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Andrássy út 96.: egy másik Herzl Tivadar háza. A Herzl-Hernádi – Szász-Koburg – Gothai hercegi – ideiglenes köztársasági elnöki palota

No. 96, Andrássy avenue: the house of another Theodor Herzl. The Herzl-Hernádi – Saxe-Coburg – Gotha ducal palace – temporary residence of the president of the republic

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Ferenc Vadas†


Two centrally symmetrical squares, Octogon and Rondeau divide into three sections the representative avenue of Budapest, Andrássy út, lined mostly with neo-renaissance buildings. The two sections closer to the city centre are built up in a closed line with the building height decreasing towards the City Park while the section ending in the park comprises detached villas. There is a short connecting section between the Rondeau and the villas, which is also closed but the buildings with front gardens are on a smaller scale. No public buildings were erected here; all is residential housing, some being palaces of single families, the rest rental housing. One of them is discussed in this paper, joined into a visual unity with its larger and more richly decorated neighbours.

The rusticated façade of the three-storied neo-renaissance residential building has eight evenly spaced out axes; what alone upsets the perfect symmetry of the apertures is the entrance in the first axis on the left. The broad cornice running along the entire façade and the identical windows by stories make the front look strongly horizontal. The plastic aediculae of the second storey suggest that it is the principal storey, but unusually the piano nobile is the mezzanine. The courtyard facades of the L-shaped building with a single courtyard wing are more massively articulated. To the court side of the street wing a single-storey high central addition and a tower-like elevator-shaft are added. On the courtyard face of the court wing a glazed balcony runs along the whole length to the cylindrical tower with a pointed steeple in the northern corner of the courtyard also attached to the courtyard wing of the rear neighbor, no. 59 Aradi utca. In the western corner there is a similar staircase tower belonging to the next rear neighbor at the end of the other courtyard wing of the Aradi street building.

The barrel-vaulted doorway is divided into sections by 5 pairs of Corinthian pilasters and the archivolts. Both the archivolts and the vault sections are coffered. Restorers have found that the coffers had decorative painting and the pilaster capitals were gilded. The staircase opens from the doorway on the right. The staircase of a square plan has wrought iron railing with an ornate candelabrum at the start. The bottom of the landing on each floor is decorated with plasterwork geometric motifs and rosettes originally gilded. The ground-plans of the mezzanine and the storey above it are identical. Next to the staircase there is a narrow anteroom with its axis perpendicularly to the main walls. It has a small extension projecting into the courtyard. Next to it, in the middle of the courtyard front, there is an oblong room also extended into the courtyard in the middle.

There are twice four rooms in the street tract. The most richly decorated space in the piano nobile and the entire building is the reception room in the courtyard tract of the mezzanine. Up to half the length of the side walls and the entire ceiling is paneled. The doors leading to the anteroom and street tract are highly embellished, lined with pilasters but the aperture heads they used to hold are missing. The courtyard projection looks like a bay window from the inside; wall investigation has exposed ornamental painting on a gilded ground on the walls. The anteroom and two outer (single-window) rooms have stucco ceilings. None of the original interior decoration of the two inner rooms (with two and three windows) survives, and little of the second-storey interior is original, too.

The plot was purchased by Theodor Herzl and his wife Sarolta Herzog in 1881. He is only a namesake of the founder of Zionism also born in Budapest. This Herzl was born in 1830, nearly 30 years before his world-famous namesake. His career was connected to one of the most successful families of merchants and haute bouregoises rising into the ranks of the aristocracy by the turn of a century, the Herzogs, who had a real palace built for themselves along Andrássy út, right across from the Herzl house. Herzl contracted Adolf Feszty (1846–1900) who had 11 buildings erected along the Avenue. All are in the closed-row sections in neo-renaissance style, none being villas or public buildings. The majority is four-storied rental buildings, and only two three-storied building were private palaces. The one in question was built in 1881–83; the original plans are lost. In this phase of construction, the entire street wing and a short courtyard section attached to the street wing were built. There is no information on the original furnishings. Since the ornaments possibly date from the subsequent reconstruction, it is presumed that there were higher middle-class apartments (one per storey) in the building of decent quality but reserved interior decoration, which is more in line with the facade of a residential rather than palatial appearance.

