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Károly Viski (Torda, 1882-Budapest, 1945) was an outstanding figure in European ethnology in the years between 1920–1945. He was born in Transylvania and trained as a secondary school teacher of Hungarian and Latin at the university of Kolozsvár. As a young teacher he taught in schools in Transylvanian towns and did research on the history of the Hungarian language and dialectology. In 1920 he joined the staff of the Museum of Ethnography in Budapest and became an expert in decorative arts, material culture and European ethnology. His book on the folk art of Transylvania written in the early 1920s was published in many languages. He played a role in the choice of a European, Scandinavian orientation for Hungarian ethnology and in strengthening ties with Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Poland. He was the spiritus rector and editor of the big four-volume synthesis published in the 1930s which presented traditional Hungarian material culture and folklore in a broad European context. He devoted special attention to research on the cultural heritage of the peoples of Transylvania, the co-existence of the Hungarian, German and Romanian ethnic groups and the history of cultural exchange processes. He did a great deal for museums, collections and exhibitions of ethnography. Between 1940–45 as professor at the university of Kolozsvár and later of Budapest he trained a whole series of outstanding students (e.g. Károly Kós, János Kodolányi, Ágnes Kovács, Mária Kresz, Károly Gaál, László Vajda).

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:377–386). Since 1984, besides comprehensive monographs on the history of Hungarian ethnography, valuable publications have appeared on the history of research in the fields of legal folk customs and folk traditions ( Kőhegyi – Nagy 1995 :195

Open access

Néprajzi Társaság – BBTE Magyar Néprajz és Antopológiai Intézet . Kósa , László 2001 A magyar néprajz tudománytörténete [The History of Hungarian Ethnography] . Budapest : Osiris . Koski , Kaarina – Frog – Savolainen , Ulla (eds.) 2016

Open access

] . Néprajzi Hírek 7 : 128 – 130 . Tárkány Szücs , Ernő 1978b A Magyar néprajz története – angolul [The History of Hungarian Ethnography — in English] . Néprajzi Hírek 7 : 119 . Tárkány Szücs , Ernő 1979 Living Legal Customs of the Common People

Open access

néprajz tudománytörténete [The History of Hungarian Ethnography] . Budapest : Osiris . Kovács , Ágnes

Open access

, Krisztina 2014 . A „magyar vircsaft”: A Kádár-kori idegenforgalom sajátosságai [The “Hungarian Humbug”: The Peculiarities of Kádár-era Tourism] . Metszetek 3 ( 2 ): 93 – 109 . Sozan, Michael 1979 . The History of Hungarian Ethnography . Washington

Open access

2001 A magyar néprajz tudománytörténete [The History of Hungarian Ethnography] . Budapest : Osiris . Kriza , János

Open access