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, and to explain the appearance of smectite below the ore deposit. Since clay minerals are very sensitive to their environment and its changes, we carried out a study of clay minerals. Geologic setting The Úrkút manganese ore
Many wheat species and cultivars, independent of genetic markers of hardness, can produce grain with a vitreous, mealy or mixed appearance. This study analyzed selected chemical and physical differences between kernels with a vitreous and mealy appearance, hand-picked from grain of four winter wheat cultivars cultivated in Poland. Separated fractions were examined for protein content and composition, friabilin presence, carotenoids and total phenolic compounds content, specific kernel density, hardness, as well as kernel surface color. It was found that the ratio of vitreous kernels in the cultivars ranged from 39.18% to 76.28%. Vitreous kernels were darker, slightly heavier and harder than mealy kernels. Additionally, these kernels were more abundant in proteins (an average increase of 2.13%, with variation among cultivars from 0.71% to 2.89%). This type of kernels was also richer in phenolic compounds (on average by 4.02%) and less abundant in carotenoids (on average by 4.53%). Mealy (softer) kernels fractured to a finer flour.
In contrast to the single molecule cage of Ru/acac/3 a cage involving wall molecules of RuCp2 is formed in recoil reaction of radioruthenium atoms. Enhancement of the parent yield in RuCp2 is ascribed to the larger size of the cage /effective hot reaction zone/ compared to the case of Ru/acac/3. A normalized appearance energy technique has been applied to estimate energy /AE adj x / necessary for caging the recoil atom in RuCp2. AE adj x is about twice as large as caging energy CE. The relation of AE adj x to CE in RuCp2 is nearly the same as that of AEx to bonding energy BE in Ru/acac/3.
The principal objective of this study was to determine if the use of a stable enriched tracer of Se-76 could be used to determine the delay time between a dietary intake of selenium and its appearance in fingernails and toenails. Selenium is an essential trace element in human nutrition. It has been studied at the Missouri University Research Reactor (MURR) for the past 15 years using an Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) technique. The principal route of human exposure to selenium is through the diet. Selenium concentrations of nails, blood, hair, and urine have been used as indicators of dietary selenium intake. In this study, a cohort consisting of seven men and five women ingested three selenium supplements of 150 g each over a three day period. The selenium was enriched in Se-76 (96.48%) and ingested as selenite in orange juice following an overnight fast. Fingernails and toenails were collected prior to the selenium supplementation and for several months afterward to be used as biochemical indicators. The peak76Se concentration in the fingernails and toenails occurred at 19–23 and 16–32 weeks after supplementation, respectively.
betegségei 1995 Horváth, Z., Vecseri, C. (2004): [Comparative examinations between the appearance of Rhizopus spp. and the injury of
]. It is like an explanation with text. First, it verifies that the resemblance between the descending four notes and the Stefi Geyer motive is no coincidence, but it also gives an explanation to the appearance of the “ideal” tone. However, this
Length and width of guard cells and variation in the appearance of stomata pores in the following Arum species: Arum italicum Mill., Arum maculatum var. maculatum L. and Arum maculatum var. immaculatum L. at Zablaće and Normanci location, and Arum alpinum var. pannonicum Terpo., Arum alpinum var. intermedium Schur. in Bilje at the eastern Slavonia and Baranya region were investigated. With regard to guard cells length and width and variation in the appearance of stomata pores, stomata of certain Arum species are considered to be of larger dimensions (≯38 µm). Arum species grown at Zablaće had the longest and widest guard cells as well as the greatest variation in the appearance of stomata pores, followed by those at Normanci, whereas species at Bilje location had the lowest values. The average length and width of the guard cells and variation in the appearance of stomata pores were larger at the lower than at the upper epidermis among each examined Arum species at each location. A significant difference in guard cells length and width and variation in the appearance of stomata pores at both upper and lower epidermis was determined for Zablaće and Normanci location, whereas there was no significant difference in those parameters at Bilje location.
A nagy repceormányosról hazánkban kevés a szakmai információ. A legelismertebb hazai rovartani forrás, “A növényvédelmi állattan kézikönyve” szerint Magyarországon kártétele ritka (Sáringer 1990). A közlemény összefoglalja a fajra vonatkozó fontosabb szakirodalmi ismereteket, és bemutatja a közelmúltban őszi káposztarepcében végzett tünettani felmérések eredményét a nagy repceormányos észak-magyarországi előfordulásáról és kártételéről. Ezek alapján a nagy repceormányos 2007 tavaszán közönségesen előfordult az újfehértói és érpataki határban, gyakorisága a repcében jelentős volt. A 2008-as eredmények tekintetében a kártevő Pest megyében négy vizsgált repcetáblából háromban előfordult, kártételének gyakorisága két helyen számottevő. A Hajdú-Bihar megyei két vizsgálati helyen megtaláltuk, de gyakorisága és kártételének súlyossága csekély volt. Ezek, valamint korábbi hazai felvételezések és megfigyelések szerint a nagy repceormányos az Észak-Alföldön, a Gödöllői-dombságban, valamint a Dunántúli régióban közönségesen megtalálható, kártétele gyakori lehet. Összehasonlítva eredményeinket a korábbi szakirodalmi adatokkal, úgy tűnik, hogy a nagy repceormányos, amelyről a korábbi években nem lehetett hallani, a vizsgált tájegységekben előfordult, s feltételezhetően terjedőben van.
Appearance energy is originally the threshold energy at which récoil products begin to be observed. This was determined by /, '/ reactions. Afterwards, an alternative technique has been developed to determine it by summing up recoil energy spectrum. The latter technique assumed a step function rising at energy EO in the yield-energy relation. EO should be defined as normalized appearance energy /NAE/, because it is not threshold energy in its original sense. The NAE for isomerization from to /or reverse/ in Ru/acac/3 was estimated to be 29 eV, and that for free atom /or ion/ formation was calculated to be 34 eV. The 5 eV difference seems to indicate an energy interval in which isomerization effectively occurs in the recoil reaction.
The changes of vacuolar polyphenols appearance in the mesophyll cells of Black pine needles during the second year of their development and the connection of these changes with distance from the pollution source were studied as needle S-content started to decrease two years after the SO 2 concentration in the air approached the level that could be considered as low near the Plomin thermal power plant. Investigation plot was arranged in zones: I — less than 10 km, II — 10 to 20 km, III — 20 to 30 km around the power plant. Seven forms of vacuolar polyphenols were detected: two forms of granules — fine and larger ones, globules, thin and thick ribbons, ribbons occupying the whole cell and homogeneous mass. In the zone I the dominating were ribbon like polyphenols. The most abundant polyphenols in the zone II was the globular type while in the zone III besides large and fine granules thin ribbons were, also, well abundant. According to the linkage clustering zones I and II are more similar to each other than zone III, based on the abundance of different polyphenols types. At this point the hypothesis that vacuolar polyphenols could be considered as some kind of “memory” molecules in the environmental monitoring of the SO 2 effects on plants can be made.