Herzl and his wife bought the Aradi utca plot behind no. 96, Andrássy út in two installments. In 1890 they applied for permission to unite the two plots and enlarge the building towards Aradi street. The new building section was planned by Swiss-born Lajos Ray Rezső (1845–1899), a fashionable architect of his age, the planner of the Herzog palace. A greater part of the extension fell on the Aradi utca plot; Ray actually added a separate tenement building to the Herzl palace with an atelier on the fourth floor. The character of the property was modified by this enlargement, a rental building being added to a palace. As a result, a typical Budapest complex of mixed palatial and rental housing emerged. The combination of the two building types of different functions was required by economy, by the aim to recover the building costs. In terms of architecture, there were several variants. There could be rented apartments within a palace (in a separate wing or storey – as it was here at the beginning), in a separate building of rented apartments next to the palace (behind a common façade or also separated on the front), or (like in this case) behind the palace. The point was that the two should constitute a cadastral or architectural unity. The discussed variant is unique in that the rental building was erected a decade or so later and occupied a part of the palatial plot as well. The visual unity of the two courtyards, the palace yard not being separated, is unusual. It is also peculiar that the architectural design of the courtyards is predominated by the rental building. The decoration of the reception room in the original building probably also dates from the time of reconstruction (it has only written accounts now).

Theodor Herzl had two sons schooled by the father abroad. At the turn of the century they adopted the Hungarian name Hernádi and both made a considerable career in their respective professions. The better known was Kornél, the younger one, who studied painting with Sándor Liezen-Mayer and Gyula Benczúr in Munich and Jules Lefebrve and Francois Flameng in Paris where he eventually settled. He usually returned to Hungary for exhibitions. He was a master of conservative genre-painting of peasant and soldier's scenes. His best-known work shows E. A. Poe with the raven. He has a single painting – Women cleaning fish – in the Hungarian National Gallery. The elder son, Mór, was a literary historian. He studied at several German universities and later presumably also in France. He was an expert of medieval Provencal and Catalonian literature. In the History of universal literature published in 1905 he wrote the sections on these themes. After their father's death in 1902 they inherited the Andrássy út property. Mór Hernádi died in 1907, Kornél in 1910.

In 1911 Philip, prince of Saxon-Coburg-Gotha, a well-known aristocrat at the turn of the century, became the owner of the building. He was the scion of the Hungarian line of the family whose members ruled several countries from Belgium to Bulgaria. Prince Philip moved to Budapest in 1875 and had a former apartment building on the Danube bank converted into a palace by the leading conservative architect of the age, Alajos Hauszmann. It was replaced by the headquarters of one of the largest banks in the early 20th century, and Philip the landowner, famous traveler, hunter and medal collector moved to the former Herzl-Hernádi palace. In 1912 he had minor redecorations carried out by the son of the former planner, Vilmos Rezső Ray (1876–1938).

Prince Philip died in 1921 but no new owner can be documented before 1936 when Mrs József Bún, widow of a well-known banker bought it. She ordered no change on the building but through her the Andrássy út palace assumed political significance after World War II. Mrs Bún's nephew who adopted the Hungarian name Csornoky in 1945 married the daughter of one of the best-known Hungarian politicians, Zoltán Tildy. He thus became the son-in-law of the first (and last) freely elected president of the second Hungarian Republic proclaimed in 1946. Not much later Csornoky was accused of spying on trumped-up charges, sentenced to death and executed by the Hungarian Stalinists. Tildy lived in this building already in 1945, thus in 1946 it became the temporary presidential residence. It had this function until the completion of the conversion of the former Esterházy palace in the so-called aristocratic district behind the National Museum. When the Andrássy út palace was the president's residence, it was still owned by Mrs. Bún who applied for permission to divide the unified plot again into an Aradi street and an Andrássy út property in June 1949. The authorities complied and the plot demarcation defined in 1949 and left unchanged by the nationalization is still in effect. The building is again privately owned but in bad state of repair and its prospected function is unknown.

