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Sixth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology
July 6–7, 2023, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary
The present fascicle of Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae publishes the polished, revised and peer-reviewed versions of eight papers presented at the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology (July 6–7, 2023
The present fascicle of Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae publishes the polished, revised and peer-reviewed versions of nine papers presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology (July 7–8, 2022
coherent social, economic and political unit within the Roman empire, and Herman proposed that this region could be a good candidate as a larger geographic area for future research in Latin dialectology, since socio-political geographical units often shape
Dialectology is an empirical discipline. It handles large amounts of data in diverse ways, and this fact makes it not only possible to use modern digital tools but also necessary. Digital methods provide immense opportunities in storing, visually
(501–700 AD) period, respectively. 21 For this type of weighting, see Adamik , B.: A study on the dialectology of Vulgar Latin vocalic mergers: the interaction between confusion of vowel quality, syncope and accent. In Garcia Léal, L. – Prieto
prepared within the framework of the HORIZON-ERC-2022-ADG project no. 101098102 entitled Digital Latin Dialectology (DiLaDi): Tracing Linguistic Variation in the Light of Ancient and Early Medieval Sources and of the NKFIH (National Research, Development
Gender confusions and other linguistic changes
A provisional description of Vulgar Latin Phenomena
was prepared within the framework of the HORIZON-ERC-2022-ADG project no. 101098102 entitled Digital Latin Dialectology (DiLaDi): Tracing Linguistic Variation in the Light of Ancient and Early Medieval Sources and of the NKFIH (National Research
The aim of this paper is to bring into discussion some data concerning early Christian inscriptions from the Iberian Peninsula on the differentiation of Vulgar Latin, focusing on the several methods and procedures of collecting data (in corpora and databases), and the interpretation as regards Latin dialectology. The low number of specific dialectal traits in early Christian funerary epigraphy contrasts with specific local features that can be found when we put the epigraphic texts into their social and cultural context. We may conclude that Latin dialectal evidence in Late Antiquity should be evaluated according to its context. We can understand both common and specific traits of the written language from this perspective.
Applied computational Latin dialectology: Preliminary results from the conventus Pacensis (South Portugal)
Continuity and linguistic innovation
“Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age” and of the project entitled “Lendület (‘Momentum’) Research Group for Computational Latin Dialectology” (Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of