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Our research examined in which extent the social attitude and the actual acting, respectively paying willingness match on the area of environmentalism protection, more specifically on the area of selective waste collection. The results revealed that the environmental legislation, investments do not always get support from the inhabitants. Despite the overall social support of the implementation, but not all specific — financial and application — aspects are supported widely. Besides the main hypothesis, we also examined aspects influencing the acting and paying willingness. Based on the research results one might conclude that the two strongest influencing factors are access to information and using democratic opportunities. Age plays a significant role as well: youth and elderly are less motivated than middle-aged. Our hypothesis of the social distrust from the past being one of the most important obstacle to acting has been proved. Contrary to our hypothesis this cannot be significantly influenced even by sanctions. Distrust in the other members of the society has a strong influence on the acting and paying willingness. Based on the results, one might assume that the drive of environmental acting is mainly the social solidarity towards future generations. This assumption is supported by the fact, that families with children have a more active environmental awareness. Religion and gender play less influence.
Baumol, W. J. - Oates, W. E. (1988): The Theory of Environmental Policy. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Theory of Environmental Policy
. CASBEE® for New Construction. Technical Manual 2010 Cole RJ., Rousseau D., Theaker, GT. Building environmental performance
assessment 2000 Dirner V. Environmental protection , (in Czech), Praha, MŽP, Ostrava, VŠB-TU, 1997
163 Bonaiuto, M. — Breakwell, G. M. — Cano, I. (1996): Identity Processes and Environmental Threat: The Effects of Nationalism and Local Identity upon Perception of Beach Pollution. Journal
Albergaria R., Fidelis T. Trounsboundary EIA: Iberian experiences, Environmental Impact Assessment Review , Vol. 26, No. 7, 2006, pp. 614–632. Fidelis T
Lunetta, R. and C. Elvidge, eds. 1998. Remote Sensing Change Detection: Environmental Monitoring Methods and Applications. Ann Arbor Press, Ann Arbor, MI. Remote Sensing Change Detection: Environmental Monitoring
Two programmes of work are described involving the measurement of environmental pollution over periods from two hours to many years. The long period measurements are deduced from neutron activation analysis of whole wood samples taken from individual tree rings for trees grown in various locations, and some results for cadmium, antimony and germanium levels are reported. In a second series of experiments the concentration of airborne particulate matter is being measured using a moving filter (streak sampler) technique to give a continuous record with two hour resolution. The filter samples are being analysed by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and preliminary data is presented.
Environmental radiation monitoring in Korea can be categorized as (1) nationwide monitoring program and (2) monitoring program for nuclear facilities. The former is designed to quickly detect any abnormal situation in environmental radioactivity levels. The latter has the objective of evaluating environmental radioactivity levels resulting from the operation of nuclear facilities. This paper describes the two monitoring programs, how they are implemented, items of being measured, analytical techniques, quality control programs and R&D activities associated with the monitoring. Also, some of the latest data obtained by the monitoring programs are introduced.
Dale, P. E. R. and M. B. Dale. 2002. Optimal classification to describe environmental change: pictures from the exposition. Community Ecology 3:19-29. Optimal classification to describe environmental change: pictures from the