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Релевантность понятий «гештальт», «фигура», «фон», «фокус» для анализа концептуальной области «кажимости»
The Relevance of the Concepts gestalt, figure, background, and focus for the Conceptual Framework Analysis of кажимость
The paper suggests the metacognitive representation of the conceptual framework of кажимость gestalt. The metacognitive representation is based on the inferential conclusions obtained by cognitive-discursive analysis of the functioning contexts of polysemous verbal predicates казаться, показаться. The Gestalt script includes native speakers’ experience conceptualized in the semantics of contexts. This experience can be presented by the following meta-utterances: The speaker knows that it is not possible to see an object being observed properly from afar, i.e. the first impression of it could turn out to be mistaken. The speaker also knows that it is possible to come closer to the object afterwards and observe it, i.e. to re-verify the results of perception empirically. This allows them to form a more complete idea / knowledge about the object. Subsequently, the speaker reflects on his first visual impression based on the received idea / knowledge, evaluates it as “true” or “false”. In addition, the speaker is aware that there are particular circumstances under which effect the visual images of objects in the real world are distorted and the recipient receives visual illusions.
In the paper, a cognitive Gestalt script was formed. Based on it, all contexts with the words казаться, показаться are built. Due to the dialectical combination of perceptual and epistemic modes, a single /unified Gestalt script consists of two parts. On the one hand, there is supposed to be a subject-experiencer as well as his perceptual act, the object he observes, the first, potentially erroneous /distorted image of the object. There should also be a potential opportunity to implement an act of reflexive verification of the first impression and establish the truth. On the other hand, there is supposed to be the subject as a bearer of knowledge, his knowledge of the distorted character of the subject-experiencer's perception as well as his knowledge of the inconsistency between the subject-experiencer's first impression and what exists in reality. In addition, there should be implicit / explicit awareness of the reasons that led to the distortion of the perception results.
The author demonstrates the integrity of the conceptual semantics of the Gestalt script. The correlation between the conceptual level and the level of language semantics is shown in a sketchy way in terms of figure, background, and focus. The author also describes focus shifts which underlie the construction of different contexts - background and figure.
Predominantly, this study examines two issues. First, why in a very short span of time the real historical person of Jánošík turned into a folklore and literary character and what kind of interaction can be revealed between these two fields. Second, why compared to the whole of the Slovakian folklore the Jánošík tradition is so scarce in Slovakian communities of Hungary. The author also attempts to answer to the question how the Jánošík legends attested in these communities appeared among the Slovakians who settled down in Hungary in the late 17th and early 18th century.
„In der Gestalt von Bettlern wandelt Christus selbst mitten unter uns herum“
Die sakrale Begründung des Bettelberufs in der christlichen Religion
Singing mendicant beggars (kaliki perechožie), who, for the most part, were blind or crippled and could be found everywhere in Russia before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, were only later, i.e. secondary, carriers of Russian religious songs (duchovnye stichi). The primary composers and performers of Eastern-Slavic religious folk songs were mediators between the Orthodox Christian Church and the people. Mendicant pilgrim beggars in Old Russia regarded themselves as those among the few selected by God. They practised their vocation of begging alms with approval from Jesus Christ. They “were baptized into Christ and clothed themselves with Christ”. From this, it follows that treating beggars to a meal or giving them alms was the same as treating Christ and giving the alms to him. The holy beggars of Old Russia were pilgrims: mendicant icons of Christ. With their life, they were meant to encourage others to purify their own icon-like quality received from God, and thus become similar to Christ.
This paper has been intended to describe the influence of an archaeological source and a literary source on Horace's ode Dive, quem proles. The author intends to prove that Horace has composed the ode as if he was walking from the portico to the cult statue in the Temple of Apollo on the Palatine. In the second part of the paper the parallel motifs of the second Callimachean Hymn and the Horatian poem, e.g. mimesis, hybris, are analysed.
intersecting and interpenetrating eventings; the achievement of its completion in time; its Gestalt . I experience it in my anticipations and expectations, fulfilled and frustrated, in acknowledging its uniqueness and singularity, its alterity and the
research into psychedelics (see Tymoczko, 1996 ). His interest lay in how psychedelics could potentially intensify fantasy, especially religious imagination. In the 1920s, psychiatrists and Gestalt psychologists began to examine how mescaline could
A tanulmány 10 év saját kutatásai alapján tekinti át, hogy milyen elemi kognitív működésekben jelenik meg a schizophrenia. A vizuális rendszerben a magnocelluláris (M) M-pálya kifejezett zavara mutatható ki, ami összefügg a Gestalt-szerveződés zavar_
Ash, M. (1995). Gestalt psychology and German culture. 1890–1967. Holism and the quest for objectivity . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ash M
Elméleti összefoglalómban a kognitív terápiás irányzaton belül kialakult terápiás irányzat, a sématerápia bemutatására vállalkozom. A sématerápia súlyos kapcsolati problémákkal küzdő, személyiségzavarban vagy krónikus első tengely zavarban szenvedő páciensek számára kidolgozott hosszú (heti két alkalom, két éven át) egyéni vagy csoportos terápia. Először bemutatom a sématerápia kognitív, viselkedésterápiás, tárgykapcsolati és kötődéselméletet, Gestalt-terápiás elemeket integráló elméletét. A tanulmány második felében áttekintem a sématerápia hatékonyságára és a korai maladaptív sémaelmélet egyes elemeit alátámasztó kutatási eredményeket. Végül összefoglalom a sématerápia főbb szakaszait és specifikus terápiás technikáit: kognitív, viselkedésmintákat megtörő, élményalapú és a terápiás kapcsolatra fókuszáló technikákat.
The goal of this paper is to provide a unified analysis of the function of various types of (structural) focus and the negative particle (used preverbally) in Hungarian. It is argued that the function of these elements (each inducing the inversion of verbal modifier and verb) is best understood with respect to the interpretation assigned to the verbal predicate in different contexts. By treating the verbal predicate as a schematic positive declarative clause (or “proto-statement”) in its default interpretation, it becomes possible to define the function of the elements concerned in terms of (i) the kind of relation in which they stand with the proto-statement, (ii) the kind of relation in which the overall symbolic pattern (as a Gestalt) stands with the unmarked positive declarative clause type.