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Two new methods of constructing a series of partially balanced ternary designs are presented. One from a BIB design and a PBIB design, and the second from a PBIB design alone, obtained by method of differences in both the cases.

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(ADGI). Since σ i j = 0 , it is assured that x i k 0 = x j k 0 , ∀ k . Step 4. The absolute degree of grey incidence matrix, Γ , is obtained. This symmetric matrix consists of γ i j where 0 < γ i j ≤ 1 . γ i j is calculated for the sequences of

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incidence matrix for the five papers of the example is shown in Table 5 . The institutions and networks could also be considered as items. Table 5 Association rules: binary incidence matrix

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placed in a matrix, whereby the rows of the matrix contained the identified subcategories, and the columns of the matrix indicated the elements of the values coding. This incidence matrix provides input data for exploring the subcategories and values

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