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/3. Binswanger, H. P. (2006): “Empowering Rural People for their Own Development.” Presented at the 26. International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Gold Coast, Australia 2006 . Csáki, C. (1999): “Középtávú tendenciák a

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. , Panebianco J. E. , Buschiazzo D. E. , 2016 . A wind-tunnel study on saltation and PM 10 emission from agricultural soils . Aeolian Research. 22 . 73 – 83 . Avecilla

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Bojnec, Š. - Dries, L. (2005): Causes of Changes in Agricultural Employment in Slovenia: Evidence from Micro-Data. Journal of Agricultural Economics , 56(3): 399–416. Dries L. Causes

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1 Introduction The agricultural sector in Poland, taking into account both the social and economic importance of farms, has still an important role in Poland. 1 The specifity of Polish agriculture relates to its bipolar structure which features

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4 180 198 Artan, Q. — Lubos, S. (2011): The Agrarian Trade Transformation in the Visegrad Countries . Paper provided by European Association of Agricultural

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Risks of agricultural water management and opportunities to reduce them in V4 countries

Mezőgazdasági vízgazdálkodás kockázatai és azok csökkentési lehetőségei a V4-ek országaiban

Scientia et Securitas
János Tamás
Attila Nagy
, and
Tamás Németh

Treatment, Vol. 1. No. 2. 6 Guidance Document on Sustainable Agriculture in the Danube River Basin (ICPDR IKSD

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In this article I discuss the role of the market on the different branches of the agriculture in a Transylvanian village analysing the complex forms of the market and market behaviour that exist in a peculiar rural settlement. The village once had a sort of regional centre role where families who earned a living from non-agricultural activities lived in high number but this role had faded with socialist modernisation, thus nowadays the main sector is the agriculture. Regarding the links between agricultural production and the market the article delimitates three behavioural patterns, namely self-sufficiency, partial market integration and dominant market integration (differentiating the locations where farmers place their products, too), arguing that in fact these patterns may be found many times in the same households and there are no clear forms of market behaviour. In concordance I argue also that self-sufficiency is not more than a scientific tool used in the description of traditional economies but it does not really exist, and self-sufficiency and market are not opposed, but on the contrary, they complement each other. Consequently the article tries to demonstrate that the peasant farming depends in many ways — both in its consumption and production — on the market and that the market effects in fact mean inequalities.

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The study fills the gaps in the lingustical database bearing on agriculture in the age of the Ŗgveda. Several corrections of existing standpoints have been made concerning purely philological issues as well as the semantical field of certain agricultural terms. The unbiassed reassessment of etymology of some terms reveals that beside the terms of Indo-European origin there are terms from extinct languages while the number of items of Dravidian origin is meagre and the Austro-Asiatic influence can be excluded. Language contacts with the Bactria-Margiana Complex (BMAC) must be taken into consideration. The all-around analysis of lingustic data and archaeological evidence together with the observations of historical ethnography allows us to form a more balanced view of economic conditions: although pastoralism played a dominant part in the life of Indo-Aryan speakers in the Panjab in the second half of the second millennium B.C., agriculture including wheat production gained also an established position in the region. Both the negligence and the overestimation of agriculture in this system are erroneous viewpoints.

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Debt in the CIS: A Multi-Country Study of the Major Causes and Proposed Solutions. OECD (1998): Review of Agricultural Policies: Russian Federation. Paris: OECD

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-és jövedelemhelyzete 2002-ben [Cost and profit situation of the main agricultural sectors within the FADN system in 2002]. Agrárgazdasági Információk , 2003/6. Béládi, K. — Kertész, R. (2005): A tesztüzemek főbb ágazatainak költség

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