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The fragment we are publishing here is preserved in the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (the former China Institute of Cultural Relics). It is a single leaf of an Uigur manuscript originally attached to a Chinese passage of the Lotus sūtra. The Old Uigur text is a kind of terminology list containing some hitherto not or seldom attested words.
The algological investigations in the protected landscape areas have started at the end of the 19th century. As a result of the intensive floristical and taxonomic research a large number of records were accumulated over a period of last century, which were summarised in a monograph (Németh 2004). In the book mentioned above the occurrence data of 3,724 algal species and intraspecific taxa were processed. The red list of algae in Hungary was also elaborated as an aim to reveal the algological state of the water bodies in these areas. The algal taxa are listed into threatened categories using quantitative criteria for classification. The quantitative criteria considered in the present study are based on and only on the occurrence data of algae. The occurrence data is to be considered as the number of localities in which a given taxon was found, without any consideration how many times and how many authors it has been published by. Three criteria and six categories were used for create the red list. The measure of the first criterion (a) was calculated from the date of the publication of the last occurrence of a given taxon. The second and third criteria (r and v) express the rarity of the taxa and the value of the locality respectively. The numeric values of the last two criteria were calculated from the rows and columns of the data matrix contained the occurrence data using the Rényi's generalised entropy functions of order a = 1 and a= 2. The original values of the three quantitative criteria were then converted to the values of a logarithmic interval scale and were given as a three-digit code number. For classification the 504 threatened algal taxa observed in Hungarian protected landscape areas six categories were used as follows: Extinct (EX), Critically endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU), Low risk (LR), Presumably threatened (PR).
Hickson, L. J., Cosio, F. G., El-Zoghby, Z. M. és mtsai: Survival of patients on the kidney transplant wait list: relationship to cardiac troponin T. Am. J. Transplant., 2008, 8 , 2352–2359. El-Zoghby Z. M
Recently, comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses of ribosomal DNA sequences have led to important advances in understanding the evolution of powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphales). These results have triggered major changes in the identification, taxonomy, and, thus, nomenclature of this group of plant pathogens. This paper reviews the recent nomenclatural changes of the Erysiphales and provides an up-to-date list of all the powdery mildew fungi reported from Hungary using the new names of the fungal taxa.
Publication and citation data for the thirty journals listed in the Dermatology & VenerealDiseases category of the 1996 edition of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) on CDROM andseven dermatology journals not listed in the JCR-1996 were retrieved online from DIMDI andanalysed with respect to short- and long-term impact factors, ratios of cited to uncited papers, aswell as knowledge export and international visibility.The short-term impact factors (calculated according to the rules applied in the JCR) are verysimiliar to their JCR counterparts; thus there are only minor changes in the rankings according toJCR impact factors and those calculated on the basis of online data. The non-JCR journals rankwithin the upper (two titles) and the lower third of the 37 journals (one title being at the upper endof the last third and the other four titles being at the very end of the list). Ranking the journalsaccording to their long-term impact factors results in no major changes of a journal's position.Normalized mean citation rates which give a more direct impression of a journals's citedness inrelation to the average citedness of its subfield are also shown.Ratios of cited to uncited papers parallel in general the impact factors, i.e., journals withhigher (constructed) impact factors have a higher percentage of cited papers. For each journal, theGini concentration coefficient was calculated as a measure of unevenness of the citationdistribution. In general, journals with higher (constructed) impact factors have higher Ginicoefficients, i.e., the higher the impact factors the more uneven the citation distribution.Knowledge export and international visibility were measured by determination of the distinctcategories to which the citing journals have been assigned ("citing subfields") and of the distinctcountries to which the citing authors belong ("citing countries"), respectively. Each journalexhibits a characteristic profile of citing subfields and citing countries. Normalized rankingsbased on knowledge export and international visibility (relating the number of published papers tothe number of distinct subfields and distinct countries) are to a large extent different compared tothe impact factor rankings. It is concluded that the additional data given, especially the data onknowledge export and international visibility, are necessary ingredients of a comprehensivedescription of a journal's significance and its position within its subject category.
An annotated list of 68 species in 35 genera of encyrtids known to occur in Egypt with their insect or plant hosts and distribution is provided.
Three new species of Eretmocerus Haldeman, E. persiangulfus sp. n., E. aleuroviggianus sp. n. and E. hederae sp. n. are described and illustrated as well as the Iranian species list of the genus Eretmocerus is presented.
The mini review gives the list of 39 novel Phytophthora species and 2 species hybrids identified and described by various authors following the publication of the handbook of Erwin and Ribeiro (1996). Based upon original reports, sources and locations of isolations, morpho-physiological features and phylogenetic status of each species nova , as compared to previously known species are also summarized. Ultimately, a list of taxa to be formally described outlines prospects of further research.
In Germany the Federal Office of Plant Varieties (Bundessortenamt) is responsible for variety testing and registration in the National List. The regulations of the German Seed Act follow the rules of Council Directive 2002/53/EC on the common catalogue of varieties of agricultural plant species. The German testing system is explained in detail.
. (Czhech translation: Padesát let chirurgem. Nakladatelství Škubal, Praha, 1946.) 5 Ihász, M.: Sir Joseph Lister (1827–1912). [Sir Joseph Lister (1827–1912).] Orv. Hetil