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-30054. [20]. Baranyi , L. ( 2010 ), Numerical simulation of the flow around a circular cylinder following a figure-8-like path . Proc. 7th International Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interactions, Flow-Sound Interactions, and Flow
An approach for evaluation of research is described that integrates output indicators of four stages downstream the innovation process: immediate, intermediate, pre- ultimate and ultimate outputs. Indexes of leading output indicators are constructed. The indexes are integrated cumulatively to form an overall index of key output indicators, which is the integrated figure of merit (IFM). Data for the indicators are obtained from records and key informants, and the indicators are grouped by normalized weights. The paper also discusses the limitations and the methodological, conceptual and political/organizational issues of such an approach to research evaluation.
Célkitűzés. A szerző a hazai műkorcsolyázók körében vizsgálta a különböző evészavarok előfordulását, a versenyzők táplálkozási attitűdjeit, testükkel való elégedettségüket, sportágukhoz, edzőjükhöz való viszonyukat. Módszer. A felmérésben a 14 éves, és annál idősebb egyéni műkorcsolyázók (N = 13), jégtáncosok (N = 16), valamint szinkronkorcsolyázók (N = 30) vettek részt, egy 144 tételből álló kérdőív kitöltésével. A kérdőív általános és sportágspecifikus kérdéseket, az Evési Attitűdök Tesztjének rövidített változatát, az Anorexia Nervosa Önértékelő Kérdőívet, valamint a Bulimia Kognitív Disztorziós Skálát tartalmazta. Eredmények. Az eredmények szerint a válaszadók 12-24%-ának viselkedése anorexiás vagy bulimiás jegyeket, patológiás táplálkozási attitűdöket mutat. A versenyzők háromnegyede elégedetlen testsúlyával, s a női atléták kétharmada fogyókúrázik. Megbeszélés. A műkorcsolyázók a karcsúság és alacsony testsúly követelményei miatt fokozott kockázatú csoportot jelentenek az evészavarok kialakulását illetően.
The overview study summarises in an updated context the findings of a long-term research into sepulchral sculpture in Moravia and Czech Silesia, which dealt primarily with whole-figure sepulchral monuments, ranging from examples dependent on fading Central European late Gothic tradition, through examples gradually influenced by early Renaissance italianising elements up to such forms that were marked by Italian and Nordic Mannerism. Based on a comprehensive regional and broader Central European style-critical comparison, applying the criteria of contemporary artistic influences, individual creative approach, craftsmanship routine and other indicia important for a work to be done, the study presents the efforts to incorporate works into circles given by a specific author or workshops, or to highlight the provenience ties of solitary works.
The study shows that despite the enormous loss of sepulchral monuments that have occurred in the past, Moravia and Czech Silesia excel in its numerous production of figural tombstones, which demonstrate the ability of the monitored area to accept and operate with new humanist and representative content, and by the existence of which the local sepulchral sculpture reached specific expression. In addition to eschatological significance and private memorial function, the sepulchral monuments of nobility served also as a family policy, whereby the privileged strata confirmed the old tradition; which contained a personal, genealogical, confessional and political reminder.
Despite the selective character of the study, the processed material brings findings that can contribute to deeper understanding of the overall picture of sepulchral tomb sculpture of the monitored area as well as to its evaluation in the national and European context.
Anderson, P., Anderson, V. , & Garth, J. (2001). Assessment and development of organizational ability: The Rey Complex Figure Organizational Strategy Score (RCF-OSS). The Clinical
Релевантность понятий «гештальт», «фигура», «фон», «фокус» для анализа концептуальной области «кажимости»
The Relevance of the Concepts gestalt, figure, background, and focus for the Conceptual Framework Analysis of кажимость
The paper suggests the metacognitive representation of the conceptual framework of кажимость gestalt. The metacognitive representation is based on the inferential conclusions obtained by cognitive-discursive analysis of the functioning contexts of polysemous verbal predicates казаться, показаться. The Gestalt script includes native speakers’ experience conceptualized in the semantics of contexts. This experience can be presented by the following meta-utterances: The speaker knows that it is not possible to see an object being observed properly from afar, i.e. the first impression of it could turn out to be mistaken. The speaker also knows that it is possible to come closer to the object afterwards and observe it, i.e. to re-verify the results of perception empirically. This allows them to form a more complete idea / knowledge about the object. Subsequently, the speaker reflects on his first visual impression based on the received idea / knowledge, evaluates it as “true” or “false”. In addition, the speaker is aware that there are particular circumstances under which effect the visual images of objects in the real world are distorted and the recipient receives visual illusions.
In the paper, a cognitive Gestalt script was formed. Based on it, all contexts with the words казаться, показаться are built. Due to the dialectical combination of perceptual and epistemic modes, a single /unified Gestalt script consists of two parts. On the one hand, there is supposed to be a subject-experiencer as well as his perceptual act, the object he observes, the first, potentially erroneous /distorted image of the object. There should also be a potential opportunity to implement an act of reflexive verification of the first impression and establish the truth. On the other hand, there is supposed to be the subject as a bearer of knowledge, his knowledge of the distorted character of the subject-experiencer's perception as well as his knowledge of the inconsistency between the subject-experiencer's first impression and what exists in reality. In addition, there should be implicit / explicit awareness of the reasons that led to the distortion of the perception results.
The author demonstrates the integrity of the conceptual semantics of the Gestalt script. The correlation between the conceptual level and the level of language semantics is shown in a sketchy way in terms of figure, background, and focus. The author also describes focus shifts which underlie the construction of different contexts - background and figure.
The sculptural rendering of loose folds of clothing was part of the classical legacy, which was a salient characteristic of Bernini's figural sculpture. The expressive potential of non-figural drapes was an innovation which has seldom received adequate attention. At first sight the evocative dynamism of such independent draperies carved in marble may seem like a sort of Abstract Expressionism avant la lettre but Bernini employed the effect as a “Symbolic Form” in Ernst Cassirer's famous definition, a concrete object communicating an intelligible meaning.
This article examines the writings of Ye Zhaoyan, one of the most important contemporary Chinese writes. As the grandson of Ye Shengtao, a leading May Fourth writer, Ye Zhaoyan always feels responsible for connecting the contemporary with the early Republican period. The ways in which he makes the connection are interesting: he disguises under his popular appeals serious and critical reflections upon the relationship between history, memory, and love. I highlight Ye’s active remembrance of what has been repressed by the grand history, his constant examination of the writing of history through creating the writer as a historical figure of modern China, and his embedment of historical experience in the everyday.