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A tanulmány az erkölcsi fejlődés területspecifikus elméletével kapcsolatos vitákat, a kutatás újabb irányait, valamint a szerző saját kutatásait mutatja be. A területspecifikus megközelítés a bírálók szerint nem oldotta meg az erkölcsi szabályszegés definíciós problémáit. Továbbra is tisztázatlan az erkölcs metafizikai háttere, illetve a racionális megfontolásnak az erkölcsi döntésben játszott szerepe, bár e kérdések Turiel, Nucci és munkatársai 1990-es években végzett kutatásaiban is nagy súllyal szerepelnek. Saját kutatásaim két szakaszra tagolhatók: az első szakaszban elvégeztem a területspecifikus elmélet standard kísérleteit a kutatók által eredetileg is alkalmazott módszerekkel, gyerekek körében. A kutatásban alkalmazott módszer gyengesége, hogy az ítélet erkölcsi jellege és a súlyosság mértéke szétválaszthatatlanul egybeolvad. A másik probléma, hogy a kutatás előfeltevése nem tartalmazza a sok évszázados kulturális tapasztalatot, amelynek megfelelően valódi erkölcsi döntés csak a komplex racionális mérlegelésre képes felnőttektől várható. A kutatás második szakaszában felnőttek ítéleteit vizsgáltam, verbális dilemmák segítségével, a területspecifkus megközelítés módszertani elvei alapján. A dilemmák különböző formájú expozíciója alapján adott válaszok segítségével sikerült részlegesen különválasztani a súlyosság és az erkölcsi jelleg megítélését. Az eredmények azt is megmutatták, hogy a gyerekek és a felnőttek erkölcsi döntései valóban különböznek. A gyerekek élettapasztalata és gyengébb formállogikai képességei nem teszik lehetővé a szabályszegések komplex értékelését, ezért az elvont értéktartalmat tekintik alapnak, míg a felnőttek tekintetbe veszik a cselekvő szándékát és a szabályszegés következményeit is.

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A fogalmi térkép elmélete az értelemgazdag tanuláshoz kapcsolódik. Afogalmi térképek a tudásreprezentáció grafikus eszközei. Elrendezését tekintve a legáltalánosabb fogalom áll a térkép csúcsán és ez alá vannak rendelve az adott területen belüli specifikus fogalmak. Tartalmaznak csomópontokat, melyek a fogalmakra és gondolatokra vonatkoznak. Ezeket vonalak, nyilak kötik össze, melyek a csomópontok közötti kapcsolatokra utalnak. A fogalmi térképek vizuális megjelenését tekintve lehetnek kerék, lánc, kör, fa és háló alakúak. A kü__

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The big waves of change in state ownership in the 20th-century Europe moved in the same direction ‒ either nationalization or privatization. Yet this homogeneity has fallen apart in the last decade: globally and within several countries, the two directions have changed quickly or even have been appearing in parallel. So, it is worth returning to the question: what is the reason for these reversals? Are there any cycles in the extension and contraction of public ownership? Most studies in this field analyse nationalizations and privatizations separately. They examine closely the aims and motivations, but remarkably few focuses on the causes of changes in direction. Based on the lessons of these latter analyses, this paper attempts to interpret the expansion and contraction of public property within an integrated framework, identifying the emergency situations as key factors of fluctuation. The central role of crises in ownership changes is not fundamentally new in the literature. The novelty of the recent approach is the attempt to unfold the mechanism of their impact, including also the explanation why the previously uniform direction of big waves has been broken up after 2008. We argue that the main reason behind the parallel occurrence of large-scale nationalizations and privatizations in this period is the eclipse of a dominant economic-policy (and theoretical) paradigm, rendering the previously firm background of ownership waves uncertain.

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There is a growing body of literature that recognizes the importance of volunteering. The economic impact of volunteering has been studied in previous decades, but scientists have not examined that of international students' volunteer activities fully. Therefore, the current paper aims to identify the economic potential of ingoing Erasmus students volunteering in Visegrad 4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia). The study uses a quantitative method to investigate Erasmus students' economic potential for volunteering, which is estimated by using two hypothetical situations. First, 90% of the international students shall volunteer for 4 h per month of their stay. Second, only 10% of the international students shall volunteer for 4 h per month. Replacement median wages were used to quantify the economic value of volunteering. This value is represented by an interval estimate with upper and lower bound. Results indicate the importance of international students' volunteer activity, as the potential volunteer hours and their economic value is calculated.

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Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Juhász
Ria Benkő
Mária Matuz
Réka Viola
Gyöngyvér Soós
, and
Edit Hajdú

Bevezetés: Az akut cystitis az ambuláns ellátásban előforduló egyik leggyakoribb infekció. A kezelésére alkalmazott antibiotikumok felhasználásának elemzése és értékelése több szempontból is fontos. Célkitűzés: A felmérés az akut cystitisre vonatkozó hazai járó betegek antibiotikumfelhasználását értékelte. Módszer: Az elemzés az országos vényforgalmi adatok alapján vizsgálta az akut cystitisre vonatkozó antibiotikumfelhasználási adatokat. Az antibiotikumfelhasználás mintázatának értékelése minőségi indikátorok segítségével történt. A hazai irányelvek tartalmi összevetése mellett az irányelvekhez történő adherencia is meghatározásra került. Eredmények: Hazánkban az akut cystitis kezelésére ~60%-ban kinolonokat alkalmaztak, a felhasználási toplistát a norfloxacin és a ciprofloxacin vezette 26% és 19%-os részesedéssel. A nemzetközileg javasolt szerek közül a szulfonamidok részesedése 15%, a nitrofurantoiné 7%, a fosfomyciné 2% volt. A hazai irányelvekhez való adherencia átlagosan 66% volt, a felmérés az irányelvek problematikus pontjait azonosította. Következtetések: Az antibiotikumrendelés gyakorlata akut cystitisben a nemzetközi minőségi indikátorok tükrében nem optimális. Az aktuális hazai rezisztenciaviszonyok ismeretében egy új, egységes kezelési irányelv kidolgozása indokolt. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(15), 590–596.

