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The “dit” is a special literary form which appeared in the 13th century. As a didactic genre, one of its preferred topics is women who are mostly depicted in a negative way, a rather common practice in the Middle Ages. The “dit” is midway between oral and written poesy, which is an indication of a large scale change in the society of the 13th century. This paper analyzes the features of written and oral poesy in seven “dits” about women composed in the 13th and 14th centuries.
The Budapest copy of the Jardin des Delicés can be considered as one of the closest copies. The very true copy of the Count de Pomereu can be dated on the basis of the evidence dendrochronolgique in the second half of the 16thcentury and possibly made for Philippe II. before 1568.
Preliminary attempts to georeference maps of early twentieth century made by the Military Geographic Institute (IGM, the Italian geodetic agency) for the city of Rome and its surroundings, reported residual errors larger than errors observed on similar maps. Previous studies carried out on one or two century older maps of the same area, showed similar or even smaller errors (Baiocchi and Lelo 2005).Six sheets of the “City of Rome and its surroundings” map in scale 1:5 000 dated 1908 have been studied. The identified errors can be referred to the different system of geodetic projection and geodetic datum or to the derivation of some details from maps at smaller scale, but in this case historic documents seem to suggest a different explanation.Parameters useful to perform the transformation of the geodetic systems used in historical maps to modern systems are not known; for this reason until now the various attempts of georeferencing maps of this type were based on collimation of points recognizable on modern cartographies such as corners of historical buildings. This method has often given unsatisfactory results; therefore it was decided to proceed by determining the parameters for the transformation of geodetic datum.The history of geodetic systems used in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century is complex and, in the past, this has led some researcher to misinterpretations. For this reason a full explanation of geodetic systems used in Italy in this period is reported below. Since the parameters of the projection used for the maps in our case study are not known for sure, the reprojection was considered the only way for a correct georeferencing.
Background: Ayurvedic medicines show great promise due to their holistic approach in the treatment of diseases. However, proper standardization is necessary for their integration into mainstream medicine. One such well-known Ayurvedic trailing herb is Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Its fruit contains numerous secondary metabolites, including quercetin, and is used to treat urinary calculi, blood disease, insanity, epilepsy, jaundice, dyspepsia, fever, and menstrual disorders. Objective: The current investigation was undertaken to develop and validate a rapid, sensitive, and reproducible method for quantifying quercetin in the hydroalcoholic extract of B. hispida fruit pulp (HABH). Materials and methods: The pre-coated thin-layer chromatography (TLC) aluminum plates with silica gel 60 F254 were used with solvent system comprising toluene-ethyl acetate-formic acid (5:4:0.2, V/V). Determination and quantification were performed by densitometric scanning using a deuterium lamp in the absorbance mode at 262 nm. The validation of precision, accuracy, and reproducibility of the developed high-performance thin-layer chromatographic (HPTLC) method were done as per the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. Results: The mobile phase used for the development of HPTLC/TLC plate yields a distinct band for quercetin (RF = 0.392). The limit of detection and limit of quantification for the method were found to be 20 and 60 ng per band, respectively. The quantified quercetin content was found to be 193.77 ± 2.86 µg in 10 mg of HABH, i.e., 1.94% w/w of HABH. Conclusion: This HPTLC method can be successfully employed for the standardization and quantitative analysis of quercetin in formulation containing B. hispida fruit pulp and it will be helpful in the quality control/assurance of such formulations.
Pulse radiolysis of MIT and DIT irradiated to doses from 2.8·104 to 85·104 rads is studied by ascending chromatography. The 3-iodo-4,5-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA-I) and 3-iodo-4-hydroxyphenylalanine have been identified as first stages of degradations of MIT and DIT, respectively. G values are 0.015 for MIT (10−5M) and 0.004 for DIT (0.5·10−5M). By self decomposition MIT is degraded less rapidly than DIT and there is no formation of DOPA-I.
