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HF absorption enhancements following major geomagnetic storms are analysed, using the superposed epoch method, to examine the geomagnetic latitude limit of the after-effect phenomenon. The absorption data were obtained from one double hop and two single hop A3 transmission paths with ionospheric points at Fgeomag = 3:54oN and ~6. 40oN (15. 40 MHz), Fgeomag ~ 9N (4. 87 MHz), and Fgeomag ~ 11oN (6. 09 MHz) respectively. Presently, the results have shown that enhancement in absorption following major storms could be traced to the low latitude of 3. 54oN.

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Borsó és napraforgó jelzőnövényekkel, 1 kg talajt tartalmazó edényekben végeztünk tenyészedény-kísérletet az 1970-es évek elején, az intenzív műtrágyahasználat kezdetén vett és tárolt talajmintákkal, valamint 30 év elteltével ugyanazokról a helyekről gyűjtött párjukkal. A minták karbonátos talajok (csernozjomok) esetén 6, nem karbonátos talajok (savanyú barna erdőtalajok) esetén pedig 13 mintavételi körzetet reprezentáltak. A virágzásig nevelt növények mintáit elhamvasztottuk és megmértük a P-, K-, Ca-, Mg-, Na- és B-tartalmukat. Korábbi talajvizsgálati adatainkkal egyezően, a savanyú talajokon termesztett növényminták szárazanyagában igen jelentős B-tartalom csökkenés volt mérhető. A mostanra kialakult és vélhetően állandósult helyzetben a savanyú talajokon termesztett növények B-tartalma most már lényegesen kisebb, mint a karbonátos talajokon termesztetteké. Az ebből adódó estleges egészségügyi hatások vizsgálata indokolt lenne. A növények P-tartalma is növekedett, követve a talaj oldható P-tartalmának változását. Ez felveti annak a nagy valószínűségét, hogy jelenleg és még sokáig a növények Zn és más P-antagonista mikroelem-tartalma tartósan alacsony marad. A K-műtrágyázás olyan módon csökkentette a növényi szárazanyag Mg-, Ca- és Na-tartalmát, hogy emellett a növények K-koncentrációja nem minden esetben követte a talajok nagyobb K-ellátottságát. Vizsgálataink szerint tehát a tartós intenzív műtrágyázás hatására lényegesen megváltozott a termesztett növények elemösszetétele, ami a hosszú utóhatás időszakra is állandósult. A változásoknak táplálkozás-egészségügyi hatásai is lehetnek.

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Az élő rendszerek egyik alapvető tulajdonsága - mely a környezetükhöz való alkalmazkodás és így a túl­élés fontos eleme - az alkalmazkodás vagy adaptáció. A központi idegrendszeri neuronok adaptációját a perceptuálisan megfigyelhető utóhatások megjelenése mutatja. Az utóbbi időkben az egyszerű vizuális ingerekhez való adaptációra kialakuló utóhatások mellett egyre többet vizsgálják a komplex alakokra, többek közt az emberi arcokra megfigyelhető utóhatásokat is. Tanulmányunkban ezeket az újonnan leírt utóhatásokat foglaljuk össze, különös tekintettel arra, hogyan vetítenek fényt ezek az eredmények az emberi agy tárgy- és arcreprezentációjára.

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usual. Recently, a number of qualitative studies have analyzed the psilocybin experience; specifically, the phenomenology of the experience, the meanings that people attribute to the experience, and how the experience might facilitate subsequent after-effects

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understanding of participants' psilocybin experiences and their after-effects. While the study did not actively seek to measure integration issues or adverse side effects, nine out of thirty participants (30%) spontaneously reported an integration challenge. We

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therapeutic effects Both mystical experiences (regardless of their cause) and psychedelic entity encounters are reported to have profound and sometimes lasting after-effects. Many scholars have described the positive after-effects that follow mystical

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57Co Mössbauer emission spectra of undoped and Fe or Mg melt-doped LiNbO3 single crystals show substantial amounts of the nucleogenic Fe3+ charge state (*Fe3+) which was generated as an after-effect of the electron-capture of 57Co2+. The proportion of *Fe3+ is markedly dependent on the Mg content and on the stoichiometry of the sample. Electron trapping is described within the model of competing acceptors. The capabilities of the model are investigated in defect structure analysis and charge trapping studies of LiNbO3.

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Nuclear quadrupole interaction frequencies at133Cs following the electron-capture decay of133Ba for BaSO4, Ba/BrO3/2 and Ba/NO3/2 were obtained by measuring the perturbation of 356–81 keV cascade of133Ba. Nuclear quadrupole interaction frequencies for BaSO4 and Ba/BrO3/2 are 17.2 Mrad sec–1 and 14.6 Mrad sec–1, respectively, while no perturbation of 356–81 keV cascade was observed in case of Ba/NO3/2. Further the possibility of any after-effects of electron-capture decay is ruled out through the measurement of 276–161 keV gamma-gamma directional correlation.

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The primary (1 st year) and the after-effects (2 nd , 3 rd year) of N fertilizers (KNO 3 , NH 4 Cl) on the soil-plant-atmosphere system were studied in a three-year greenhouse pot experiment with and without maize plants. The two- and three-year balances of the fertilizer N uptake and gaseous N losses were also analyzed. The cumulative values of the gaseous losses showed a similar trend in all years, significant differences were not obtained. On the basis of the three-year balance, the gaseous loss in the planted and unplanted pots was 18-22% and about 37-39%, respectively. Consequently, there was a 50% decrease in denitrificated gaseous losses of fertilizer N due to plant N uptake. The cumulative gaseous loss, calculated by the difference method, was significantly higher in cases of KNO 3 applications than in NH 4 Cl treatments, as an assumed  consequence of the intensive denitrification. It was found that the gaseous loss was not influenced by soil moisture.  In contrast to the gaseous losses, the values of plant N uptake and soil mineral N content showed significant differences in the years studied, as a result of the quick transformation of mineral N to organic N, the non-complete homogenization of the total soil amount, the seasonal climatic differences in the greenhouse during the years studied, and consequently the different microbiological activity. The plant N uptake was found to depend significantly on the fertilizer N form. Results obtained by the difference method and the 15 N-tracer technique were very similar. In the case of KNO 3 treatment and higher soil moisture (WHC = 80%) plant N uptake was more intensive, ranging between 48-57% (calculated by the difference method), and 35-51% (calculated by the 15 N- tracer method) in the first year (1993). It can be concluded that 60-100% of the fertilizer N was used from the soil by plant uptake and gaseous losses, which depends mainly on the treatments and the soil moisture during the first year. These values changed between 7-17% in the 1 st year after-effect and between 1-5% in the 2 nd year after-effect.

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60Co-gamma radiolysis of 3-iodotyrosine and 3,5-diiodotyrosine in aqueous-ethanol solutions has shown that the chemical effects are mainly determined by the interaction of radicals from the radiolysis of solvent and controlled by the composition of the solution. The influence of varying solvent composition and radiation dose on the amount of iodoamino acid converted and on the yields of the radiolysis products (I2, I, IO 3 and H2O2) formed in aerated solutions at room termperature were investigated. The formation of I2 is dependent upon the acidity of the solution and is mainly produced as an after-effect due to the interaction of H2O2 with I ions, both being radiolysis products. The variation of radiation-chemical yields with the solute and solvent composition, and the probable mechanisms for formation of the radiolysis products are discussed.

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