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–1289. Ekman, P., Davidson, R. J., Friesen, W. V.: The Duchenne smile: emotional expression and brain physiology. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol., 1990, 58 (2), 342–353. Berk, R. A.: The active ingredients in humor
When people use a proverb or a proverb-like saying, it mostly represents an action to change the atmosphere of the situation going on. A social-psychological approach gives an apparatus to interpret different functions of proverbial speech and its relations to the use of humour in general. The article is based on the author’s study of functions of proverbial speech in social interaction. Proverbs are considered as a special kind of social strategy. Among the categories of the functions of proverbial speech listed in the Appendix, priority is given to those strategies in which a humoristic solution is most often preferred to serious social strategies. An obvious category in which proverbs are used humorously is ‘turning the situation into a joke’. In potentially conflicting situations such as negotiations it is important that both parties have an opportunity to joke about the situation. The liberating effect of humour, when somebody is using a proverb in a proper situation, is often an outlet for an individual’s own inner emotional tension. Something of the socially unburdening function of proverbs has also been recorded for proverb texts themselves. One can find lots of exaggerating expressions and humorous incongruity in the imagery of proverbs.
The paper discusses the treatment of proverbial wisdom in Polish graffiti by drawing upon nearly 100 paremic structures collected on Polish Internet sites in the last decade. Proverbs in mural writing are classified as existential graffiti inscriptions due to their general rather than individualized reference. Graffiti writers challenge the potential of universal application of proverbs, paraphrazing the original forms, creating anti-proverbs in the process, with an eye to exposing the limited application of paremic wisdom or rejecting proverbs as entirely unsuitable in the context of modern Polish society. The paper explores the ways in which humour is employed in the use of proverbs in Polish murals.
The article demonstrates that similar actions and lifestyles of two individuals living in two villages of Yakutia (in Northeastern Siberia) evoke different attitudes in their own communities in accordance with the dissimilar social structures and communicative systems of the villages. The article focuses on the different ways the register of humour is activated and on the dissimilar assessments of extraordinary patterns of behaviour resulting in social embarrassment within the two communities. The case studies show that one of the protagonists of the paper, Konoohoi, is referred to as a funny guy about whom funny stories are circulated, whereas Lögöntöi is much more regarded as a strange person by his fellow villagers. The difference between the integrity of the communities (providing evaluative social talks of different characters in the settlements concerned) results in two different ways of dealing with the social embarrassment caused by extraordinary behaviours. In one of the villages the funny but disparaging anecdotes about such behaviour are embedded in the system of kin-group characterisation, whereas in the other one it would be regarded as more offensive (as a personal attack), since in this setting it is generally not allowed to expose shortcomings in public.
WEISFELD, G. E. (1993): The adaptive value of humor and laughter. Ethology and Sociobiology , 14 , 141-169. The adaptive value of humor and laughter
Az emocionális tartalmú társadalmi célú reklámvideók hatásmechanizmusának vizsgálata: Félelem és humor
Impact assessment of advertisement videos for the social good with different emotional loads: Fear and humour
.1177/0146167209349114 Eisend , M. ( 2009 ). A meta-analysis of humor in advertising . Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 37 ( 2 ), 191 – 203 . doi: 10.1007/s11747-008-0096-y Fiske
Validation of the Hungarian version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ-H)
A Humor Stílus Kérdőív magyar változatának (HSQ-H) validálása
References Berkowitz , L. ( 1970 ). Aggressive humor as a stimulus to aggressive responses . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 16 ( 4 ), 710
. BENSON and ZAIDEL (1985): The Dual Brain. In Library of Excerpts. Humor and Play: Hetero-chronic Patterns. The Dual Brain. BOTTONI, S
References R.D. Alexander 1986 Ostracism and indirect reciprocity: The reproductive significance of humor Ethology
F.M. Grignolo L. Chiandussi 1998 Evaluation of serotonin levels inhuman aqueous humor Ophthalmologica