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There are above 1933 Megalithic Iron Age sites across south India; they include burial sites, habitation sites, habitation cum burial sites, Iron Age painting sites, isolated iron smelting localities near a habitation or burial. With the approach of economic archeology and sociotechnic perspective analyzing ceramics, metallurgy, burial monument (builder) and subsistent evidence (considering them as industries) that are found in the Megalithic burials as grave furnishers (The Material Archives Preserved in the Burial Monuments) from the background of Labour, Production and Industry that has economic imprints can be discussed on whether the Megalithic folks were nomadic, semi-settled or settled. This paper is an attempt to make a rough computation on the quantity of output that this culture might have in micro or in macro scale. This helps in understanding two aspects; one: whether they were nomadic, semisettled or settled at one location; two: diffusion versus indigenous development.
Lithic implements and the circulation of raw materials in the Great Hungarian Plain during the Late Neolithic Period. Budapest. Bluszcz, A.–Kozłowski, J.–Foltyn, E. 1994 New sequence of EUP leaf point industries in southern
Industries. Review of Industrial Organization , 14: 1–25. Wright J. Interconnection in Network Industries Review of Industrial Organization
recycling industry . Reinforced Plastics , 54 , 33 – 37 . [4] Kudi R. (editor) ( 2012 ), Wastemanagement, II,Environmental engineering knowledgebase . University of
Introduction This article examines survey responses of researchers engaged in R&D collaboration based in Korean and Taiwanese universities, industry, and government research institutes (GRIs) to understand how and why research
Competitiveness of Croatian Textile Industry – CMS Analysis and Importance for Economy . Tekstil ve konfeksiyon , 24 ( 2 ): 158 – 168 . Carraresi , L. – Banterle , A. ( 2015 ): The Agri
1 Introduction According to a general rule definition, Industry 4.0 includes cyber-physical systems (CPS), cloud computing, the internet of things, and cognitive computing, by creating the so called “smart factory” entities. Industry 4.0 is a vision
. IFM-Centre_for_Industry_and_Government Cambridge: University of Cambridge, p. 26. Value of food & drink manufacturing to the UK 2010
Quackery in building construction industry , Civil and Environmental Research , Vol. 10 , 2015 , pp. 68 – 75 . [2] Bausa P. O. , Kourtidis S
1 Introduction Against widespread professional expectations, the much-awaited productivity-boosting character of Industry 4.0 ( Fragapane et al. (2022) or Elnadi – Abdallah (2023) is still yet to come in most developed economies. Naturally, given