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by chemical inhomogeneity (inherited schlieren features with poorer and richer regions in Ca and Fe) within a μm spatial scale, because of the lack of time for mechanical mixing and homogenization ( Langenhorst and Poiriere 2000 ). Dingwell and Webb
approach was applied by Webster et al. ( 2002 ) for estimating the spatial scales of regionalized variables. Fig. 3 Elements of a statistical control chart
al., 2013. Detection of long-term landscape changes and trajectories in a Pannonian sand region: comparing land-cover and habitat-based approaches at two spatial scales. Community Ecology. 14 . (2) 219
Ekschmitt, K. et al., 2003. On the quality of soil biodiversity indicators: abiotic and biotic parameters as predictors of soil faunal richness at different spatial scales. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 98 . 273--283. On
ORVÁTH , F. , B AGI , I. & M OLNÁR , Zs. , 2013 . Detection of long-term landscape changes and trajectories in a Pannonian sand region: comparing land-cover and habitat-based approaches at two spatial scales . Community Ecology . 14 . ( 2 ) 219