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2004 Debreczeni, B., Debreczeniné, B. (eds.) (1994): Trágyázási kutatások, 1960–1990) . (Fertilisation Research, 1960–1990). Akadémiai Kiadó

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229 249 Berzsenyi, Z. 1988. A műtrágyázás hatása a kukorica ( Zea mays L.) növekedésének és növekedési jellemzőinek dinamikájára. [The effect of fertilisation on the growth

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Acta Alimentaria
B. Schmidt-Szantner
M. Gasztonyi
P. Milotay
, and
R. Tömösközi-Farkas

). Irrigation and fertilisation are key agrotechnical parameters for improving the quality and yield of vegetables ( Ronga et al., 2020 ; Takács et al., 2020 ). Although the amount of bioactive metabolites in tomato is also affected by genotype ( Vlaisavljević

Open access

Márton, L. 2002a: Climate fluctuations and the effect of N fertiliser on the yield of rye ( Secale cereale L.). Növénytermelés , 51 , 199-210. Climate fluctuations and the effect of N

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istállótrágya és a műtrágya hatása a kukorica ( Zea mays L.) termésére és termésstabilitására monokultúra tartamkísérletben. [Effect of stable manure and mineral fertiliser on the yield and yield stability of maize ( Zea mays L.) in a long

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Cereal Research Communications
Josip Kovacevic
Alojzije Lalic
Vlado Kovacevic
, and
Djuro Banaj

Antrunovic M., Kovacevic V., Bukvic G. (2001): Influence of liming on maize under drought stress. In: Fertilization in the third millennium — fertilizer, food security and environmental protection” (Lanzhu J

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–216. Kismányoky, A., Lehoczky, É. & Kismányoky, T. 2006. Effect of fertilization on the weediness of maize in a long-term field experiment. Comm. in Agric. and Appl. Biol. Sci. 71. (3A) 787–792. Kolbe, W., 1977

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Bocz, E. 1963: Szerves- és műtrágyák korszerű alkalmazása a szocialista nagyüzemekben. (Up-to-date fertilizing and manuring in socialist large-scale farms.) MTA Agrártud. Oszt. Közl. Budapest , 22 , 468

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28 83 88 El-Hamdi, K. H. (1990): Phosphatic fertilization of faba bean grown on calcareous soils. J. Agric. Mansoura Univ. , 15 , 1529

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algorithm from the fertilization process in the reproductive tract of mammal animals during reproduction is presented. The new algorithm is called Fertilization Optimization (FO) algorithm. Computationally expensive benchmarks CEC2015 [ 9 ] are employed

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