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Nemzetbiztonsági felsőoktatási modellek - válogatott nemzetközi példák

Models of national security university education – Selected international examples

Scientia et Securitas
Imre Dobák

References 1 Best National Security Policy Studies Degree Colleges in the U.S. 2022.

Open access

Nuclear Techniques in National Security Studies on Contraband Detection

IEC-based neutron generator for security inspection system

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
G. H. Miley
L. Wu
, and
H. J. Kim


The Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) is authorized by the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan to coordinate all off-site radiological response assistance to state and local governments, in the event of a major radiological emergency in the United States. The FRMAC is established by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, to coordinate all Federal assets involved in conducting a comprehensive program of radiological environmental monitoring, sampling, radioanalysis, quality assurance, and dose assessment. During an emergency response, the initial analytical data is provided by portable field instrumentation. As incident responders scale up their response based on the seriousness of the incident, local analytical assets and mobile laboratories add additional capability and capacity. During the intermediate phase of the response, data quality objectives and measurement quality objectives are more rigorous. These higher objectives will require the use of larger laboratories, with greater capacity and enhanced capabilities. These labs may be geographically distant from the incident, which will increase sample management challenges. This paper addresses emergency radioanalytical capability and capacity and its utilization during FRMAC operations.

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By making modifications to our previously established measurement setup, we increased our abundance sensitivity for 233U by three orders of magnitude and can now measure 233U/238U ratios as low as 10−13. Because 233U has separate production pathways than 236U, it can provide valuable information on the particular source of anthropogenic uranium in a sample. We demonstrated the utility of our improved capability by using 233U to distinguish separate sources of anthropogenic uranium in a set of samples collected from a contaminated site. In the future, we plan to apply our new capability to characterizing 233U in a wide range of uranium materials.

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Political liberalisation in Jordan was launched as a regime survival strategy in 1989 by the late King Hussein. In spite of his efforts, 18 years later the Jordanian monarchy is considered as a semi-authoritarian system. This article explores the prospects for further political liberalisation under King Abdullah II, whose vision on the development of Jordan is full of enthusiasm. The author argues that Jordan is one of the most-advanced countries in the region in terms of political reform, but it has performed poorly in comparison to other developing states. King Abdullah promotes the “Jordan model” in order to win the support of the international audience: Western-oriented foreign policy, economic liberalisation allowing multinational companies to invest in Jordan, launching the Ministry of Political Development, and holding general elections in 2003. Political developments in Jordan echoed with the so-called “developmental state” paradigm, prioritising economic reform first, while postponing political transformation. National elections are expected to be held at the end of this year under a controversial election law. The recently passed political parties law is a proof of a de-liberalising monarchy, which is trying to preserve the loyalty of independent candidates, while marginalising the role of political parties. This paper deals with the external and the internal factors of political liberalisation in Jordan.

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A mesterséges intelligencia belügyi és biztonsági célú alkalmazása

The application of AI related solutions for security purposes and concerning internal affairs

Scientia et Securitas
Dániel Necz

Összefoglalás. A tanulmány célja a mesterséges intelligencia (MI) belügyi és biztonsági célú alkalmazásának bemutatása, különös figyelemmel az arcfelismerő rendszerek és egyéb MI alapú megoldások rendvédelmi, nemzetbiztonsági, valamint önkormányzati és vízgazdálkodási területen való alkalmazásának lehetőségeire, adatvédelmi és kibervédelmi szempontjaira. A tanulmány ennek kapcsán mind az irányadó magyar és európai uniós előírásokat és célkitűzéseket, mind az MI-re irányadó hatósági gyakorlatot számba veszi és ismerteti, valamint ezek tanulságait összefoglalja és kiértékeli az egyes MI alapú megoldások sajátosságainak figyelembevételével.

Summary. The purpose of the study is to take a closer look on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) concerning internal affairs and for security purposes, with a key focus on facial recognition systems and other solutions used by law enforcement and national security agencies to answer new challenges posed by cybercrime and criminal networks spreading through the cyberspace. In the light of the above, the study further takes into account the risks associated with the usage of AI solutions concerning internal affairs and for security purposes and tries to find possible measures to minimize them.

Bearing this in mind, the study highlights the key relevant Hungarian and European Union requirements and goals, including the approach of the European Union concerning biometric identification and the Hungarian AI Strategy’s vision on the usage of AI based solutions for administrative, law enforcement, defense and military national security purposes.

The study further analyzes the practical aspects of the usage of AI solutions by law enforcement agencies and the key aspects of facial recognition systems and other similar solutions. This includes the territory affected by the system, the period of monitoring, the human revision of the results presented by the algorithms, as well as data security minimum requirements and the rights of data subjects affected by AI solutions (e.g. sufficient information provided on the processing of their data in accordance with the national and public interests related to the usage of AI solutions).

In addition to the above, the study further discusses the use of AI solutions by national security agencies, including the aspects of monitoring dark web activities conducted by criminal and terrorist organizations and ways for national agencies to intercept messages and gather evidence by new solutions in line with data protection and constitutional requirements.

Finally, the study helps us understand, how AI based solutions can be used for facilitating everyday work of local governments (with a key focus on chatbot services and self-service opportunities) and for solving water management related tasks more efficiently, thus creating a more modern administration, where citizens can easily interact with administrative bodies and technical or simpler tasks are undertaken by algorithms.

