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In this paper the reduction of lead and zinc sulphide by hydrogen is described. It has been found that the rate of formation of elemental lead or zinc is favourably affected by mechanical activation of PbS and ZnS produced by intensive grinding. This effect was observed in the region 678–1048 K for galena and in the region 851–1023 K for sphalerite. It has appeared that disordering in the structure of both minerals results in the decrease in experimental activation energy.
Nagynyomású hidrogénatmoszférás kemence gyártása szénacélok elridegedésének vizsgálatához
Investigation of the embrittlement of carbon steels in a high-pressure hydrogen atmosphere
Irodalomjegyzék 1 Bueno, A. H. S., Moreira, E. D., & Gomes, J. A. C. P. (2014) Evaluation of stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement in an API
The diffusion behavior of hydrogen in the oxide films of zircaloy-4 specimens containing different size of Zr(Fe,Cr)2 precipitates was examined. In the case of the specimen containing fine precipitates, hydrogen diffused uniformly through the zirconium oxide phase. The diffusion coefficient was 2·10−21 m2·s−1 at room temperature and 6·10−19 m2·s−1 at 673 K. The transport rate of hydrogen in the oxide film of the specimen containing coarse precipitates was significantly higher than that of the specimen containing fine ones at both room temperature and 673 K.
enantioselectivities [ 1 – 6 ], although the C=C double bond and C=N double bond have not been hydrogenated efficiently. Generally, the hydrogenations of prochiral ketones were carried out under high hydrogen pressure (9 MPa) in an autoclave. Under these conditions
Mérési módszer a hidrogén porózus formációkban történő tárolhatóságának vizsgálatára
Measurement method for hydrogen storability determination in porous rock formations
2 Bent, S. (2007) Underground hydrogen storage in geological formations, and comparison with other storage solutions. Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Int. Symp. Merida Technical
Introduction This work deals with two aspects of catalysis. The first one is the mechanism of hydrogen oxidation on silver. This reaction is essential for chemical kinetics and catalysis as a model catalytic redox reaction. It
In this paper, a brief survey of hydrogen production methods is presented with a focus on S-I cycle. Based on heat duty data of sulfuric acid decomposition in S-I cycle, optimization models are developed to explore the minimum utility consumption and the minimum number of heat exchangers. Finally an optimal heat exchanger network for S-I thermochemical cycle is defined by a mixed integer optimization model.
., Beaudry B. J. The effect of impurities, particularly hydrogen on the lattice parameters of the “ABAB” rare earth metals, Journal of Less Common Metals , Vol. 25, No. 1, 1971, pp. 61–73. Beaudry B. J
Introduction The surface diffusion of active species plays an important role in heterogeneous catalytic reactions [ 1 ], especially the diffusion of hydrogen species on the catalyst surface. Hydrogen molecules in the gaseous
1995 H isotope fractionation due to hydrogen-zinc reactions and its implications on D/H analysis of water samples Chemical Geology 121 19 25