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Christensen , S.H., Mathiesen , H.P. & Hansen , K.M. (2008): Pectin for heat stable bakery jams. United States Patent Application Publication. Pub. No.: US 2008/0166465 A1 Hansen K
provide opportunities to develop new, diversified and healthier foods. In the 21th century the consumer's lifestyle and eating habits have been changing and to the new demands all food companies - including the bakeries – have to adapt ( Marudova et al
The use of Fourier-transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) to measure the content of protein, lipid and sugar contents of bakery products was investigated. The samples were dried, homogenized, sieved and measured in the wavelength range of 780–2500 nm. The calibration was based on partial least squares (PLS) regression with cross-validation. The performance of the final model was evaluated according to root mean square of cross-validation (RMSECV), root mean square error of estimation (RMSEE) and the determination coefficient (R2).The developed models use the ranges of 1100–1245 nm and 1590–2600 nm for protein determination, 1330–1840 nm and 2170–2350 nm for lipid, 1400–1630 nm, 2000–2170 nm and 2230–2570 nm for sugar determination, respectively. Protein, lipid and sugar could be determined directly with R2 values of 98.93, 99.07 and 98.81, and RMSECV values of 0.16 m/m%, 0.79 m/m% and 0.28 m/m%, respectively. It can be concluded that FT-NIR spectroscopy can be used for the routine determination of protein, lipid and sugar content of bakery products and it can contribute to the estimation of calorie content in a fast and non-destructive way.
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether Jerusalem artichoke powder produced by a simple drying method is suitable for replacing inulin as a dietary fibre in bread. Baking probe was performed using 0, 5, and 10% Jerusalem artichoke (JA) powder and 2.5 and 5% inulin (IN) on wheat flour weight basis. Functional properties of bread loafs were tested by Stable Micro System TA TX2i Texture Analyser (SMS) after 0, 24, 48, and 72 h storage. It was concluded that using inulin as a dietary fibre did not deteriorate the baking quality of bread, however, shelflife slightly decreased. Jerusalem artichoke powder compared to inulin had similar effect on the baking properties of bread. Based on our results, JA powder proved to be a promising alternative for fibre enhancement in bread.
Bread plays an outstanding role even by European standards in Hungarian diet, mainly in the everyday food of the lower social strata. From the second half of the 20th century, changes can be documented in this pattern both in home bread baking and consumption. Behind the changes in food culture are macro socio-economic processes transforming the traditions. The study traces the general course of this process, drawing mainly on rural examples and comparing them with the situation in Budapest.
1 Introduction Eating habits of consumers have changed with their purchase behaviour, and nutritious, ready to eat, and easy-to-transport food products are sought after. Bakery products such as bagels, biscuits, cakes are favoured in this category
proteins contain low amount of lysine, but appropriate amounts of sulfur-containing amino acids ( Patil et al., 2016 ; Eggum and Beame, 1983 ). Using legume proteins in bakery products is therefore a possible way to improve the amino acid composition of
recommends using chemical compounds to prevent food spoilage and foodborne illnesses ( Marriott et al., 2018 ). For example, potassium sorbate (PS) has been used as an effective food preservative in several food sectors, especially for bakery products. The
supermarket for the last decade commercially, like yogurt, cheese, milk, ice cream, infant formulations, juices, and beverages, but probiotic bakery products are much less evident in the food industry. Bread is a fundamental ingredient for daily consumption
1 Introduction Rye ( Secale cereale L.) has been cultivated since ancient times in Europe and is the second most important crop after wheat for production of bread and other bakery products. In botanical