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At the beginning of the series of Augustine’s earliest extant literary works are the three philosophical dialogues Contra Academicos, De beata vita and De ordine, which were composed in the autumn of 386 during Augustine’s otium philosophandi in Cassiciacum. In the introductions of all three works, the marine metaphors are widely used. The author compares human life with a stormy sea and sees as the only salvation the port of philosophy. In beata v. 1. 2 Augutin compares the people to whom philosophy can accommodate with navigantes, which he groups in tria genera. Although the people who belong to the respective group are described in detail, the author does not mention names. This arouses research interest and justifies the attempt to propose a representing person for each group.
The present work sets itself the goal by parallel reading of beata v. 1. 2, with some passages from Cicero’s Epistulae, Tusculanae disputationes and De officiis to make a new proposal. And this in addition to the currently existing assumption that Romanianus, to whom the dialogue Contra Academicos is dedicated, should be considered as a representative of the second group of seafarers. However, the author of the present work now ventures a completely new approach, in which Cicero can be accepted as a representative of this group.
it Went . Princeton : Princeton University Press . Galbraith , J. K. ( 2017 b): The Good Society: The Humane Agenda . New York : Mariner Books
. Berend , T. I. ( 2010 ): Europe since 1980 . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Friedman , M. – Friedman , R. ( 1990 ): Free to Choose: A Personal Statement . New York : Mariner Books
Nature 1987 310 537 540 [3] Mariner P. E. Lee
Bryan, G., Garza, D., Hartl, D. (1990) Insertion and excision of the transposable element mariner in Drosophila . Genetics 125 , 103–114. Hartl D. Insertion and excision of
) s.v. ubi . BOURCIEZ, É.: Éléments de linguistique romane . Paris 1967, 121. 5 MARINER, S.: Latín vulgar . Madrid 1977, 70. BONNET, M.: Le latin de Grégoire de Tours . Paris 1890, 578–579. 6 BAÑOS, J. M.: Preposiciones. In BAÑOS, J. M. (coord
Az interocepció tudatos aspektusainak fejlődéséről és fejlesztéséről
Development and improvement of the conscious aspects of interoception
-Health Systems Barrett , L. F . ( 2017 ). How emotions are made: The secret life of the brain (Illustrated edition). Mariner Books Bornemann , B ., & Singer , T . ( 2017 ). Taking time to feel our body: Steady increases in heartbeat perception accuracy and
179 Bradic M, Warring SD, Low V, Carlton JM: The Tc1/mariner transposable element family shapes genetic variation and gene expression in the protist Trichomonas vaginalis . Mob DNA 5, 12
Tls-The Times Literary Supplement Times Supplements Limited, England/Humanities, Multidisciplinary 54 Mariners
mariners. In contrast to the Biblical God, the prophet states, Poseidon has limited power and can only mourn and lament the fate of his progeny. The Averter of Disaster did not prevent catastrophes from afflicting his progeny, the Canaanite