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1995 20 325 332 Boeri, T. - van Ours, J. (2008): The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets. New Jersey, NY: Princeton
There are above 1933 Megalithic Iron Age sites across south India; they include burial sites, habitation sites, habitation cum burial sites, Iron Age painting sites, isolated iron smelting localities near a habitation or burial. With the approach of economic archeology and sociotechnic perspective analyzing ceramics, metallurgy, burial monument (builder) and subsistent evidence (considering them as industries) that are found in the Megalithic burials as grave furnishers (The Material Archives Preserved in the Burial Monuments) from the background of Labour, Production and Industry that has economic imprints can be discussed on whether the Megalithic folks were nomadic, semi-settled or settled. This paper is an attempt to make a rough computation on the quantity of output that this culture might have in micro or in macro scale. This helps in understanding two aspects; one: whether they were nomadic, semisettled or settled at one location; two: diffusion versus indigenous development.
on a sound IO methodology, thus leads to the Marxian measure of labor productivity, although this was not in the intentions of Stone and his research group in the 1950s and 1960s. A thorough analysis of labour values as indicators of both
. Emotion in Organizations 1993 Ashforth, B. E., Humphrey, R. H.: Emotional labor in service roles: The
recession, for a long time in a position of equilibrium with low employment/high unemployment due to insufficient demand. Hysteresis may result from institutional characteristics of labour markets, like employment protection legislation that
effect of education on earnings . Handbook of labor economics 3 : 1801 – 1863 . Clark , A. E. ( 1997 ): Job satisfaction and gender: why are women so happy at work? Labour Economics 4 : 341 – 372
amount and variability of bank loans to non-financial corporations on labor productivity. The main hypothesis of the paper is that the variability in the volume of credit impairs labor productivity growth. Credit instability impedes planning
The aim and theoretical framework of the research Following EU accessions in 2004/2007, significant labor migration began from Central and Eastern European nations to Western European countries ( Rangelova 2009 ; Favell 2018 ). Nationals of
small proportion of older people's income, which is a phenomenon in other Asian countries as well ( Bang et al. 2005 ). Therefore, it is important to know how and by how much the low levels of public pensions affect older people's labour supply in Korea
. Braddock (1999): Occupation Employment Projections to 2008. Monthly Labour Review . November. Occupation Employment Projections to 2008. CEC (1997