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Carpathians known at that time was mapped in the ‘Atlas of geographic distribution of lichens in Ukrainian Carpathians’ (Makarevych et al . 1982). The special comparative analysis of lichen diversity of various geo-morphological, floristical districts or
In the article, the author examines the characteristic features of epic fairy-tale of the two largest ethnic groups of Ukrainian Carpathians, i.e. Ukrainians and Hungarians. The folklore of the region has its own peculiarities. The natural and geographical features of the region, trades and crafts, in particular shepherd culture, historical events, entrance to different states are represented in the folklore. At the same time, the fairy-tale tradition of the region has its own ethnolocal specification, includes various linguistic and folklore dialects, the emergence of which was also influenced by other ethnic (Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian, Gypsy, etc.) borrowings which were adapted to withstand local forms.
Andreyeva-Grigorovich, A. S. (Ed.) 1985: Regional stratigraphic scheme of the Palaeogene deposits of the Ukrainian Carpathians. - Paleontol. Sbornik, 22 88 89. Lvov University Press. (In Russian
Seghedi, I., H. Downes, Z. Pécskay, M. F. Thirlwall, A. Szakács, M. Prychodko, D. Mattey 2001: Magmagenesis in a subduction-related post-collisional volcanic arc segment: the Ukrainian Carpathians. - Lithos, 57, pp. 237 - 262
Ukrainian Carpathians. – Naukova dumka, Kiev , 402 pp. [in Russian] Orange , A. , James , P. W. and White , F. J. ( 2010 ): Microchemical methods for the identification of lichens
Seghedi, I., H. Downes, Z. Pécskay, M.F. Thirlwall, A. Szakács, M. Prychodko, D. Mattey 2001: Magmagenesis in a subduction-related post-collisional volcanic arc segment: the Ukrainian Carpathians. — Lithos, 57, pp. 237
. Adamia, Sh.A. , M.B. Lordkipanidze , M.A. Beridze 2011 : Paleogeography of the Ukrainian Carpathians, the Cimea, and the Caucasus. — In: Rakús et al. (Eds): Evolution of the Northern Margin of Tethys. (Mém. Soc. Géol. Fr
10 ( 2 ): 133 – 140 . [In Ukrainian] 10.30970/sbi.1002.472 Darmostuk , V. V . ( 2018 ): New findings of lichenicolous fungi from Ukrainian Carpathi-ans . – Chornom. Bot. J . 14 ( 2 ): 173 – 179 . [in Ukrainian] 10
endemic vascular plants in the Ukrainian Carpathians . – Contrib. Bot . 50 : 43 – 91 . Pančić , J . ( 1863 ): Arena mobilis in Serbia ejusque flora . (Flora of the sanddunes in Serbia) . – Belgrad . Petrova , A . (ed.) ( 2006 ): Atlas of Bulgarian