All in all, the study outlines how AI is currently used concerning internal affairs and for security purposes and how it can be used to help law enforcement and national security agencies fight new forms of crime empowered by technology or to further modernize local governments and water management systems and apply AI based solutions in accordance with data protection requirements and procedural laws.

Open access

Kiberbiztonság a koronavírus idején – a COVID–19 nemzetbiztonsági aspektusai

Cyber Security in the Time of the Coronavirus – National Security Aspects of COVID-19

Scientia et Securitas
Tamás Palicz
Balázs Bencsik
, and
Miklós Szócska

national security . [Letöltve: 2021. 04. 22.] 24

Open access

The main aim of this paper is to present the concept of fault-injection backdoors in Random Number Generators. Backdoors can be activated by fault-injection techniques. Presented algorithms can be used in embedded systems like smart-cards and hardware security modules in order to implement subliminal channels in random number generators.

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A honi katonai büntetőjog és a végrehajtás karaktere a két világháború között

The character of military criminal law and enforcement in Hungary between the two world wars

Scientia et Securitas
József Pallo


A szerző a két világháború közötti magyar katonai büntetőjog meghatározó jelentőségű törvényét és az ehhez kapcsolódó speciális végrehajtási kérdéseket állítja a középpontba. Az 1931-ben született jogszabály sajátos történelmi és történeti időszakban született meg, hiszen a trianoni békediktátum szinte a teljes ellehetetlenülés határára sodorta Magyarországot. Vitathatatlan, hogy az ezt követő közel egy évtizedig tartó konszolidációs folyamat és annak sikere a XX. századi magyar politikatörténet egy kiemelkedően sikeres időszakaként azonosítható. A történelmi kényszer és Magyarország nemzetbiztonsága minden tiltás ellenére megkövetelte a honi haderő életben tartását, amelynek részeként a speciális jogi környezetet is korszerűsíteni kellett. Az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia idejéből származó normarendszer revízió alá került, és minden szempontból az európai mércéket is meghaladó szabályozás született. Ezeket az anyagi jogi és végrehajtási normákat járja körül a tanulmány, érintve e legfontosabb dogmatikai csomópontokat. Rövid történeti kitekintés után bemutatjuk a katonákra vonatkozó büntetési rendszert, majd a végrehajtásra vonatkozó azon regulák számbavételére kerül sor, amelyből a korabeli katonai büntetőjogi és végrehajtási filozófia jól érzékelhetővé válik. Ennek megfelelően megjelennek többek között az infrastruktúrára, a személyzetre, az elhelyezési körülményekre, a fogvatartottak jogi helyzetére vonatkozó, vagy az intézet szélesebb körben értelmezett biztonságára vonatkozó rendelkezések. A tanulmány végén a jelenleg hatályos megoldás főbb elemeinek esszenciális bemutatása valósul meg, és elvi síkon megfogalmazódik a jövőre vonatkozó nemzetbiztonsági szempontokat is megjelenítő lehetséges irány is.


The author focuses on the decisive law of the Hungarian military criminal law between the two World wars, which has been relatively understudied so far, and on its specific implementation issues. The legislation born in 1931 came at a particularly historic time, as the Treaty of Trianon put Hungary almost on the edge of total impossibility. It is indisputable that the process of consolidation for nearly a decade and its success can be identified as an outstandingly successful period in the 20th-century Hungarian political history. Despite all prohibitions, the historic necessity and the national security of Hungary demanded the survival of the national armed force, which required the modernization of the special legal environment. The system of standards from the period of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy was revised and the legislation also exceeded the European standards in all aspects. These financial, legal, and execution standards are discussed in this paper, touching upon these key doctrinal points. After a brief historic overview, the punishment system for soldiers is presented, followed by the enumeration of the rules of execution, from which the philosophy of the time of the military penal and execution is framed well. These include the provisions on infrastructure, staff, accommodation conditions, the legal status of the detainees, or the security of the institution in a broader sense. The paper concludes with an essential presentation of the main elements of the current solution and a possible way for the future is formulated.

Open access


In view of the terrorist threats to the United States, the country needs to consider new vectors and weapons related to nuclear and radiological threats against our homeland. The traditional threat vectors, missiles and bombers, have expanded to include threats arriving through the flow of commerce. The new commerce-related vectors include: sea cargo, truck cargo, rail cargo, air cargo, and passenger transport. The types of weapons have also expanded beyond nuclear warheads to include radiation dispersal devices (RDD) or “dirty' bombs. The consequences of these nuclear and radiological threats are both economic and life threatening. The defense against undesirable materials entering our borders involves extensive radiation monitoring at ports of entry. The radiation and other signatures of potential nuclear and radiological threats are examined along with potential sensors to discover undesirable items in the flow of commerce. Techniques to improve radiation detection are considered. A strategy of primary and secondary screening is proposed to rapidly clear most cargo and carefully examine suspect cargo.

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
M. Douglas
J. Friese
G. Warren
P. Bachelor
O. Farmer
A. Choiniere
S. Schulte
, and
C. Aalseth


A project has been undertaken at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to tailor a series of efficient chemical separations to allow the rapid quantification of gamma-ray emitting isotopes in mixed fission product (MFP) samples. In support of that goal, modeling of singles and coincident gamma-ray spectra that would result from various chemical separation strategies has been performed. These simulated spectra have identified likely instances of spectral interference and have provided an estimate of the time window available for the detection of radionuclides following various chemical separation schemes. A description of results to date is presented here, demonstrating the utility of this approach for improved processing and analysis of fission product samples.

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