeti háttérértékektől, a lelőhely négy pontján vettünk fel kontroll talajszelvényt. A régészeti környezetből származó mérési adatok kiértékelése kettős. Mennyiségi szempontból a lelőhely környezeti viszonyaihoz, illetve a kimért háttérértékekhez kell kalibrálni az adatokat. Minőségi szempontból ugyanakkor egy-egy paraméter mintasorozatában mért szórás, értékintervallum, illetve horizontális heterogenitása árulkodik az épület belsejének eltérő használatáról. Az alkalmazott paraméterek közül az összes foszfortartalom és az összes szervesszéntartalom adatai bizonyultak a leginformatívabbnak annak eldöntésében, hogy a vizsgált belső terek mely pontját, milyen mértékben érhette emberi tevékenységből származó behatás. Eredményeink alapján az Arany-féle kötöttségi szám, illetve a szénsavas mésztartalom eloszlásmintázatait – Győr–Ménfőcsanak-Széles-földek lelőhely esetében – csak részlegesen lehetett az egykori emberi tevékenységhez kötni. Ez a lelőhely szedimentológiai és talajtani viszonyaival magyarázható. A két objektum belső térhasználata, az antropogén üledékeken végzett talajtani mérések tanúsága szerint nem tekinthető azonosnak. A római kori bennszülött épület belső terében markáns különbséget lehet feltételezni a belső térhasználatban. Ezzel ellentétben a kelta épületobjektumnál egyenletes eloszlásmintázatról beszélhetünk, amely olyan emberi tevékenység egykori meglétére utal, amely nem szelektíven használta az épület belső terét.
There are several community-based bioindicator systems that use species presence or abundance data as proxies for environmental variables. One example is the Ellenberg system, whereby vegetation data are used to estimate environmental soil conditions. Despite widespread use of Ellenberg values in ecological research, the correlation between bioindicated values and actual values is often an implicit assumption rather than based on empirical evidence. Here, we correlate unadjusted and UK-adjusted Ellenberg values for soil moisture, pH, and nitrate in relation to direct environmental measures for 50 woodland sites in the UK, which were subject to repeat sampling. Our results show the accuracy of Ellenberg values is parameter specific; pH values were a good proxy for direct environmental measures but this was not true for soil moisture, when relationships were weak and non-significant. For nitrates, there were important seasonal differences, with a strong positive logarithmic relationship in the spring but a non-significant (and negative) correlation in summer. The UK-adjusted values were better than, or equivalent to, Ellenberg’s original ones, which had been quantified originally for Central Europe, in all cases. Somewhat surprisingly, unweighted values correlated with direct environmental measures better than did abundance-weighted ones. This suggests that the presence of rare plants can be highly important in accurate quantification of soil parameters and we recommend using an unweighted approach. However, site profiles created only using rare plants were inferior to profiles based on the whole plant community and thus cannot be used in isolation. We conclude that, for pH and nitrates, the Ellenberg system provides a useful estimate of actual conditions, but recalibration of moisture values should be considered along with the effect of seasonality on the efficacy of the system.
We investigate the modifications of soil factors in Carpobrotus invaded sites by evaluating differences between non-invaded and highly invaded plots in three habitats of coastal dune ecosystems in Central Italy. Nitrogen content, organic matter content, pH and salinity were measured in three coastal habitats: shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria, Crucianellion maritimae fixed beach dunes and fixed coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. Soil variables of the invaded plots were compared to non-invaded ones using two-way factorial ANOVAs and post-hoc Tukey HSD tests. We found significant differences between invaded and non-invaded plots for nitrogen content, organic matter content and pH in both foredune habitats. On the other hand, no differences were revealed on fixed dunes. Thus, we found distinct responses of soil factors to Carpobrotus invasion depending on the habitat. Pioneer habitats with very poor soils are more sensitive to invasion probably because the production of litter by Carpobrotus is considerably higher than for native species. Therefore, for the establishment of efficient alien control programs of those habitats of conservation interest, it is imperative to take into account the relationship between invasive species presence and the top soil characteristics. For instance, particular attention is required in the foredune zone (pioneer habitats), where Carpobrotus invasion is more likely to affect the parameters of the soil.
Activity concentrations using gamma-ray spectrometer and distributions of natural radionuclides in soil samples collected were investigated to assess the environmental radioactivity and characterization of radiological hazard. The average concentrations of 238U, 232Th series and 40K in the 5 cm depth soil were 22.53, 33.43 and 406.62 Bq kg−1, respectively, which was within world median ranges in the UNSCEAR 2000 report. The average absorbed dose rate estimated by soil activity and annual effective doses were 49.32 nGy h−1 and 60.48 μSv, respectively. Since the soil is an important building material, the mean radium equivalent activity (Ra eq), external (H ex) and internal (H in) hazard index using various models given in the literature for the study area were evaluated as 101.72 Bq kg−1, 0.27 and 0.34, respectively, which were below the recommended limits. The effects of pH value, conductivity, true density and textural properties of soil samples on the natural radionuclide levels were also studied. The application of cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA), coupled with Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, were utilized to analyze the data, identify and clarify the effects of physico-chemical properties on natural radioactivity levels. The CA and PCA results showed that the former method yielded three distinctive groups of the soil variables whereas the latter one yielded the number of variables into three factors with 87.5% variance explanation.
Józsa V. Effects of rarely analyzed soil parameters for FEM analysis of embedded retaining structures, Proc. of the 21st European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference , Rotterdam, 4–7 September 2011, pp. 15