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A környezet és a saját énkép által támasztott egyre növekedő elvárások, a személyiségbeli és motivációs rendszer sajátosságai, valamint az előzetes tapasztalatok alapján rögzült válaszadási módok egyaránt befolyásolják az agresszív viselkedés sajátosságait és az alkalmazott megküzdési stílust a serdülők körében. Jelen tanulmányban célunk a serdülők agresszív megnyilvánulásainak jobb megértése, valamint a megküzdés sajátosságainak feltérképezése volt. Vizsgálatunk az agresszió kifejezésének nemek és életkor szerinti különbözőségeit, valamint az agresszió és a megküzdés kapcsolatát elemzi. Eszközeink a magyarországi populációra adaptált Spielberger-féle Harag és Düh Kifejezési Mód Skála, valamint a megküzdési stílust vizsgáló Lazarus és Folkman-féle Konfliktusmegoldó Kérdőív, Rózsa és mtsai adaptációja után. A vizsgált minta 148 serdülőt tartalmaz a 9–12. évfolyamos korcsoportból, átlagéletkoruk 17 év volt. Eredményeink szerint a fiúk és a lányok agressziója hasonló mértékűnek bizonyult, ugyanakkor a két nem megküzdési stílusa különbözött. A lányok inkább alkalmaznak érzelmi megküzdést és a visszahúzódást, mint a fiúk. Ugyanakkor az általunk vizsgált mintában az érzelmi indíttatású cselekvések és a visszahúzódás következetes alkalmazása figyelhető meg a megküzdés folyamatában. Az agresszió mind a problémacentrikus, mind az érzelemcentrikus megküzdés formáiban jelen van, azonban az utóbbi esetén az agresszió kifejezési formáinak jelenléte nyilvánvalóbb.

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Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important pathogen with significant morbidity and mortality rates worldwide, especially among children <5 years. Healthy carriers are the most important sources of pneumococcal infections, and the nasopharyngeal colonisation is the most prevalent among children attending communities such as day-care centres (DCCs). The conjugate pneumococcal vaccines (PCVs) were shown to have an impact on the colonisation, and so play an important role in inhibiting infections. In this study we compared the nasal carriage of healthy children attending DCCs in Szeged, Hungary in 2003/2004, when nobody was vaccinated, and in 2010, when already 1/5 of the children received PCV-7. Significant differences were observed in the serotype distribution, representing a marked shift from the previously widespread vaccine-types (mostly 6A or 14) to others (11A and 23F). The new serotypes showed higher antibiotic susceptibility. The bacterium exchange between children was clear from the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns, and the circulation of certain international clones plays also a role in these dynamic changes.

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Implants have been considered the treatment of choice to replace missing teeth, unfortunately, peri-implant disease is still an unresolved issue. Contaminated implants may be decontaminated by physical debridement and chemical disinfectants; however, there is a lack of consensus regarding the ideal techniques/agents to be used for the decontamination. The objective of our study was to compare the decontaminating efficacy of different chemical agents on a titanium surface contaminated with Porphyromonas gingivalis, a typical representative of the bacterial flora associated with peri-implantitis. Commercially pure Ti grade 4 discs with a polished surface were treated with a mouthwash containing chlorhexidine digluconate (0.1%), povidone-iodine (PVP-iodine) solution (10%) or citric acid monohydrate (40%). Qualitative and quantitative assessment of cellular growth and survival were assessed by a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Significant differences in the quantity of P. gingivalis could be observed after 6 days of incubation. A numerical, but not statistically significant (P = 0.066) decrease in the amount of living bacteria was observed in the group treated with the PVP-iodine solution as compared to the control group. The chlorhexidine (CHX)-treated group presented with significantly higher cell counts, as compared to the PVP-iodine-treated group (P = 0.032), while this was not observed compared to the control group and citric acid-treated group. Our results have also been verified by SEM measurements. Our results suggest that for P. gingivalis contamination on a titanium surface in vitro, PVP-iodine is a superior decontaminant, compared to citric acid and chlorhexidine-digulconate solution.

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