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. Bryant , Christopher G. A. , ‘ Civic Nation, Civic Society, Civic Religion ’ in Hall , John A. (ed.), Civil Society. Theory, History, Comparison ( Polity Press 1995 ) 136 – 57

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In my paper I shall investigate the major changes in the concept of the national theatre from the early debates on the Hamburg Theatre in 1767 until the 2005 establishment of the National Theatre of Scotland. The starting assumption is that while in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the notion of the national theatre was regarded as a means for the integration of a nation or even an empire in most Western-European countries, in Eastern-Europe, the debates on and later the realization of the national theatres took place within the context of and against oppressive imperiums. In Eastern Europe, the realization of National Theatre was utilised for representing a unified nation in a virtual way, and its role was to maintain national identity and national culture. In present day Scotland, however, the notion of the national theatre has changed again as the National Theatre is used to represent a diverse and multicultural Scotland.

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Factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS 2.0) in 15 nations . UK : Meyer & Meyer Sports . Dénes , F. ( 2015 ): Sportközgazdaságtan [Economics of Sport

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1 Introduction When in August 1946 the Assembly of the League of Nations decided to terminate the existence of the organization and to transfer its services and properties to the newly founded United Nations

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“There is no nation without history, there is no family without a family tree”

On Sibe ethnic nationalist aspirations through the example of a “family tree unification” story

Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Ildikó Gyöngyvér Sárközi

The 1949 rise to power of the Chinese Communist Party (Zhongguo Gongchandang 中国共产党)1 was the beginning of a new era in China: the declaration of the People’s Republic of China (Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo 中华人民共和国) was the first step on the “socialist road” leading to the creation of the long-coveted Chinese national unity. However, progress on the “socialist road” has posed many challenges for the ethnic minorities living within China’s borders. Mostly because melting into the Chinese national unity – paradoxically – became a symbol of the autonomy of ethnic minorities. In the spirit of this process, the ethnic nationalist aspirations of the Sibe (Chin. xibo zu 锡伯族; Sib. sibe uksura ᠰᡞᠪᡝ ᡠᡣᠰᡠᠷᠠ), the ethnic minority I studied, unfolded alongside the writing of Chinese national history. In my work, I follow these endeavors from the 1950s until recent times. At the center is a story that is seemingly about the knowledge base of Sibe ancestors, the family trees, and beyond that, about the “reunification” of a clan that was torn apart in 1764 by thousands of miles. But, in fact, it formulates much more than that: the idea of political martyrdom by the Sibe in the interest of creating the Chinese national unity. It is through this story that I wish to provide an insight into how Chinese national unity was created.

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“formerly colonial nation” with respect to Great Britain, the process of decolonization is far from complete for the indigenous peoples living in Canada. In 2003, the National Gallery of Canada rehang its collection of historical Canadian art in order to

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Ottaway, M. (2002): Nation-building. Foreign Policy Sep/Oct 2002: 16–22. Sereda, V. (2002): Regional Historical Identities in Ukraine: Case Study of Lviv and Donetsk Available: http

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Az elemzés a hatékony kisebbségvédelem számára jelenkorunkban megnyíló lehetőségeket tárja fel. Első részében a nemzetállamok klasszikus és modern elméleteiből kiindulva mutatja be a választható kisebbségvédelmi rendszereket, majd górcső alá veszi a nemzetállami szint alatt, felett, illetve mellett jelentkező olyan entitásokat, amelyek megváltoztatják az államok klasszikus szuverenitását, és a kisebbségek helyzetének jövőbeni alakulása szempontjából is jelentős szerepet játszhatnak. A tanulmány végkövetkeztetése, hogy bár a posztszuverenitással elérkezett korszak számos lehetőséget kínál, akár a nemzeti alapon szerveződő állam teljes újragondolására is, azonban azt felváltó, a nemzeti kisebbségek számára üdvözítőbb megoldást hordozó, megfelelően kidolgozott társadalomszervező erőt, elméletet egyelőre nem képes felmutatni.

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of my people, and it will forever shine; | It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation. | Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent! | Smile upon my heroic nation! Why the anger, why the rage? | Our blood which we shed for you shall not

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Culture ,” In: Nations and Nationalism , Vol. 12 , No. 4 , pp. 569 – 570 . Leerssen , Joep . 2013 . “ Notes towards a Definition of Romantic Nationalism ” In: Romantik

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