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Current results in both theoretical and fieldwork in shamanism in Korea are getting closer to the unity about origins and state of kangshinmu and sesŭmmu, the two types of mudang. Our aim is to specify the differences based on the latest research results and to show the development of overlapping between them through the changing process of their position in today society. We emphasize the characteristics of the sesŭmmu which is disappearing or melting into a modern mixed mudang form. From a historical perspective differentiation could have evolved because of a kind of syncretism as a consequence of the different cultural traditions’ meeting thus modern situation can be seen as the sequence of historical process.
The monthly variation of selenium concentration in atmospheric particulate material of Ankara was investigated. The selenium concentrations in possible pollution source materials like coal, fuel oil and their bottom and fly ashes were determined to obtain the percent transference of selenium into the atmosphere. Instrumental thermal neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy were applied for the analysis of selenium in the samples. Selenium enrichment factors with respect to the fuels, soil of Ankara and crustal material were also calculated. Atmospheric selenium concentration is found to increase during winter months and the main cause of this increase is the emission of selenium into the atmosphere due to fuel combustion.
NAA has been applied to determine the concentration of K, As, Se, Zn, Cr, Cs, Fe, Co, Sb, Ni and Ca in sediments and a macroalgae species collected from the Küçükçekmece Lagoon and Marmara Sea. The lagoon sediment showed higher metal levels than the sea sediment. The metal contents in algae species are not changed significantly between months and sampling sites except Zn and Cr. The profile of the lagoon sediments was also investigated.
In ambient air, arsenic to selenium ratio (As/Se) is generally found to be less than 1, except in areas influenced by specific point sources, such as Cu smelters. However, the annual average of this ratio is found to be much higher than unity in Turkey. This finding is rather unique and may provide a marker for air masses influenced by the coal-related emissions in Turkey.
Cesium-137 concentrations in red, brown and green algae have been studied for the calculation of natural depuration rates. The algae species were collected from the same population of the Black Sea stations during the period of 1986–1995. The natural depuration rates are estimated as biological half-lives. The pattern of depuration results represented by a single component for each algae division. The biological half-lives of137Cs in red (Phyllophora nervosa), green (Chaetomorpha linum) and brown (Cystoceira barbata) algae are estimated to be 18.5, 21.6 and 29.3 months, respectively.137Cs and40K activity levels and their ratios in algae species in two stations in Black Sea region of Turkey have been determined during the period of 1990–1995. The results showed that the Sinop region was more contaminated than the ile region on the Black Sea coast of Turkey from the Chernobyl accident.
Рассматривается лин ейное дифференциаль ное уравнение с обобщенн ым потенциаломLu(t)+(u,F)g(t)=f(t), t∈S. Исследуются обобщен ные граничные услови я, при которых существует е динственное решение (в зависимостиF, g). Анало гично исследуется и стохастическое урав нение.
The study analyzed surface treatment's impact on mechanical properties of Fe-based amorphous coatings. Specimens underwent six-hour treatments at 670 and 770 °C using vacuum heat. Results revealed distinct mechanical features in the coating: Vickers hardness reached 755, scanning electron microscope images displayed glassy phases, showcasing good wear resistance and compressive residual stresses at around −55 MPa. A remarkable 122% increase in compressive residual stress was noted through combined vacuum heat treatment and sandblasting. Volume wear decreased from the initial 18 to 14 mm3 after treatment at 670 °C followed by sandblasting, indicating a 30% enhancement in wear resistance. Yet, using vacuum heat treatment at 770 °C negatively impacted the coating's properties.
During the periods of 1997–1998, macroalgae, sea snail, mussel, fish and sediment samples were collected from different stations at Turkish Black Sea coast in order to determine activity levels of 137Cs radionuclide. 137Cs activity in the tested algae species and in soft parts of mussel and sea snail, were found to be below the lower limit of detection. On the other hand, the 137Cs concentration in muscle tissue of the sea snail samples were found from 6±2 to 19±7 Bq·kg–1 dry weight. The range of the 137Cs concentration in anchovy fish muscles were found between 4±2 – 10±5 Bq·kg–1 dry weight. The 137Cs concentration in the whiting fish muscle was found below the lower limit of detection. However, this activity found in shad fish muscle to be 25±10 Bq·kg–1 dry weight. The concentrationsof the 137Cs activity in the sediment samples proved that the eastern region of the Black Sea was affected by Chernobyl at a very high degree compared with the western part. The measured 238U, 232Th and 40K concentrations in sediment samples are within the range of the cited values in the previous works at the Turkish Black Sea coast.
