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Ninety-nine wheat cultivars from six different agro-climatic zones of India were analyzed for the Vrn-1, Vrn-2, Vrn-B3, Vrn-4 and Ppd-D1 composition with DNA sequenced based allele specific or linked markers for the above-mentioned genes. A majority of the germplasm carried the dominant Vrn-A1a allele alone or in combination with Vrn-B1 and Vrn-D1. The three dominant genes were cumulatively present in 30 cultivars among all the zones, whereas double dominant combination, Vrn- A1/Vrn-B1 was identified in 18 cultivars, Vrn-A1/Vrn-D1 in 6 cvs and Vrn-B1/Vrn-D1 in 16 cvs. The combination of the dominant alleles of all three genes was most frequent in cvs of Northern Western Plains Zone. Northern Hill Zone had vrn-B1 and vrn-D1 alleles in higher proportions compared to the dominant alleles Vrn-B1 and Vrn-D1 indicating successful spring/winter wheat cross breeding. All of the cvs had the recessive Vrn-B3 allele. Most of the cvs had photoperiod insensitive allele in all the zones and only 9% cvs possessed the photoperiod sensitive allele (b) of the Ppd-D1 gene. This information will be useful in selecting parental lines for crossing to maximize diversity at these loci and for future molecular marker assisted breeding for cultivar improvement.

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359 369 Worland, A.J., Börner, A., Korzun, V., Li, M.W., Petrovic S., Sayers, E.J. 1998. The influence of photoperiod genes on the adaptability of European winter wheat

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The effects of alien substitutions of chromosomes on the heading time of ditelosomic (DT) wheat–barley substitution lines in which the chromosome 7HLmar from Hordeum marinum ssp. gussoneanum 4x replaced the chromosomes 7A, 7B and 7D of common wheat were studied. The plants were grown under short and long day illumination in greenhouse and in the field. The lines studied were found to differ in response to the length of the day. Under short day conditions, DT7HLmar(7B) and DT7HLmar(7A) showed an increase in the period before heading. In this case, the substitution effect of chromosome 7B was more significant than the effect of chromosome 7A. Under these conditions, the substitution of chromosome 7D did not have a significant effect on the heading time. Under long day conditions in the greenhouse and under natural conditions of a long day in the Novosibirsk region, substitution lines came into ear earlier than under a short day conditions and did not differ in the heading time. Allele-specific primers established the allelic composition of the genes Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1 and Vrn-B3 in ditelosomic lines. It was shown that the two DT7HLmar(7A) and DT7HLmar(7D) lines have the same genotype -VRN-A1b/VRN-B1c/vrn-D1/ vrn-B3 and that the DT7HLmar(7B) line has the genotype -VRN-A1a/VRN-B1c/vrn-D1. The results show that regardless of the genotype for the Vrn genes, the wheat-barley substitution lines react to the change in the photoperiod, especially in the absence of chromosomes 7B and 7A.

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38 45 59 Worland, A.J., Börner, A., Korzun, V., Li, W.M., Petrovic, S., Sayers, E.J. 1998. The influence of photoperiod genes to the adaptability of

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Worland, A.J., Börner, A., Korzun, V., Li, W.M., Petrovic, S., Sayers, E.J. 1998a. The influence of photoperiod genes on the adaptability of European winter wheat. Euphytica 100 :385–394. Sayers E

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49 57 Worland, A.J., Börner, A., Korzun, V., Li, W.M., Petrovíc, S., Sayers, E.J. 1998. The influence of photoperiod genes on the adaptability of European winter wheats

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. Zhang , Z.H. , Zhang , X.K. , Sun , D.J. , Wang , X.D. , Fu , X.J. 2009 . Distribution of vernalization and photoperiod genes in Shaanxi wheat cultivars . J. Triticeae Crops 3 : 401 – 408 . (In Chinese with English abstract)

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