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Introduction We know from previous researches that academic success is a determinant factor in institutional embeddedness ( Astin, 1993 ; Pusztai, 2015 ; Tinto, 1975 ). Due to emergency remote teaching, the habits of

Open access

conditions, emergency remote teaching (ERT) began at Turkish universities around the same time and in line with the rest of the world. However, the transition to online teaching was announced only a week ahead of the commencement of ERT programs. The Council

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12 teachers' techno-pedagogical skills? Are there any statistically significant differences in how Hungarian K12 teachers perceived emergency remote teaching depending on which techno

Open access

Learning Alone – a kapcsolati beágyazódás vizsgálata a távolléti oktatás alatt

Learning Alone – The Study of Student Relationships during the Emergency Remote Teaching

Gabriella Pusztai
Krisztina Győri

. 5 Hodges, C., Moore, S., Lockee, B., Trust, T. & Bond, A. (2020) The Differences between Emergency Remote Teaching and Online Learning. Elérhető:

Open access

respondents said their universities did not use any type of ICT to deliver distance education and 47% stated only moderate use ( Ndahi, 2020 ). However, the adoption of e-learning technology and emergency remote teaching proved a critical factor in vocational

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