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, 2001 ; Smythies, 1953 ). Noted intellectuals have discussed some of these questions ( Huxley, 1954/2009 ), in some cases even in the pages of philosophy journals ( Smith, 1964 ). However, only in the second decade of the twenty-first century have
Hauskeller , Christine & Sjöstedt-Hughes , Peter ( 2022 ). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience . Bloomsbury Publishing . (274 pages) Introduction How might philosophy begin to comprehend the exceptional
A közelmúlt építészeti gondolkodásában fontos helyet foglal el az a – nevezzük így – fenomenológiai irányzat, amely az egzisztenciálfilozófia hatására a megélt tapasztalatot állítja a figyelem középpontjába. Kevéssé ismert azonban, hogy ezek a gondolatok nem a nyolcvanas években merültek föl először, és nem a posztmodernnel, illetve a dekonstrukció autonóm építészet fogalmával való szembenállásként fogalmazódtak meg, hanem az internacionális modern ellenében, közvetlenül a második világháború után. Az előadás az anyaghoz fűződő viszony megváltozását vizsgálja az ötvenes-hatvanas évek építészetében, Alison és Peter Smithson példáján, különös tekintettel arra, milyen szerepet játszott a filozófia ebben a változásban. Olyan kérdésekre keres választ, hogy az anyagi minőség felértékelődése valóban csak a hagyományos, természetes anyagokra vonatkozott-e, vagy kiterjedhetett a technikai értelemben korszerű építőanyagokra is. Nosztalgiáról, egyfajta konzervativizmusról van itt szó vagy a modernitás másfajta, alternatív felfogásáról? Ezzel szoros összefüggésben: mennyire korhoz kötött gondolatok ezek, és van-e aktualitása ma az efféle magatartásnak?
Down through the ages different philosophers, whatever their other disagreements, have insisted that the philosophic life is the best human life. As philosophers, they equate happiness with wisdom, the comprehensive account of the whole of reality in light of its first principles and causes. In his Expositio super librum Boethii de trinitate, Thomas Aquinas denies this teaching. He asserts, rather, that philosophy can know with absolute certainty that it cannot attain such wisdom and thus that it cannot be the best life. More precisely, Thomas argues that the limited abstracting power of the agent intellect precludes in principle the very possibility of a quod est knowledge of the First Principle of the whole; human beings must resign themselves to a mere quia knowledge of it at best. On the other hand, the philosophers are right to identify happiness with wisdom; but the very impossibility of attaining that wisdom negates the claims that philosophy provides the best and happy life. Thomas, in short, turns the philosophers own arguments against themselves. He discovers the roots of the philosophers erroneous account of the best life in their now disproved assumption that the human mind is commensurate with reality itself.
Humanism and Theology in Renaissance Florence
Four Examples (Caroli, Savonarola, Ficino, and Pico)
The argument in this article is that we should not make clear-cut distinctions between humanism and philosophy or theology, and between the humanists and their contemporary scholastic theologians and philosophers, in the Florentine context of the second half of the fifteenth century. The relations between these two groups were complicated and included, beyond obvious differences, also mutual influences, not always discussed in detail among modern scholars. Starting from the known controversy between Eugenio Garin and Paul Oskar Kristeller regarding the nature of the humanist movement and its relations with philosophy, I then move-on to present four examples: the first two deal with "scholastic" theologians and preachers, the Dominicans Giovanni Caroli and Girolamo Savonarola, in whom I emphasize the humanist bias; the last two deal with humanist philosophers, Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, in whom I emphasize the importance of religion and theology for the understanding of their philosophy.
Nosology of behavioral addictions: Intersections with philosophy of psychiatry •
Commentary to the debate: “Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”
aspects of these debates that have particular relevance to behavioral addictions. How best to define mental disorders? The questions of “what is a disease?” and “what is a mental disorder?” lie at the heart of philosophy of
The article emphasizes the various characters of legal phenomena, which are discoverable just from different aspects. The article approaches the problem of multidisciplinarity on the basis of some considerations of a concrete research. After that, it introduces the necessity of multidisciplinary tendencies as indirect consequences of Western analytical thinking. It outlines that evolution of legal philosophy results in a special plurality within jurisprudence. The article attempts to sketch the structure of multidisciplinary legal inquiry.
, Cs.: Philosophy of Law in Central and Eastern Europe: A Sketch of History. Acta Juridica Hungarica , 41 (2000), 17–25. 2 Varga Cs. Philosophy of Law in Central and Eastern Europe
The evidence for a philosophical project assignment for the mathematical sciences in the Academy can be traced back to the generation after Plato, and as such it is the result of philosophical reflection on the intellectual enterprise pursued at the Academy. This is then contrasted with the histories of the mathematical sciences compiled in Aristotle's school, which acknowledged the methodological and ontological independence of these disciplines.
Analogy was a basic means of the interpretation of reality in late antique schools of philosophy, and among them in the Stoic philosophy, too. It was, at the same time, also a heuristic and didactic method. It played an important role in the philosophers’ activity of explaining the world, and in schoolbooks, like that of Cornutus, in giving a world-view. The analogical method served as a basis for the wellknown etymological explanations, too, and etymological explanation in turn played an important role in discovering the basic knowledge of the world, and in later times, it received a rhetoric justification among the common places of rhetoric. In this way it became part of rhetoric argumentation.