Most of the 68 wells uncovered on the single-layer horizontal settlement lying adjacent to the tell at Polgár-Csőszhalom did not contain any unusual finds. A few wells, however, yielded remarkable assemblages that can be interpreted as intentional, structured depositions. One of these was Feature 272, a well lying some 80–90 m from the one-time water shore, which contained a remarkably high number of vessels, most of which were lavishly ornamented. The form and the contents of this well suggest that it represents the archaeological imprint of a series of ritual acts performed according to a set of strict rules and the structured deposition of the ritual paraphernalia.
A hazai fosszilisszénhidrogén-vagyonban rejlő lehetőségek
The potential of the domestic hydrocarbon stock
Hazánk szénhidrogén-kutatás és -termelés szempontjából érett területnek számít. A jelentős méretű előfordulások felfedezése és termelésbe állítása már megtörtént. A közelmúlt felfedezései azonban azt bizonyítják, hogy további felfedezések tehetők az országban. A 3D szeizmikus mérések, a számítástechnikai eszközök és a mérőműszerek fejlődése lehetővé tette, hogy új, kisebb telepeket fedezzünk fel. A pettendi felfedezés 30 kútja akár napi 14,2 ezer hordó olajat is termelhet, amely jelentősen növeli a magyarországi olajtermelést. A Vecsés-2-es kút napi 600 hordó olajat termel. A két Komádiban és egy Álmosdon lefúrt sekély kút naponta 750 hordó egyenérték szénhidrogén-termelést produkál. A Nyékpusztai tömött homokkőből (nem hagyományos tároló) évente 45 millió köbméter gázt és 45 ezer köbméter kondenzátumot terveznek a felszínre hozni. Az új találatok bizonyítják azt, hogy van lehetőség az energiahordozó kutatásában, a felfedezett mennyiségek azonban csak a termelés csökkenését tudják ellensúlyozni. Fontos lenne, hogy más energiaforrásokkal, például a geotermikus energia fokozásával pótoljuk a hiányzó energiamennyiséget.
In hydrocarbon exploration and production terms Hungary is a mature area. The significant deposits have already been brought into production. Hungary now is only able to meet a small part of its fossil fuel needs from existing fields in the country, and therefore our supply largely depends on imports. The modern tools such as 3D seismic measurements and geophysical methods to detect seismic anomalies have allowed us to achieve a higher success rate with fewer drillings. New discoveries have also been made recently with the methodology used.
The Hungarian Horizon Energy Ltd. and TDE Services Ltd. in a US/Hungarian cooperation discovered a significant amount of hydrocarbons in the Dráva Basin near Pettend. The development of the discovered oil and gas deposits found in Lower Pannonian formations, Badenian carbonate rocks and Palaeozoic successions doubled the Hungarian oil production.
The planned production of 700-1000 barrels from the Vecsés-2 well drilled by MOL will increase Hungary’s oil production by 5%.
MOL’s shallow gas program aims to discover gas fields at depths of 1,500 up to 2,000 meters. Two wells drilled near Komádi and one at Álmosd could contribute up to 750 barrels of oil equivalent per day for the MOL’s production. This means an annual production of about 44 million cubic meters of gas from these wells.
The Nyék-6 well, located in the northern part of the Békés basin, has the potential to produce 1,6 Bcf (billion cubic feet) of gas and 283 thousand bbl (barrel) of condensate per year, according to production data from the first months of operation. It is estimated that up to ten times of the amount already recovered could be produced from this well.
Exploration and production will be carried out under the five-year Corvinus project, which has been declared a priority investment by the government. The exploration and production will be carried out in a joint venture structure with MVM CEEnergy Zrt. and Horizont General LLC. as 50-50% shareholders.
At the University of Miskolc three research projects on the evaluation and extraction of unconventional hydrocarbons with significant industrial potential are being carried out, which are novel in Hungary. 1) Investigation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs by interval inversion. 2) Investigation of hydraulic fracturing technologies and fracture support systems. 3) Investigation and analysis of low permeability marls, and massive sandstone deposits, research into the operation of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Given Hungary’s energy needs, it would be essential to fill the gap with other energy sources. Increasing the domestic geothermal energy production would be a significant step because Hungary has favorable natural conditions in comparison to most foreign countries as the geothermal gradient is about double the average.