La Hongrie, non plus que la scène culturelle et la langue hongroise, n’est un thème recherché par les auteurs de fiction contemporains hors de Hongrie. Mais le roman de l’auteur brésilien Chico Buarque, Budapest, traduit en presque vingt langues, installe ses personnages et son histoire dans le décor hongrois, et semble faire carrière un peu partout dans le monde sauf en Hongrie. Pourquoi le public hongrois ignore-t-il ou critique sévèrement cet ouvrage que d’autres critiques jugent parfois « poétique et sensuelle » ou dont on dit que ses « analyses critiques révèlent sophistication et complexité ». Le roman, qui est l’histoire de l’initiation du personnage principal, le ghostwriter brésilien, dans une langue et une culture étrangères représentées par la culture hongroise joue sur la fictionalisation des références culturelles. L’article étudie pourquoi ce processus de fictionalisation fait naufrage lorsque le roman entre dans un contexte où les références perdent leur effet d’étranger.
L'objectif de l'article est double: 1° établissement de la vitalité des constructions causatives dans huit langues dont deux (l'anglais et le français) sont hautement nalytiques, une (le polonais) hautement synthétique et cinq qui montrent une tendance analytique modérée, et 2° explication typologique des différences observées. La rcgle générale dit que la vitalité des constructions causatives est en rapport avec le degré d'analytisme de la langue ou elles sont utilisées: elles sont les plus fortes en français et inexistantes en polonais. L'anglais fait exception r la rcgle: les constructions causatives y sont relativement rares, ce qui est en rapport avec la faiblesse relative de l'infinitif, concurrencé par les formes en -ing.
A new HPLC method has been established for determination of 3-monoiodotyrosine (MIT), 3,5-diiodotyrosine (DIT), 3,5-diiodothyronine (T2), 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine (T3), 3,3′,5′-triiodothyronine (rT3), and thyroxine (T4) produced by hydrolysis of iodinated casein with barium hydroxide. The hydrolytic stability of each analyte was evaluated. Iodinated casein was hydrolyzed with saturated barium hydroxide solution for 16 h at 110°C and the barium ions were then removed as barium sulfate. Reversed-phase HPLC was performed on a 2.1 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm particle, C18 column with a mixture of acetonitrile and 0.1% (v/v) formic acid as mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.2 mL min–1. Acetonitrile was maintained at 5% (v/v) for 5 min and then increased linearly to 50% (v/v) within 35 min. All analytes were quantified by measuring the absorbance at 280 nm. Validation data indicated the method was linear, with regression coefficients (R 2) > 0.998, in the concentration ranges investigated. Sensitivity was adequate—limits of detection (LOD) were 0.04–0.38 μg mL–1 and limits of quantification (LOQ) were 0.05–0.38 μg mL–1. Accuracy and precision were acceptable — for all the analytes recovery was 82.0–93.0% and repeatability, as relative standard deviation, was 1.0–3.0%. Hydrolytic stability tests indicated MIT and DIT are much more stable than the other analytes. rT3 was not released directly from iodinated casein but was formed by deiodination of T4 during hydrolysis. The method could be used to identify iodinated casein, to evaluate its activity and quality, and for supervision and regulation of feed additives.
. K ocsis E dit 1999 Ásatás a Tölgyfa utca 24-ben (Excavation at 24, Tölgyfa Street) . Budapest Régiségei 33 , 351 – 360
Parmi les contradictions de la terminologie mongole concernant les différentes parties de l'équipement du cheval, nombreuses d'ethnie à ethnie et d'une source lexicographique à l'autre, la plus troublante est un échange de sens entre les dénominations du rembourrage de la selle (dit « coussin de selle » en français) et la petite retombée de cuir trapézoïdale de la selle moderne du type boržigin (le « contre-quartier »): chez les Khalkhas de la capitale et du centre du pays, qui parlent la langue nationale standardisée, le mince coussin de selle, solidement fixé à la monture de bois, s'appelle oloncog (mongol classique olongcoq) et les contre-quartiers sont les devs (mo. class. debse). Mais, d'après les anciens dictionnaires polyglottes de l'époque mandchoue et des parlers actuels conservateurs, devs / debse désigne le coussin de selle lui-même, un sens en accord avec l'étymologie du mot (idée d'étendre et de couvrir). Quant au terme olongcoq qui désigne, pour certains des informateurs dénommant debse la couverture de la selle, le contre-quartier de la selle moderne, il est étymologiquement à mettre en rapport avec l'idée d'une sangle passant par-dessus la selle, pour tenir un coussin indépendant. De sorte que le sens archaïque des deux termes ici étudiés reflète l'histoire de la selle mongole, qui était en général sans contre-quartier indépendant jusqu'à l'époque moderne, et était pourvue d'un coussin rembourré indépendant débordant sur les côtés.